Tickets Addressed in Release 24.0.0

Tickets merged after w_2022_28 and backported

  • DM-19852: skyCorrectionTask should be moved to pipe_tasks for Gen3 [drp_pipe, pipe_drivers, pipe_tasks, ap_pipe]

  • DM-29835: pipe_drivers background code needs migration [cp_pipe, daf_butler, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-35082: Store dimension universe in quantum graph [daf_butler, pipe_base]

  • DM-35496: ra/decl columns in sourceTable still aren’t updated in recalibration step [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-35530: Fix improperly persisted source centers [meas_extensions_scarlet]

  • DM-35600: afw binary executable tests fail in nightly clean builds [afw]

  • DM-35681: Ensure DimensionUniverse is passed to QuantumGraph at construction [ctrl_mpexec, pipe_base]

  • DM-35722: Investigate failed measure jobs in w_2022_28 [meas_extensions_scarlet]

  • DM-35777: meas_base/test_diaCalculationPlugins fails with scipy 1.9 [meas_base]

  • DM-36034: Make middleware release notes for v24 [ctrl_bps_panda, ctrl_mpexec, daf_butler, ctrl_bps, pex_config, utils, resources, ctrl_bps_htcondor, obs_base, pipe_base]

  • DM-36222: Enable meas_extensions_shapeHSM to work with GalSim 2.4 [meas_extensions_shapeHSM]

  • DM-36472: Fix a bug in _validateGalsimInterpolant method [meas_extensions_piff]

  • DM-37011: Compile Release Note for 24.0.0 Science Pipelines release [pipe_tasks, ip_isr]

Tickets merged before w_2022_28

  • DM-6278: Investigate proper precision for afw::image::Image pixel transforms [afw]

  • DM-7148: Futurize DictField, ConfigDictField [pex_config]

  • DM-8146: Remove deprecated FFTW API usage from meas_base [meas_base]

  • DM-10227: Replace raw arrays with vector in jointcal [jointcal]

  • DM-12659: Clean up Doxygen tagfile imports [meas_extensions_photometryKron, meas_extensions_convolved, meas_extensions_psfex, meas_extensions_shapeHSM, meas_extensions_simpleShape, shapelet, utils, sphgeom, jointcal_cholmod, sconsUtils, fgcmcal, obs_base, obs_subaru]

  • DM-13899: uses outdated AstrometryTask API [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-13943: Deprecate VisitInfo.getExposureId() [ap_association, cp_pipe, pipe_tasks, afw, obs_decam, ip_isr, obs_base]

  • DM-14589: Remove .cache from list of clean targets after pytest upgrade [sconsUtils]

  • DM-19374: pipe_task’s optional dependency on ip_diffim isn’t [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-20970: timeMethod gives platform-dependent results [utils]

  • DM-21215: Update fgcm/fgcmcal to support arbitrary and variable camera orientations [obs_subaru, fgcmcal, fgcm]

  • DM-21687: Write a how-to document for PipelineTasks [pipe_base]

  • DM-22521: enable partial image reads in cp_pipe combine to avoid memory issues [cp_pipe]

  • DM-22823: Remove accidental Doxygen comments for namespace lsst [jointcal, base, afw, ip_isr, meas_algorithms, cpputils]

  • DM-23308: Qserv container-based builds [log, sphgeom]

  • DM-23624: Get MEDIAN_PER_ROW overscan correction moved to afw, or find numpy replacement [ip_isr]

  • DM-24719: New warnings for missing EUPS product dirs with conda env (w_2020_18) [sconsUtils]

  • DM-24738: Add background offset tracking to fgcmcal and test on HSC RC2/PDR2 [obs_subaru, fgcmcal, fgcm]

  • DM-25839: Write a tutorial for using the faro package [faro]

  • DM-26063: Create a user guide page for alert_packet on [alert_packet]

  • DM-26140: Centralize Gen 3 pipeline configuration info for ap_verify datasets [ap_verify_testdata, ap_pipe, ap_verify]

  • DM-26231: Remove defaultFilter in LoadReferenceObjectsConfig [meas_algorithms]

  • DM-26987: Update filtering of matched catalog to operate before creating GroupView [faro]

  • DM-27013: Change CalibrateTask refcat defaults to Gaia DR2 for astrometry and PS1 for photometry [ap_verify, obs_lsst, pipe_tasks, obs_cfht, obs_decam, pipelines_check, obs_subaru]

  • DM-27106: Add array-based overload to photoCalib method(s) [afw]

  • DM-27117: Add dummy pipeline to ap_verify testing [ap_verify_testdata, ap_verify]

  • DM-27177: Remove lsst.afw.image.Filter [ap_association, cp_pipe, daf_butler, obs_lsst, ap_pipe, jointcal, obs_cfht, pipe_tasks, afw, ip_diffim, obs_decam, ip_isr, meas_astrom, obs_base, obs_subaru]

  • DM-27843: add anyFilterMapsToThis support to ReferenceObjectLoader [meas_astrom, meas_algorithms]

  • DM-28200: Reduce jointcal info log verbosity [jointcal]

