
class lsst.ap.verify.WorkspaceGen3(location)

Bases: lsst.ap.verify.Workspace

A directory used by ap_verify to handle data.

Any object of this class represents a working directory containing subdirectories for a repository and for non-repository files. Constructing a WorkspaceGen3 does not initialize its repository, as this requires external information.

location : str

The location on disk where the workspace will be set up. Will be created if it does not already exist.


Raised if location is not readable or not writeable

Attributes Summary

alertLocation The absolute location of an output directory for persisted alert packets (str, read-only).
analysisButler A Butler that can read from a Gen 3 repository with outputs (lsst.daf.butler.Butler, read-only).
configDir The absolute location of a directory containing custom Task config files for use with the data (str, read-only).
dbLocation The default absolute location of the source association database to be created or updated by the pipeline (str, read-only).
pipelineDir The absolute location of a directory containing custom pipeline files for use with the data (str, read-only).
repo The absolute path/URI to a Butler repo for AP pipeline processing (str, read-only).
workButler A Butler that can read and write to a Gen 3 repository (lsst.daf.butler.Butler, read-only).
workDir The absolute location of the workspace as a whole (str, read-only).

Methods Summary

mkdir(directory) Create a directory for the workspace.

Attributes Documentation


The absolute location of an output directory for persisted alert packets (str, read-only).


A Butler that can read from a Gen 3 repository with outputs (lsst.daf.butler.Butler, read-only).


Assumes repo has been initialized.


The absolute location of a directory containing custom Task config files for use with the data (str, read-only).


The default absolute location of the source association database to be created or updated by the pipeline (str, read-only).

Shall be a pathname to a database suitable for the backend of Apdb.


The absolute location of a directory containing custom pipeline files for use with the data (str, read-only).


The absolute path/URI to a Butler repo for AP pipeline processing (str, read-only).


A Butler that can read and write to a Gen 3 repository (lsst.daf.butler.Butler, read-only).


Assumes repo has been initialized.


The absolute location of the workspace as a whole (str, read-only).

Methods Documentation

static mkdir(directory)

Create a directory for the workspace.

This method is intended to be called only by subclasses, and should not be used by external code.

directory : str

The directory to create.