
lsst.meas.base.wrapForcedAlgorithm(AlgClass, executionOrder, name=None, needsMetadata=False, hasMeasureN=False, needsSchemaOnly=False, hasLogName=False, **kwds)

Expose a C++ ForcedAlgorithm class as a measurement plugin.

AlgClassAPI compatible with ForcedAlgorithm

C++ algorithm class to convert. May either derive directly from ForcedAlgorithm or be an unrelated class which has the same measure, measureN and fail signatures.


The order this plugin should be run, relative to others (see BasePlugin.getExecutionOrder).

namestr, optional

Name to use when registering the algorithm. Ignored if doRegistry=False; set to generateAlgorithmName(AlgClass) if None.

needsMetadatabool, optional

Sets whether the AlgClass’s constructor should be passed a PropertySet metadata argument.

hasMeasureNbool, optional

Does the algorithm support simultaneous measurement of multiple sources? If True, a bool doMeasureN field will be added to the generated config class, and its value will be passed as the last argument when calling the AlgClass constructor.

hasLogNamebool, optional

True if the C++ algorithm supports logName as a constructor argument.

needsSchemaOnlybool, optional

Whether the algorithm constructor expects a Schema argument (representing the output Schema) rather than the full SchemaMapper (which provides access to both the reference schema and the output schema).


Additional keyword arguments are passed to the lower-level wrapAlgorithm and wrapAlgorithmControl classes.

forcedPluginsubclass of ForcedPlugin

The new measurement plugin class.


The first two arguments to the C++ constructor are expected to be Control const & ctrl, std::string const & name

If needsSchemaOnly is True, then the third argument will be Schema & schema; otherwise, it will be SchemaMapper & schemaMapper.

If needsMetadata is True, we also append PropertySet & metadata.

If hasMeasureN is True, we also append bool doMeasureN.

If hasLogName is True, we also append std::string logName.

If more than one of the above is True, the metadata PropertySet precedes the doMeasureN bool and the logName comes last of the three.