  • DM-28334: makeTransmissionCurves needs to be updated to use physical filter names [obs_subaru]

  • DM-28352: Deprecate validate_drp [lsst_distrib, faro]

  • DM-28862: Make Gen3 transform Source Table tasks work on all cameras [obs_lsst, pipe_tasks, obs_decam, obs_subaru]

  • DM-28863: Add metrics output and tests to gen3 jointcal [verify_metrics, jointcal]

  • DM-28920: Create gen3 auxtel calibrations [cp_verify, cp_pipe]

  • DM-29008: Make gen3 jointcal configs the default [obs_decam, jointcal, obs_subaru]

  • DM-29042: Remove support for old-style names in ap_verify [ap_verify]

  • DM-29326: Fix logic of the doVignette option in isrTask [cp_verify, cp_pipe, obs_subaru, ip_isr]

  • DM-29340: Write guide to using Gen 3 ap pipelines [ap_pipe]

  • DM-29535: Create gen3 cfht testdata_jointcal repos [testdata_jointcal, fgcmcal]

  • DM-29542: Move jointcal cfht tests to gen3 [jointcal]

  • DM-29575: bps restart command [ctrl_bps]

  • DM-29614: Have bps report show info from multiple submit nodes [ctrl_bps]

  • DM-29731: Implement RFC-695 [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-29884: Fix exception in Gen3+applyColorTerms logic branch of jointcal [jointcal]

  • DM-29885: Disable jointcal photometry in HSC via config [obs_subaru]

  • DM-29955: Add ExposureInfo id getter (replacement for VisitInfo.getExposureId()) [ap_association, cp_pipe, daf_butler, obs_lsst, pipe_tasks, afw, ip_diffim, obs_decam, ip_isr, obs_base]

  • DM-30015: Update stack package files for documenteer 0.6 [meas_extensions_psfex, meas_extensions_shapeHSM, meas_extensions_simpleShape, ap_pipe, jointcal, afw, meas_modelfit, display_firefly, fgcmcal, meas_extensions_photometryKron, log, meas_astrom, cbp, geom, meas_extensions_scarlet, dax_apdb, obs_decam, meas_base, ap_association, obs_cfht, base, ip_diffim, ip_isr, coadd_utils, display_ds9]

  • DM-30108: Add blending metrics useful for determining shredded galaxies or failed deblending [meas_extensions_scarlet, scarlet]

  • DM-30163: Python crashes when measuring flux from invalid shape parameters [meas_base]

  • DM-30170: Define crosstalk tests for cp_verify [cp_verify, cp_pipe]

  • DM-30171: Define PTC tests for cp_verify [cp_verify]

  • DM-30172: Define BFK tests for cp_verify [cp_verify, cp_pipe]

  • DM-30229: Get PSF shape from a source record [afw]

  • DM-30266: Convert Quantum and QuantumGraph IDs to UUIDs [ctrl_mpexec, daf_butler, ctrl_bps, pipelines_check, pipe_base]

  • DM-30284: Investigate differences in the coadd background between gen2 and gen3 [skymap, pipe_drivers, obs_lsst, pipe_tasks, coadd_utils, meas_base, obs_base, obs_subaru]

  • DM-30624: Document gen2 to gen3 refcat ingestion [meas_algorithms]

  • DM-30648: Add photodiode calibration class [cp_pipe, obs_lsst, pipe_tasks, ip_isr]

  • DM-30651: Switch DECam overscan correction to median per row [obs_decam]

  • DM-30699: Add new flux measurement to meas_extensions_trailedSources [meas_extensions_trailedSources]

  • DM-30831: Update Gen 3 DcrAssembleCoadd Task [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-30891: Create drp_pipe and move all DRP pipeline definitions there [obs_lsst, pipe_tasks, lsst_distrib, obs_decam, pipelines_check, obs_subaru]

  • DM-30966: Make Spectractions Gen3-serializable [daf_butler]

  • DM-31060: Clean up some log usage in Tasks [cp_verify, ap_association, pipe_tasks, meas_extensions_psfex]

  • DM-31063: Copy configs from obs_* packages to ap_pipe [ap_pipe]

  • DM-31193: Add new PSF chi2/npixels fields to apdb [ap_association, ap_verify]

  • DM-31253: Create test infrastructure for pipeline execution [daf_butler, ctrl_mpexec]

  • DM-31254: afw.geom.Polygon.createImage yields different data points for Intel and ARM [afw]

  • DM-31287: Butler registry _importDatasets considered dangerous with UUID [daf_butler]

  • DM-31323: Fix docstrings in code imported from Pierre Astier [cp_pipe]

  • DM-31388: Investigate low fake injection completeness in HSC COSMOS [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-31459: Update faro to use parquet tables for patch and tract-level metric calculation [faro]

  • DM-31491: Make a RC2 fakes pipeline [pipe_tasks, obs_subaru]

  • DM-31592: Fix overlength doc lines in ip_isr causing need for W505 in setup.cfg [ip_isr]

  • DM-31611: Improve reproducibility in faro ellipKPM test_te1 [faro]

  • DM-31619: Fully incorporate SSP object association in DiaPipe [ap_association, ap_pipe, dax_apdb]

