Resources v24.0.0 2022-08-26

New Features

  • This package is now available on PyPI as lsst-resources.

  • The lsst.daf.butler.ButlerURI code has been extracted from the daf_butler package and made into a standalone package. It is now known as lsst.resources.ResourcePath and distributed in the lsst-resources package.

  • Add support for Google Cloud Storage access using the gs URI scheme. (DM-27355)

  • Builds using setuptools now calculate versions from the Git repository, including the use of alpha releases for those associated with weekly tags. (DM-32408)

  • Add an open method that returns a file-like buffer wrapped by a context manager. (DM-32842)

  • Major cleanup of the WebDAV interface:

    • Improve client timeout and retries.

    • Improve management of persistent connections to avoid exhausting server resources when there are thousands of simultaneous clients.

    • Rename environment variables previously named LSST_BUTLER_* by:






Miscellaneous Changes of Minor Interest

  • Reorganize test code to enhance code reuse and allow new schemes to make use of existing tests. (DM-33394)

  • Attempt to catch 429 Retry client error in S3 interface. This code is not caught by botocore itself since it is not part of the AWS standard but Google can generate it. (DM-33597)

  • When walking the local file system symlinks to directories are now followed. (DM-35446)