
lsst.meas.extensions.scarlet.updateBlendRecords(blendData, catalog, modelPsf, observedPsf, redistributeImage, bandIndex, parentFootprint, updateFluxColumns)

Create footprints and update band-dependent columns in the catalog

blendData : ScarletBlendData

Persistable data for the entire blend.

catalog : lsst.afw.table.SourceCatalog

The catalog that is being updated.

modelPsf : numpy.ndarray

The 2D model of the PSF.

observedPsf : lsst.afw.detection.Psf

The observed PSF model for the catalog.

redistributeImage : lsst.afw.image.Image

The image that is the source for flux re-distribution. If redistributeImage is None then flux re-distribution is not performed.

bandIndex : int

The number of the band to extract.

parentFootprint : lsst.afw.Footprint

The footprint of the parent, used for masking out the model when re-distributing flux.

updateFluxColumns : bool

Whether or not to update the deblend_* columns in the catalog. This should only be true when the input catalog schema already contains those columns.