  • DM-31620: Write SSP association metrics [verify_metrics, ap_association, ap_verify]

  • DM-31662: Fit trailed source model to detections made on image differences [ap_association, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-31722: Move utility code out of pipe_base and daf_butler into utils package [ctrl_mpexec, daf_butler, obs_lsst, ctrl_bps, obs_cfht, obs_decam, ip_isr, utils, pipe_base, meas_algorithms, obs_base, obs_subaru]

  • DM-31723: Move ButlerURI out of daf_butler into a standalone package [daf_butler, pipe_base]

  • DM-31769: Add user control over dataset constraints in QG generation queries [daf_butler, ctrl_mpexec, pipe_base]

  • DM-31777: Determine and use correct position for PSF shape determination in ImageDifferenceTask [ip_diffim, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-31801: Ensure all loggers include lsst prefix [cp_pipe, ctrl_mpexec, meas_base, meas_extensions_gaap, meas_extensions_scarlet, jointcal, obs_lsst, pipe_tasks, verify, afw, ip_diffim, obs_decam, ip_isr, meas_astrom, meas_deblender, pipe_base, meas_algorithms, obs_base, ap_verify]

  • DM-31811: Add detection significance to footprint peaks [afw, meas_algorithms]

  • DM-31839: Reduce memory usage in MatchPessemisticB [meas_astrom]

  • DM-31860: Add flux statistic task and sky object metrics into faro [verify_metrics, faro]

  • DM-31880: Add reference star color term q/a plots to fgcm [obs_subaru, fgcmcal, fgcm]

  • DM-31895: Rename/reorganize cp_pipe pipelines [cp_pipe]

  • DM-31896: Clarify PTC code [cp_pipe]

  • DM-31899: Update example bps yaml files to include execution butler configs [ap_pipe]

  • DM-31934: Replace HH:MM:SS conversion code with astropy equivalents. [ap_association]

  • DM-31938: Have PTC dataset unpad results [cp_pipe, ip_isr]

  • DM-31950: Add descriptions for DP0.2 and HSC Object/Source schema columns [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-31964: Fixup dimensions on ProcessCcdWithFakesTask/MatchFakesTask [obs_subaru, pipe_tasks, ap_verify]

  • DM-31965: TAP Datalink easier management of snippets [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-31966: Minimal viable pipetask python API [ctrl_mpexec, pipe_base]

  • DM-31975: Implement RFC-800 Add third party package Spectractor to lsst_distrib [lsst_distrib]

  • DM-31976: Change handling of collections and dataset types in dataset transfer [daf_butler, ctrl_mpexec, ctrl_bps]

  • DM-31986: “filter label mismatch” on loading cp_pipe calibration [cp_pipe]

  • DM-31990: Add configuration option to set coverage nside for survey-wide HealSparsePropertyMaps [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-31997: Fix rotation angle definitions for LATISS [obs_lsst]

  • DM-32008: Wrap test_spoke in C++/pybind11 [meas_astrom]

  • DM-32010: Write _create_pattern_spokes in C++/pybind [meas_astrom]

  • DM-32027: Rename outCollection to outputRun [ctrl_bps]

  • DM-32029: Add faro steps to DRP.yaml in obs_subaru [obs_subaru]

  • DM-32034: Create MatchProbabilistic (Pipeline)Task [meas_astrom, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-32046: Remove HTMIndexDiaPosition plugin from AP pipeline [ap_association, meas_base, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-32047: Add a requestMemoryMax config in ctrl_bps [ctrl_bps]

  • DM-32048: Update fgcmcal tests to use new pipetask API [fgcmcal]

  • DM-32055: Measure quality of nominal wcs for AuxTel [afw, obs_lsst]

  • DM-32058: Duplicate faro task in pipeline gives cryptic error [daf_butler, obs_base]

  • DM-32059: Keep example tasks from executing in default faro pipelines [faro]

  • DM-32061: export-calibs has problems with datasets using direct ingest [daf_butler]

  • DM-32062: Fix ap_verify with gen2 butler after APDB update [daf_persistence]

  • DM-32065: Skip gen2 test_read_CuratedCalibs in pipe_tasks [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-32066: BPS jobs with memory autoscaling enabled remain idle after the first run attempt [ctrl_bps]

  • DM-32072: Prototype better-scaling alternative to executive butler [daf_butler]

  • DM-32074: Modify how HTCondor plugin handles transfer of execution butler [ctrl_bps]

  • DM-32079: Dilate child footprints using PSF footprint [meas_extensions_scarlet]

  • DM-32080: Pipelines import parameters in the wrong order [pipe_base]

  • DM-32097: Backend for image cutout service [geom]

  • DM-32124: ValueError: Only one node is allowed to produce forcedSource [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-32129: Add a maximum mean offset threshold for SFM astrometry fit success [meas_astrom, obs_lsst]

  • DM-32131: Merge Cassandra branch of APDB [ap_association, dax_apdb]

  • DM-32135: Error in jointcal init when removing unneeded metrics [jointcal]

