
class lsst.meas.astrom.MatcherProbabilistic(config: lsst.meas.astrom.matcher_probabilistic.MatchProbabilisticConfig)

Bases: object

A probabilistic, greedy catalog matcher.

config: `MatchProbabilisticConfig`

A configuration instance.

Methods Summary

match(catalog_ref, catalog_target, …) Match catalogs.

Methods Documentation

match(catalog_ref: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, catalog_target: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, select_ref: numpy.array = None, select_target: numpy.array = None, logger: logging.Logger = None, logging_n_rows: int = None, **kwargs)

Match catalogs.

catalog_ref : pandas.DataFrame

A reference catalog to match in order of a given column (i.e. greedily).

catalog_target : pandas.DataFrame

A target catalog for matching sources from catalog_ref. Must contain measurements with errors.

select_ref : numpy.array

A boolean array of the same length as catalog_ref selecting the sources that can be matched.

select_target : numpy.array

A boolean array of the same length as catalog_target selecting the sources that can be matched.

logger : logging.Logger

A Logger for logging.

logging_n_rows : int

The number of sources to match before printing a log message.


Additional keyword arguments to pass to format_catalogs.

catalog_out_ref : pandas.DataFrame

A catalog of identical length to catalog_ref, containing match information for rows selected by select_ref (including the matching row index in catalog_target).

catalog_out_target : pandas.DataFrame

A catalog of identical length to catalog_target, containing the indices of matching rows in catalog_ref.

exceptions : dict [int, Exception]

A dictionary keyed by catalog_target row number of the first exception caught when matching.