
lsst.meas.extensions.scarlet.modelToHeavy(source, mExposure, blend, xy0=Point2I(0, 0), dtype=<class 'numpy.float32'>)

Convert a scarlet model to a MultibandFootprint.

source : scarlet.Source

The source to convert to a HeavyFootprint.

mExposure : lsst.image.MultibandExposure

The multiband exposure containing the image, mask, and variance data.

blend : scarlet.Blend

The Blend object that contains information about the observation, PSF, etc, used to convolve the scarlet model to the observed seeing in each band.

xy0 : lsst.geom.Point2I

(x,y) coordinates of the lower-left pixel of the entire blend.

dtype : numpy.dtype

The data type for the returned HeavyFootprint.

mHeavy : lsst.detection.MultibandFootprint

The multi-band footprint containing the model for the source.