  • DM-32141: Get AuxTel SFM reductions working end-to-end [obs_lsst]

  • DM-32142: Copy lsst.log.utils.traceSetAt to lsst.utils.logging [utils]

  • DM-32144: SQLAlchemy warnings for cartesian product [daf_butler]

  • DM-32198: Set sentinel values for flag/integer columns for missing bands in Object tables [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-32199: If submit or prepare, have bps check early that WMS is in environment. [ctrl_bps]

  • DM-32201: HTCondor plugin bug if output collection contains period [ctrl_bps]

  • DM-32207: Add physical_filter to jointcal metrics [jointcal]

  • DM-32210: utils logging file name determination needs improvement [utils]

  • DM-32217: BPS displays cumulative timings instead of time intervals during a submission [ctrl_bps]

  • DM-32218: Add additional GAaP apertures in obs_subaru [sdm_schemas, obs_subaru]

  • DM-32219: Add HeavyFootprint addTo and subtractFrom methods [afw]

  • DM-32220: HTCondor plugin copying execution butler back from job [ctrl_bps]

  • DM-32221: faro should not use assertEqual in unit tests [faro]

  • DM-32226: Move of pipe_base timeMethod to utils breaks documenteer [ap_association, cp_pipe, meas_base, obs_base, ap_pipe, jointcal, meas_extensions_scarlet, pipe_tasks, verify, ip_diffim, obs_decam, ip_isr, meas_astrom, meas_deblender, fgcmcal, meas_algorithms, pipe_base]

  • DM-32229: Update faro TExTasks to take parquet table as input [faro]

  • DM-32238: Fix unexpected floating point values in drpAssociation task [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-32239: Fix psf width computation in meas_extensions_trailedSources [meas_extensions_trailedSources]

  • DM-32241: bps submit can take multiple hours [ctrl_bps]

  • DM-32245: Reprocess HiTS AP with fakes and an APDB [ap_pipe]

  • DM-32250: Enable mypy checking in pipe_base and obs_base [daf_butler, obs_base, pipe_base]

  • DM-32252: NoiseReplacer noiseSource=’variance’ is untested and broken. [meas_base]

  • DM-32254: Support python implementations of pixelizations [daf_butler, sphgeom]

  • DM-32256: Image cutout range backend and new queuing model [sphgeom]

  • DM-32261: Add SSO data to CI dataset [ap_verify_testdata, ap_verify]

  • DM-32262: Rename GAaP columns in obs_subaru [sdm_schemas, obs_subaru]

  • DM-32269: Investigate Piff “Unable to measure aperture correction” failure mode [meas_extensions_piff]

  • DM-32285: SDSS shape errors have yy and xy interchanged [meas_base]

  • DM-32290: A create-table failure led to registry corruption [daf_butler]

  • DM-32294: Clarify dataset ID vs. UUID in butler docs [daf_butler]

  • DM-32298: Issue with comcam visitInfo metadata at the summit [obs_lsst]

  • DM-32299: Write _construct_pattern_and_shift_rot_matrix in C++/pybind [meas_astrom]

  • DM-32300: Simplify _build_distances_and_angles to only use numpy arrays [meas_astrom]

  • DM-32305: lsst.daf.butler.Config slowness with large numbers of lookups [daf_butler]

  • DM-32306: refBand functor doesn’t know that u-band exists [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-32315: DM-29955 breaks ci_hsc_gen2 [obs_decam, obs_lsst, obs_base]

  • DM-32324: Add forced source table to sdm_schemas and ci_imsim [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-32330: Register DECam narrow-band filters in skymap [skymap]

  • DM-32333: SourceTable should use LocalNanojansky functor on apFluxes [obs_lsst, obs_subaru]

  • DM-32337: Add “add_image” to AccumulatorMeanStack [meas_algorithms]

  • DM-32366: Setting no_good_pixels_mask=None crashes AccumulatorMeanStack [meas_algorithms]

  • DM-32373: Run Gen 3 single frame measurement on on validation_data_cfht [obs_cfht]

  • DM-32376: ap_verify gen3 fails to find jointcal_photoCalib dataset in graph generation [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-32378: Generate amp offset corrected sky frames [obs_subaru]

  • DM-32386: Deploy test cutout service on data-int [daf_butler]

  • DM-32388: Create calib generation script for ap_verify datasets [ap_verify]

  • DM-32402: Add cells to patches in skymaps [skymap, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-32403: Support ORDER BY and LIMIT in registry query methods [daf_butler]

  • DM-32407: Errors concerning a _SpecialTimespanBound when building an execution butler in some cases [daf_butler]

  • DM-32408: Write Python code to determine version string for pipeline package [ctrl_mpexec, daf_butler, pex_config, utils, sphgeom, pipe_base]

  • DM-32411: Change where translations are handled in WarpedPsf/CoaddPsf [meas_algorithms]

  • DM-32414: Exposure ID Gen 3 disassembled component broken [afw, obs_base, daf_butler]

  • DM-32418: Create and test datalinks for dp01_dc2_catalogs tables [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-32430: Create DECam DRP Processing Pipeline [obs_decam, jointcal]

