
class lsst.pipe.base.pipelineIR.ImportIR(location: str, include: ~typing.List[str] | None = None, exclude: ~typing.List[str] | None = None, importContracts: bool = True, instrument: ~typing.Literal[<_Tags.KeepInstrument: 1>] | str | None = _Tags.KeepInstrument)

Bases: object

An intermediate representation of imported pipelines

Attributes Summary


List of tasks that should be excluded when inheriting this pipeline.


Boolean attribute to dictate if contracts should be inherited with the pipeline or not.


List of tasks that should be included when inheriting this pipeline.


Instrument to assign to the Pipeline at import.

Methods Summary


Load in the Pipeline specified by this object, and turn it into a PipelineIR instance.

Attributes Documentation

exclude: List[str] | None = None

List of tasks that should be excluded when inheriting this pipeline. Either the include or exclude attributes may be specified, but not both.

importContracts: bool = True

Boolean attribute to dictate if contracts should be inherited with the pipeline or not.

include: List[str] | None = None

List of tasks that should be included when inheriting this pipeline. Either the include or exclude attributes may be specified, but not both.

instrument: KeepInstrument: 1>] | str | None = 1

Instrument to assign to the Pipeline at import. The default value of _Tags.KeepInstrument` indicates that whatever instrument the pipeline is declared with will not be modified. Setting this value to None will drop any declared instrument prior to import.

Methods Documentation

toPipelineIR() PipelineIR

Load in the Pipeline specified by this object, and turn it into a PipelineIR instance.


A pipeline generated from the imported pipeline file