
class lsst.afw.display.Display(frame=None, backend=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Create an object able to display images and overplot glyphs


An identifier for the display

backend : str

The backend to use (defaults to value set by setDefaultBackend())


Arguments to pass to the backend


Arguments to pass to the backend

Attributes Summary

verbose The backend’s verbosity

Methods Summary

Buffering() Return a class intended to be used with python’s with statement
delAllDisplays() Delete and close all known displays
dot(symb, c, r[, size, ctype, origin]) Draw a symbol onto the specified display frame
erase() Erase the specified display frame
flush() Flush the buffers
getActiveCallbackKeys([onlyActive]) Return all callback keys
getDefaultFrame() Get the default frame for display
getDisplay([frame, backend, create, verbose]) Return a specific Display, creating it if need be
getMaskPlaneColor([name]) Return the color associated with the specified mask plane name
getMaskTransparency([name]) Return the current display’s mask transparency
incrDefaultFrame() Increment the default frame for display
interact() Enter an interactive loop, listening for key presses in display and firing callbacks.
line(points[, origin, symbs, ctype, size]) Draw a set of symbols or connect points
maskColorGenerator([omitBW]) A generator for “standard” colors
mtv(data[, title, wcs]) Display an Image or Mask on a display
pan([colc, rowc, origin]) Pan to a location
scale(algorithm, min[, max, unit]) Set the range of the scaling from DN in the image to the image display
setCallback(k[, func, noRaise]) Set the callback for a key
setDefaultFrame([frame]) Set the default frame for display
setDefaultImageColormap(cmap) Set the default colormap for images
setDefaultMaskPlaneColor([name, color]) Set the default mapping from mask plane names to colors
setImageColormap(cmap) Set the colormap to use for images
setMaskPlaneColor(name[, color]) Request that mask plane name be displayed as color
setMaskTransparency([transparency, name]) Specify display’s mask transparency (percent); or None to not set it when loading masks
show() Uniconify and Raise display.
zoom([zoomfac, colc, rowc, origin]) Zoom frame by specified amount, optionally panning also

Attributes Documentation


The backend’s verbosity

Methods Documentation


Return a class intended to be used with python’s with statement


with display.Buffering():
    display.dot("+", xc, yc)
static delAllDisplays()

Delete and close all known displays

dot(symb, c, r, size=2, ctype=None, origin=<ImageOrigin.PARENT: 0>, *args, **kwargs)

Draw a symbol onto the specified display frame


Possible values are:


Draw a +


Draw an x


Draw a *


Draw a circle


Draw an ellipse with moments (Mxx, Mxy, Myy) (argument size is ignored)


Draw the ellipse (argument size is ignored). N.b. objects derived from BaseCore include Axes and Quadrupole.

Any other value

Interpreted as a string to be drawn.

c, r

The column and row where the symbol is drawn [0-based coordinates]

size : int

Size of symbol, in pixels

ctype : str

The desired color, either e.g. lsst.afw.display.RED or a color name known to X11

origin : lsst.afw.image.ImageOrigin

Coordinate system for the given positions.


Extra arguments to backend


Extra keyword arguments to backend


Erase the specified display frame


Flush the buffers


Return all callback keys

onlyActive : bool

If True only return keys that do something

static getDefaultBackend()
static getDefaultFrame()

Get the default frame for display

static getDisplay(frame=None, backend=None, create=True, verbose=False, *args, **kwargs)

Return a specific Display, creating it if need be


The desired frame (None => use defaultFrame (see setDefaultFrame))

backend : str

create the specified frame using this backend (or the default if None) if it doesn’t already exist. If backend == "", it’s an error to specify a non-existent frame.

create : bool

create the display if it doesn’t already exist.

verbose : bool

Allow backend to be chatty


arguments passed to Display constructor


keyword arguments passed to Display constructor


Return the color associated with the specified mask plane name

name : str

Desired mask plane; if None, return entire dict


Return the current display’s mask transparency

static incrDefaultFrame()

Increment the default frame for display


Enter an interactive loop, listening for key presses in display and firing callbacks.