  • DM-32435: Silent failure in executing memory-hungry job? [ctrl_bps]

  • DM-32436: Implement scarlet lite in meas_extensions_scarlet [pipe_tasks, proxmin, meas_extensions_scarlet, scarlet]

  • DM-32437: Reformat code and run black+isort in linting mode in middleware packages [ctrl_mpexec, daf_butler, utils, obs_base, pipe_base]

  • DM-32448: Backport incorrect GAaP field name [obs_lsst]

  • DM-32449: Fix error when external calibs are not found [faro]

  • DM-32451: Sort pipelines deterministically [pipe_base]

  • DM-32454: Dataset constraints in queryDimensionRecords can’t involve extra dimensions [daf_butler]

  • DM-32456: pipe_tasks test_processCcd PSF shape changes with eigen 3.4.0 [jointcal]

  • DM-32459: Improve QG gen diagnostics and update FAQ accordingly [daf_butler, pipe_base]

  • DM-32467: Can’t instantiate butler with pathlib Path object [daf_butler]

  • DM-32470: Dark verification in OCPS calibration script from DM-31897 fails because NOISe is too low with respect nominal readnoise [cp_verify]

  • DM-32478: scarlet MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET wrangling is unnecessary [scarlet]

  • DM-32483: fails on macosx-arm [geom]

  • DM-32484: fails for osx-arm64 [meas_modelfit]

  • DM-32487: fix compilation for osx-arm64 for jointcal [jointcal]

  • DM-32491: Provide butler registry lookup API [daf_butler]

  • DM-32499: deprecate butler prune-collections [daf_butler]

  • DM-32502: Add TE3 and TE4 specs to verify_metrics [verify_metrics]

  • DM-32504: SingleQuantumExecutor should log exception messages [ctrl_mpexec]

  • DM-32513: Hide certain datalink query parameters [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-32517: Remove debug print from astshim [astshim]

  • DM-32535: Change DCR interpolation order to 1 [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-32549: Add position to psf.getDeterminantRadius() calls [ip_diffim, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-32553: Update faro to use parquet tables for matched catalog metric calculation [faro]

  • DM-32579: Fix Memory monitoring for Rubin PanDA jobs [ctrl_bps]

  • DM-32583: Remove incorrect python linking and unnecessary macos flat_namespace [sconsUtils]

  • DM-32594: Remove dependency on inflection in bps_config [ctrl_bps]

  • DM-32601: Move remaining jointcal tests to gen3 [testdata_jointcal, jointcal]

  • DM-32605: Add healpix support to sphgeom with healpy [sphgeom]

  • DM-32611: Update lsst.faro.utils.filtermatches for parquet table inputs [faro]

  • DM-32615: Move jointcal cfht_minimal tests to gen3 [jointcal, obs_cfht]

  • DM-32621: ci_cpp_gen3 fails with TypeError [cp_pipe]

  • DM-32624: Override source selection criteria in SFM calibration stages for LSSTCam-imSim [obs_lsst, meas_algorithms]

  • DM-32625: Activate guards on SFM PSF quality for inclusion in coaddition for LSSTCam-imSim [obs_lsst, pipe_tasks, obs_subaru]

  • DM-32648: Change default branch name to “main” [daf_butler, lsst, sconsUtils, verify]

  • DM-32649: Move psf quality statistics calculation from selectImages to computeExposureSummaryStats [afw, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-32657: Abort bps submission if submit-side run directory already exists. [ctrl_bps]

  • DM-32658: Protect getmodule call in timeMethod [utils]

  • DM-32661: Optimization in utils/ fails to optimize [utils]

  • DM-32662: Optimize afw.table.Catalog.__getitem__ [afw]

  • DM-32663: Avoid isinstance check in pex.config.Field.__get__ [pex_config]

  • DM-32666: Add GaussianFlux columns to SourceTable [sdm_schemas, obs_lsst, obs_subaru]

  • DM-32670: Running ISR and PTC task on BOT data on 189 CCDs fails at NCSA [cp_pipe]

  • DM-32675: Improvement PanDA plugin on using iDDS [ctrl_bps]

  • DM-32679: Change utils trace_set_at to also set lsst logger [ip_diffim, meas_modelfit, utils, meas_algorithms]

  • DM-32682: Create TaskMetadata class to replace PropertySet in pipe_base [cp_verify, ap_association, ip_isr, ctrl_mpexec, daf_butler, pipe_tasks, verify, ip_diffim, meas_extensions_piff, utils, daf_base, meas_algorithms, pipe_base]

  • DM-32683: Print refcat name in log when loading [meas_algorithms]

  • DM-32687: add a butler remove-collections command [daf_butler]

  • DM-32694: Split AP pipeline into ApPipeWithFakes [ap_association, ap_pipe, ap_verify]

  • DM-32695: Make PanDA’s example run more easily on IDF [ctrl_bps]

  • DM-32698: Fix argument type in GraphBuilder skipExistingIn fallback logic [daf_butler]

  • DM-32714: Fix backwards compatibility broken by DM-32649 [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-32731: fix schema browser cname problem [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-32732: Remove github pages CNAME file from schema browser [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-32733: Config.loadFromStream doesn’t actually accept a file-like object [pex_config]

