
lsst.pipe.tasks.healSparseMappingProperties.compute_approx_psf_size_and_shape(ccd_row, ra, dec, nx=20, ny=20, orderx=2, ordery=2)

Compute the approximate psf size and shape.

This routine fits how the psf size and shape varies over a field by approximating with a Chebyshev bounded field.

ccd_row : lsst.afw.table.ExposureRecord

Exposure metadata for a given detector exposure.

ra : np.ndarray

Right ascension of points to compute size and shape (degrees).

dec : np.ndarray

Declination of points to compute size and shape (degrees).

nx : int, optional

Number of sampling points in the x direction.

ny : int, optional

Number of sampling points in the y direction.

orderx : int, optional

Chebyshev polynomial order for fit in x direction.

ordery : int, optional

Chebyshev polynomial order for fit in y direction.

psf_array : np.ndarray

Record array with “psf_size”, “psf_e1”, “psf_e2”.