
class lsst.daf.butler.YamlRepoExportBackend(stream: IO, universe: lsst.daf.butler.core.dimensions._universe.DimensionUniverse)

Bases: lsst.daf.butler.transfers._interfaces.RepoExportBackend

A repository export implementation that saves to a YAML file.


A writeable file-like object.

Methods Summary

finish() Complete the export process.
saveCollection(record, doc, None]) Export a collection.
saveDatasetAssociations(collection, …) Export the dataset-collection associations for a single collection.
saveDatasets(datasetType, run, *datasets) Export one or more datasets, including their associated DatasetType and run information (but not including associated dimension information).
saveDimensionData(element, *data) Export one or more dimension element records.

Methods Documentation

finish() → None

Complete the export process.

saveCollection(record: lsst.daf.butler.registry.interfaces._collections.CollectionRecord, doc: Optional[str, None]) → None

Export a collection.

This only exports the collection’s own state, not its associations with datasets.

record: `CollectionRecord`

Object representing the collection to export.

doc : str or None

Documentation string for the collection.

saveDatasetAssociations(collection: str, collectionType: lsst.daf.butler.registry._collectionType.CollectionType, associations: Iterable[lsst.daf.butler.core.datasets.association.DatasetAssociation]) → None

Export the dataset-collection associations for a single collection.

collection : str

The name of the collection.

collectionType : CollectionType

The type of the collection; either CollectionType.TAGGED or CollectionType.CALIBRATION (as other collection types are exported in other ways).

associations : Iterable [ DatasetAssociation ]

Structs representing an association between this collection and this dataset.

saveDatasets(datasetType: lsst.daf.butler.core.datasets.type.DatasetType, run: str, *datasets) → None

Export one or more datasets, including their associated DatasetType and run information (but not including associated dimension information).

datasetType : DatasetType

Type of all datasets being exported with this call.

run : str

Run associated with all datasets being exported with this call.

datasets : FileDataset, variadic

Per-dataset information to be exported. FileDataset.formatter attributes should be strings, not Formatter instances or classes.

saveDimensionData(element: lsst.daf.butler.core.dimensions._elements.DimensionElement, *data) → None

Export one or more dimension element records.

element : DimensionElement

The DimensionElement whose elements are being exported.

data : DimensionRecord (variadic)

One or more records to export.