  • DM-32743: Make a container that holds the current alert schema, and a script for uploading it to an alert registry [alert_packet]

  • DM-32745: Two CCDs in LSSTCam failed to plot with [cp_pipe]

  • DM-32746: Two amps in LSSTCam showed poor PTC curve fits. [cp_pipe]

  • DM-32747: Many (>100) E2V amps had early PTC turn-off in LSSTCam [cp_pipe]

  • DM-32749: Multiple sdm_schema yamls use incorrect fits.tunit key [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-32750: Complain if unknown kwargs are given to Butler APIs [daf_butler]

  • DM-32759: Drop already-deprecated support for “root” in config files [pex_config]

  • DM-32767: Add INFO level logging to [verify]

  • DM-32801: Fix sphinx build in utils [utils]

  • DM-32817: Change usage of ButlerURI to ResourcePath [daf_butler, obs_base, ctrl_bps]

  • DM-32818: meas_extensions_piff should respect mask plane [meas_extensions_piff]

  • DM-32819: ‘verifyFlatStatistics’ returns “RXX_S00 SUCCESS” when listing failures [cp_verify]

  • DM-32820: Fix sphinx build in daf_butler with ButlerURI [daf_butler]

  • DM-32821: Change shell call to ast_link [sconsUtils]

  • DM-32823: afw ds9 test nukes current display [afw]

  • DM-32827: skyCorr backgrounds are not get applied during gen3 makeWarp [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-32830: panda_auth_reset [ctrl_bps]

  • DM-32831: add a butler remove-runs CLI command [daf_butler]

  • DM-32840: Fixup LATISS header that’s so bad it can’t be fixed by translator [obs_lsst]

  • DM-32843: Create middleware release notes for v23.0 [ctrl_mpexec, daf_butler, ctrl_bps, obs_base, pipe_base]

  • DM-32883: Investigate PropertySet to TaskMetadata migration [daf_butler, pipe_base]

  • DM-32895: Add matchObjectToTruth to obs_lsst’s imsim DRP.yaml [obs_lsst]

  • DM-32901: DiscreteSkyMapConfig and TractBuilderConfigs do not appear in [skymap]

  • DM-32950: Fix daf_butler Quantum Unit Test [daf_butler]

  • DM-32964: SimplePipelineExecutor should validate and freeze the config [pipe_base]

  • DM-32968: Job put on hold if exit with signal 11 [ctrl_bps]

  • DM-32986: fix option handling in butler CLI presets files [daf_butler]

  • DM-32988: Update all ApPipe pipelines to use multi-tract difference imaging [ap_pipe]

  • DM-32990: PcaPsfDeterminerConfig doesn’t constrain illegal values [meas_algorithms]

  • DM-33001: Design refactoring of ImageDifferenceTask [ip_diffim]

  • DM-33010: Synchronize CreateRandomApFakesTask with MatchFakesTask changes [pipe_tasks, ap_pipe]

  • DM-33012: Update faro base class refcat loader to return single DataFrame [faro]

  • DM-33013: Fix notebook printing of dimensionRecords [daf_butler]

  • DM-33041: PTC task not finding linearizer [cp_pipe]

  • DM-33046: Turn on defect correction by default for AuxTel/LATISS [obs_lsst]

  • DM-33049: butler.getting an over-constrained dataId raises [daf_butler]

  • DM-33058: Deprecate validation_data_hsc and validation_data_decam [lsst_ci, jointcal, faro]

  • DM-33073: Update Eigen to 3.3.9 [eigen]

  • DM-33078: Define ingest path for photodiode data [obs_lsst]

  • DM-33085: Fix cache key warning in butler sqlalchemy usage [daf_butler]

  • DM-33086: Have plan for dealing with post-ingest file compression [daf_butler, obs_base]

  • DM-33096: Enable empirical read noise calculation for DECam ISR [obs_decam]

  • DM-33125: Report slowest tests when scons runs tests [sconsUtils]

  • DM-33138: Add CTI correction to ip_isr [cp_pipe, ip_isr]

  • DM-33140: Change butler log message from warn to debug [daf_butler]

  • DM-33142: Append doCrosstalk False to obs_decam DRP.yaml [obs_decam]

  • DM-33148: Make dimension import/export less prone to conflicts [daf_butler]

  • DM-33150: Remove Gen 2 support from ap_verify [pipe_base, ap_verify_testdata, ap_verify]

  • DM-33155: Investigate dynamic task metadata type selection in pipelines [daf_butler, pipe_base, daf_base]

  • DM-33157: Fix doxygen errors in pipe_tasks [meas_astrom, meas_deblender, skymap, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-33158: Sort sourceTable_visit by detector [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-33164: order_by querying in butler registry is extremely slow and doesn’t scale. [daf_butler]

  • DM-33167: Test and fix repr implementations for Box, Point, and Exten [geom]

  • DM-33174: Allow the Butler.removeRuns() method to accept the ‘@’ character in the first iterable argument [daf_butler]

