
lsst.meas.deblender.apportionFlux(debResult, log, assignStrayFlux=True, strayFluxAssignment='r-to-peak', strayFluxToPointSources='necessary', clipStrayFluxFraction=0.001, getTemplateSum=False)

Apportion flux to all of the peak templates in each filter

Divide the maskedImage flux amongst all of the templates based on the fraction of flux assigned to each template. Leftover “stray flux” is assigned to peaks based on the other parameters.

debResult: `lsst.meas.deblender.baseline.DeblenderResult`

Container for the final deblender results.

log: `log.Log`

LSST logger for logging purposes.

assignStrayFlux: `bool`, optional

If True then flux in the parent footprint that is not covered by any of the template footprints is assigned to templates based on their 1/(1+r^2) distance. How the flux is apportioned is determined by strayFluxAssignment.

strayFluxAssignment: `string`, optional

Determines how stray flux is apportioned.

  • trim: Trim stray flux and do not include in any footprints
  • r-to-peak (default): Stray flux is assigned based on (1/(1+r^2) from the peaks
  • r-to-footprint: Stray flux is distributed to the footprints based on 1/(1+r^2) of the minimum distance from the stray flux to footprint
  • nearest-footprint: Stray flux is assigned to the footprint with lowest L-1 (Manhattan) distance to the stray flux
strayFluxToPointSources: `string`, optional

Determines how stray flux is apportioned to point sources

  • never: never apportion stray flux to point sources
  • necessary (default): point sources are included only if there are no extended sources nearby
  • always: point sources are always included in the 1/(1+r^2) splitting
clipStrayFluxFraction: `float`, optional

Minimum stray-flux portion. Any stray-flux portion less than clipStrayFluxFraction is clipped to zero.

getTemplateSum: `bool`, optional

As part of the flux calculation, the sum of the templates is calculated. If getTemplateSum==True then the sum of the templates is stored in the result (a DeblendedFootprint).

modified: bool

Apportion flux always modifies the templates, so modified is always True. However, this should likely be the final step and it is unlikely that any deblender plugins will be re-run.