
class lsst.meas.algorithms.CorrelationMatrix(array: numpy.ndarray)

Bases: object

A class holding correlation coefficients for a set of background pixels.

CorrelationMatrix is a dataclass that is initialized with a numpy ndarray and provides some convenience methods for accessing the matrix elements. A CorrelationMatrix instance is callable wth two integer values x and y, which returns the <I(m,n) I(m+x, n+y) / sqrt( V(m,n) V(m+x,n+y) )>, where I is the image, V is the variance plane and < > denotes the expectation operator.

array : numpy.ndarray

The matrix of correlation coefficients.

Attributes Summary

shape The shape of the correlation matrix.

Methods Summary

__call__(x, y) Call self as a function.

Attributes Documentation


The shape of the correlation matrix.

Methods Documentation

__call__(x: int, y: int) → float

Call self as a function.