  • DM-33193: Exposure.getReadoutCorner method returns incorrect values for some LSST CCD amplifiers. [afw]

  • DM-33195: Update forcedPhotCoadd to use the correct input image in Gen3 [meas_base]

  • DM-33200: Fix lsst.afw.geom usage in two afw rst documents [afw]

  • DM-33204: Add deprecation message to ButlerURI class [daf_butler, pipe_base]

  • DM-33214: Add support for REASON and PROGRAM header in LSST files [obs_lsst]

  • DM-33220: lsst.verify tasks assume metadata is PropertySet [verify]

  • DM-33221: Create DiffMatchedTractCatalogTask to aggregate match statistics for metrics [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-33225: Run black/isort on pex_config and code coverage on PRs [pex_config]

  • DM-33232: Add corrections files for Auxtel One Degree Survey images [obs_lsst]

  • DM-33242: Add explicit PropertySet to TaskMetadata pipeline test [pipelines_check]

  • DM-33254: Remove Gen 2 support from ap_pipe [ap_pipe]

  • DM-33256: Remove Gen 2 support from verify [ap_association, ip_diffim, pipe_tasks, verify]

  • DM-33260: Enable testing of pipe_base in github action [pipe_base]

  • DM-33267: Enable black/isort on ctrl_bps [ctrl_bps]

  • DM-33271: Make daf_butler work with mypy 0.931 [daf_butler]

  • DM-33278: Improve handling of storage class conversion [daf_butler]

  • DM-33279: Add star matching task for input to fgcmcal, unique psf star selection, etc. [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-33280: Add Packages method to retrieve dictionary [base]

  • DM-33293: Add yaml linter to github action for corrections file [obs_lsst]

  • DM-33297: Add correction of systematic photodiode error [cp_pipe, obs_decam, ip_isr]

  • DM-33300: Drop connections that aren’t needed in cp_verify [cp_verify]

  • DM-33303: Allow pipeline execution to support storage class conversion [daf_butler, ctrl_mpexec, pipe_base]

  • DM-33313: Implement APDB API changes needed to support PPDB replication [dax_apdb]

  • DM-33314: Research Cassandra APDB implementation options to support PPDB replication. [dax_apdb]

  • DM-33325: Update measurement uncertainties in meas_extensions_trailedSources [meas_extensions_trailedSources]

  • DM-33326: Fix round-tripping of spectractor spectra [daf_butler]

  • DM-33327: Improvements to processCcdWithFakes [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-33331: Monitor memory usage at select steps of BPS submission [utils, ctrl_bps]

  • DM-33339: pipetask is always doing fail-fast in single-process mode [ctrl_mpexec]

  • DM-33345: Investigate extremely slow execution butler creation [pipe_base]

  • DM-33347: moto3 breaks daf_butler tests [daf_butler]

  • DM-33370: Increase pipeline task default timeout value [ctrl_mpexec]

  • DM-33377: Modernize metadata set usage in meas_extensions_psfex [meas_extensions_psfex]

  • DM-33394: Reorganize ResourcePath unit tests [daf_butler]

  • DM-33398: ap_association uses mock instead of unittest.mock [ap_association]

  • DM-33403: Move Packages from base to utils [ctrl_mpexec, daf_butler, ctrl_bps, base, utils, obs_base, pipe_base]

  • DM-33414: Allow FileTemplate to take a UUID in the template [daf_butler]

  • DM-33429: Add ability to do both serial and parallel overscan correction [obs_subaru, obs_decam, ip_isr]

  • DM-33440: need to fix ap_verify for changes in DM-32988 [ap_verify]

  • DM-33443: afw.coord.Observatory writes longitudes out as degrees West instead of East. [afw]

  • DM-33446: Use TraceRadius in GAaP plugin [meas_extensions_gaap]

  • DM-33470: Remove daf_persistence from afw [afw]

  • DM-33478: pipe_tasks test is very slow on Apple Macbook Pro [pipe_tasks, daf_base]

  • DM-33481: Middleware: jobReport from LSST executable [ctrl_mpexec]

  • DM-33487: jointcal test mocks have a typo “autospect=True” [jointcal]

  • DM-33488: Add deletion support to LimitedButler and QuantumBackedButler [daf_butler, ctrl_mpexec]

  • DM-33489: Add unit tests for QuantumBackedButler [daf_butler]

  • DM-33490: Implement record import and export methods on concrete Datastores [daf_butler]

  • DM-33492: Add option to add UUIDs and RUNs to predicted DatasetRefs in QuantumGraphs [daf_butler, pipe_base]

  • DM-33493: Add option to save Datastore records to QGs [daf_butler, ctrl_mpexec, pipe_base]

  • DM-33496: Fix unit tests for linux-aarch64 [astshim, geom, jointcal, afw, pipelines_check, meas_base]

  • DM-33512: BF kernel generation fails with IndexError [cp_pipe]

  • DM-33518: Fix sphinx build in base following Packages move [base]

  • DM-33519: Update dev guide, daf_base, and (some of) afw for RFC-817 [afw, daf_base]

  • DM-33521: Split plugins out of ctrl_bps [lsst_distrib, ctrl_bps]

