
class lsst.ap.verify.Dataset(datasetId)

Bases: object

A dataset supported by ap_verify.

Any object of this class is guaranteed to represent a ready-for-use ap_verify dataset, barring concurrent changes to the file system or EUPS operations. Constructing a Dataset does not create a compatible output repository(ies), which can be done by calling makeCompatibleRepo.

datasetId : str

The name of the dataset package. A tag identifying the dataset is also accepted, but this usage is deprecated.


Raised if datasetId exists, but is not correctly organized or incomplete


Raised if datasetId could not be loaded.

Attributes Summary

configLocation The directory containing configs that can be used to process the data (str, read-only).
datasetRoot The parent directory containing everything related to the ap_verify dataset (str, read-only).
instrument The Gen 3 instrument associated with this data (lsst.obs.base.Instrument, read-only).
pipelineLocation The directory containing pipelines that can be used to process the data in Gen 3 (str, read-only).
rawLocation The directory containing the “raw” input data (str, read-only).

Methods Summary

makeCompatibleRepoGen3(repoDir) Set up a directory as a Gen 3 repository compatible with this ap_verify dataset.

Attributes Documentation


The directory containing configs that can be used to process the data (str, read-only).


The parent directory containing everything related to the ap_verify dataset (str, read-only).


The Gen 3 instrument associated with this data (lsst.obs.base.Instrument, read-only).


The directory containing pipelines that can be used to process the data in Gen 3 (str, read-only).


The directory containing the “raw” input data (str, read-only).

Methods Documentation


Set up a directory as a Gen 3 repository compatible with this ap_verify dataset.

If the repository already exists, this call has no effect.

repoDir : str

The directory where the output repository will be created.