Exit with q, CR, ESC, or any other callback function that returns a True value.

line(points, origin=<ImageOrigin.PARENT: 0>, symbs=False, ctype=None, size=0.5)

Draw a set of symbols or connect points

points : list

a list of (col, row)

origin : lsst.afw.image.ImageOrigin

Coordinate system for the given positions.

symbs : bool or sequence

If symbs is True, draw points at the specified points using the desired symbol, otherwise connect the dots.

If symbs supports indexing (which includes a string – caveat emptor) the elements are used to label the points

ctype : str

ctype is the name of a color (e.g. ‘red’)

size : float

A generator for “standard” colors

omitBW : bool

Don’t include BLACK and WHITE


colorGenerator = interface.maskColorGenerator(omitBW=True)
for p in planeList:
    print p, next(colorGenerator)
mtv(data, title='', wcs=None)

Display an Image or Mask on a display


Historical note: the name “mtv” comes from Jim Gunn’s forth imageprocessing system, Mirella (named after Mirella Freni); The “m” stands for Mirella.

pan(colc=None, rowc=None, origin=<ImageOrigin.PARENT: 0>)

Pan to a location

colc, rowc

the coordinates to pan to

origin : lsst.afw.image.ImageOrigin

Coordinate system for the given positions.

See also

scale(algorithm, min, max=None, unit=None, *args, **kwargs)

Set the range of the scaling from DN in the image to the image display

algorithm : str

Desired scaling (e.g. “linear” or “asinh”)


Minimum value, or “minmax” or “zscale”


Maximum value (must be None for minmax|zscale)


Units for min and max (e.g. Percent, Absolute, Sigma; None if min==minmax|zscale)


Optional arguments to the backend


Optional keyword arguments to the backend

setCallback(k, func=None, noRaise=False)

Set the callback for a key


The key to assign the callback to

func : callable

The callback assigned to k

noRaise : bool
oldFunc : callable

The callback previously assigned to k.

static setDefaultBackend(backend)
static setDefaultFrame(frame=0)

Set the default frame for display

static setDefaultImageColormap(cmap)

Set the default colormap for images

cmap : str

Name of colormap, as interpreted by the backend


The only colormaps that all backends are required to honor (if they pay any attention to setImageColormap) are “gray” and “grey”

static setDefaultMaskPlaneColor(name=None, color=None)

Set the default mapping from mask plane names to colors

name : str or dict

name of mask plane, or a dict mapping names to colors If name is None, use the hard-coded default dictionary


Desired color, or None if name is a dict

static setDefaultMaskTransparency(maskPlaneTransparency={})

Set the colormap to use for images

cmap : str

Name of colormap, as interpreted by the backend


The only colormaps that all backends are required to honor (if they pay any attention to setImageColormap) are “gray” and “grey”

setMaskPlaneColor(name, color=None)

Request that mask plane name be displayed as color

name : str or dict

Name of mask plane or a dictionary of name -> colorName

color : str

The name of the color to use (must be None if name is a dict)

Colors may be specified as any X11-compliant string (e.g. "orchid"), or by one of the following constants in lsst.afw.display : BLACK, WHITE, RED, BLUE, GREEN, CYAN, MAGENTA, YELLOW.

If the color is “ignore” (or IGNORE) then that mask plane is not displayed

The advantage of using the symbolic names is that the python interpreter can detect typos.

setMaskTransparency(transparency=None, name=None)

Specify display’s mask transparency (percent); or None to not set it when loading masks


Uniconify and Raise display.


Throws an exception if frame doesn’t exit

zoom(zoomfac=None, colc=None, rowc=None, origin=<ImageOrigin.PARENT: 0>)

Zoom frame by specified amount, optionally panning also