
class lsst.daf.butler.registry.interfaces.OpaqueTableStorage(name: str)

Bases: abc.ABC

An interface that manages the records associated with a particular opaque table in a Registry.

name : str

Name of the opaque table.

Methods Summary

delete(columns, *rows) Remove records from an opaque table.
fetch(**where) Retrieve records from an opaque table.
insert(*data, transaction) Insert records into the table

Methods Documentation

delete(columns: Iterable[str], *rows) → None

Remove records from an opaque table.

columns: `~collections.abc.Iterable` of `str`

The names of columns that will be used to constrain the rows to be deleted; these will be combined via AND to form the WHERE clause of the delete query.


Positional arguments are the keys of rows to be deleted, as dictionaries mapping column name to value. The keys in all dictionaries must be exactly the names in columns.

fetch(**where) → Iterator[dict]

Retrieve records from an opaque table.


Additional keyword arguments are interpreted as equality constraints that restrict the returned rows (combined with AND); keyword arguments are column names and values are the values they must have.

row : dict

A dictionary representing a single result row.

insert(*data, transaction: DatastoreTransaction | None = None) → None

Insert records into the table


Each additional positional argument is a dictionary that represents a single row to be added.

transaction : DatastoreTransaction, optional

Transaction object that can be used to enable an explicit rollback of the insert to be registered. Can be ignored if rollback is handled via a different mechanism, such as by a database. Can be None if no external transaction is available.