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Python API reference Package


AnalysisAction(*args, **kw)

Base class interface for the various actions used in analysis tools.

AnalysisMetric(*args, **kw)

Specialized AnalysisTool for computing metrics.

AnalysisPlot(*args, **kw)

Specialized AnalysisTool for producing plots.

AnalysisTool(*args, **kw)

A tool which which calculates a single type of analysis on input data, though it may return more than one result.

KeyedDataAction(*args, **kw)

A KeyedDataAction is an AnalysisAction that returns KeyedData when called.

MetricAction(*args, **kw)

A MetricAction is an AnalysisAction that returns a Measurement or a Mapping of str to Measurement when called.

PlotAction(*args, **kw)

A PlotAction is an AnalysisAction that returns a Figure or a Mapping of str to Figure when called.


This is an interface only class, and is intended to abstract around all the various types of numbers used in Python.

ScalarAction(*args, **kw)

A ScalarAction is an AnalysisAction that returns a Scalar when called.

VectorAction(*args, **kw)

A VectorAction is an AnalysisAction that returns a Vector when called.


nansigmaMad(x[, axis, center, scale, nan_policy])

Compute the median absolute deviation of the data along the given axis.

sigmaMad(x[, axis, center, scale, nan_policy])

Compute the median absolute deviation of the data along the given axis.