
class lsst.daf.butler.LookupKey(name: Optional[str] = None, dimensions: Optional[Iterable[Union[str, Dimension]]] = None, dataId: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, *, universe: Optional[DimensionUniverse] = None)

Bases: object

Representation of key that can be used to lookup information.

Look up is based on dataset type name, storage class name, dimensions.

name : str, optional

Primary index string for lookup. If this string looks like it represents dimensions (via dim1+dim2+dim3 syntax) the name is converted to a DimensionGraph and stored in dimensions property.

dimensions : DimensionGraph, optional

Dimensions that are relevant for lookup. Should not be specified if name is also specified.

dataId : dict, optional

Keys and values from a dataId that should control lookups.

universe : DimensionUniverse, optional

Set of all known dimensions, used to expand and validate name or dimensions. Required if the key represents dimensions and a full DimensionGraph is not provided.

Attributes Summary

dataId Return dict of keys/values that are important for dataId lookup.
dimensions Dimensions associated with lookup (DimensionGraph).
name Primary name string to use as lookup (str).

Methods Summary

clone(name, None] = None, dimensions, …) Clone the object, overriding some options.

Attributes Documentation


Return dict of keys/values that are important for dataId lookup.

(dict or None)


Dimensions associated with lookup (DimensionGraph).


Primary name string to use as lookup (str).

Methods Documentation

clone(name: Optional[str, None] = None, dimensions: Optional[lsst.daf.butler.core.dimensions._graph.DimensionGraph, None] = None, dataId: Optional[Dict[str, Any], None] = None) → lsst.daf.butler.core.configSupport.LookupKey

Clone the object, overriding some options.

Used to create a new instance of the object whilst updating some of it.

name : str, optional

Primary index string for lookup. Will override dimensions if dimensions are set.

dimensions : DimensionGraph, optional

Dimensions that are relevant for lookup. Will override name if name is already set.

dataId : dict, optional

Keys and values from a dataId that should control lookups.

clone : LookupKey

Copy with updates.