
class lsst.drp.tasks.update_visit_summary.PerTractInput(catalogs_by_tract: list)

Bases: lsst.drp.tasks.update_visit_summary.PossiblyMultipleInput

Wrapper class for input ExposureCatalog datasets that are per-tract.

This selects the best tract via the minimum average distance (on the sky) from the detector’s corners to the tract center.

Methods Summary

best_for_detector(detector_id, center, …) Return the exposure record for this detector that is the best match for this detector.
load(butler, …) Load and wrap input catalogs.

Methods Documentation

best_for_detector(detector_id: int, center: Optional[lsst.geom.SpherePoint, None] = None, bbox: Optional[lsst.geom.Box2I, None] = None) → tuple

Return the exposure record for this detector that is the best match for this detector.

detector_id : int

Detector ID; used to find the right row in the catalog or catalogs.

center : lsst.geom.SpherePoint or None

Center of the detector in sky coordinates. If not provided, one will be computed via compute_center_for_detector_record.

bbox : lsst.geom.Box2I, optional

Bounding box for the detector in its own pixel coordinates.

tract_id : int

ID of the tract that supplied this record, or -1 if record is None or if the input was not per-tract.

record : lsst.afw.table.ExposureRecord or None

Best record for this detector, or None if there either were no records for this detector or no WCS available to compute a center.

classmethod load(butler: lsst.pipe.base.butlerQuantumContext.ButlerQuantumContext | lsst.daf.butler._butler.Butler[lsst.pipe.base.butlerQuantumContext.ButlerQuantumContext, lsst.daf.butler._butler.Butler], sky_map: lsst.skymap.baseSkyMap.BaseSkyMap, refs:[lsst.daf.butler.core.datasets.ref.DatasetRef]) → lsst.drp.tasks.update_visit_summary.PerTractInput

Load and wrap input catalogs.

butler : lsst.pipe.base.ButlerQuantumContext

Butler proxy used in runQuantum.

sky_map : lsst.skymap.BaseSkyMap

Definition of tracts and patches.

refs : Iterable [lsst.daf.butler.DatasetRef]

References to the catalog datasets to load.

wrapper : PerTractInput

Wrapper object for the loaded catalogs.