  • DM-33523: Remove gen2 support from obs_cfht [obs_cfht]

  • DM-33525: Write middleware release notes for v23.0.1 [pipe_base, ctrl_mpexec, ctrl_bps]

  • DM-33530: Spline fitter fails when insufficient length array input [ip_isr]

  • DM-33547: Remove gen2 support from fgcmcal [fgcmcal, obs_subaru]

  • DM-33569: Pipeline graph build fails when task metadata is new input [ctrl_mpexec, pipe_base]

  • DM-33574: Set storageClass to TaskMetadata in verifyStats [cp_verify]

  • DM-33584: Sort remove-runs output and filter out non-removed collections [daf_butler]

  • DM-33591: Add convenience method to Exposure to give the convex polygon associated with the bbox [afw]

  • DM-33596: “NoneType object is not subscriptable” in PsfWcsSelectImagesTask [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-33600: Inconsistencies in queryDimensionRecords [daf_butler, obs_base, pipe_base]

  • DM-33613: Cleanup obvious defects in joincal [jointcal]

  • DM-33619: Add unlink option to butler remove-runs [daf_butler]

  • DM-33622: Add support for numexpr to disable implicit threading [ctrl_mpexec, utils]

  • DM-33633: Verification pipetask at the summit (via Nublado terminal) fails with “-j 8” option but works without it [ctrl_mpexec]

  • DM-33634: Add pipetask purge and cleanup subcommands [ctrl_mpexec]

  • DM-33638: Check cache when checking for dataset existence in datastore [daf_butler, ctrl_mpexec]

  • DM-33639: Fix refcat ingest docs and convert message to ingest into a RUN collection [meas_algorithms]

  • DM-33643: Add Registry method to find collection parents [daf_butler]

  • DM-33645: Add new post-processing psf estimation task [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-33684: Race condition in table creation [daf_butler]

  • DM-33690: deblend quantum taking >> 16 GB and nearly 17 hours to complete [meas_extensions_scarlet]

  • DM-33692: HSC’s ApTemplate pipeline is missing skyCorr step [ap_pipe]

  • DM-33694: Add matchObjectToTruth to sdm_schemas [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-33700: Preserve in-memory objects sent to metric measurement run method for offline analysis and development [faro]

  • DM-33704: Restore fgcm HTM matching for repeatability [fgcmcal, fgcm]

  • DM-33705: Fix doxygen warnings about obsolete tags [base]

  • DM-33710: Output a single storage container from ScarletDeblendTask [pipe_tasks, daf_butler, meas_base, meas_extensions_scarlet]

  • DM-33727: Allow sconsUtils to pass tests when the user has a pytest.ini [sconsUtils]

  • DM-33740: Implement RFC-799 and fix Spectractor packaging [lsst_distrib]

  • DM-33745: Refactor Task to make ImageDifference template [pipe_tasks, ip_diffim, ap_pipe, ap_verify]

  • DM-33762: Photo diode ingest can break with escapable characters in path [obs_lsst]

  • DM-33766: Photodiode test depends on other tests having run [obs_lsst]

  • DM-33769: Improve timeout, retry and connexion persistence of webDAV client [daf_butler]

  • DM-33772: Query datasets unexpectedly warns about storage class [daf_butler]

  • DM-33783: Remove internal parallelization from DefineVisitsTask and gen2to3 [obs_base, ap_verify]

  • DM-33784: Remove most of the ButlerURI tests from daf_butler [daf_butler]

  • DM-33786: assembleCoadd reports success even when some stripes are unsuccessful. [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-33799: Remove unneeded try/except in Registry sqlite code [daf_butler]

  • DM-33805: Modify sky object plots/metrics to exclude those in NO_DATA regions [faro]

  • DM-33809: Change the default logger level to INFO solely for lsst loggers [daf_butler]

  • DM-33814: Fix type annotations in sconsUtils version file [sconsUtils]

  • DM-33817: Enable mypy checking in ctrl_mpexec [ctrl_mpexec, pipe_base]

  • DM-33820: Emit periodic log messages during Faro data loading [faro]

  • DM-33821: Develop Chronograph metrics for known SSO attribution [ap_association]

  • DM-33822: Fix DcrModel WCS bug [ip_diffim, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-33826: ci_hsc_gen2 fails due to exception type change [obs_base]

  • DM-33834: Run weekly 8 on RC2 using scarlet templates [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-33837: MemoryMetricTask does not support new-style metadata [verify]

  • DM-33843: ip_diffim DipoleFit does not use lsst-prefixed logger [ip_diffim]

  • DM-33848: Make visit definition more permissive [obs_base]

  • DM-33853: Consider adding logging when reading in many datasets [pipe_base]

  • DM-33854: Need periodic log messages for forcedPhotCoadd during aperture corrections [meas_base]

  • DM-33857: Make Piff the default PsfDeterminer in DRP.yaml [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-33870: Allow Butler constructor to use repo aliases [daf_butler]

  • DM-33887: HTCondor plugin not supporting some htcondor submit file commands [ctrl_bps]

  • DM-33888: Add config parameter to grow streak footprints only during [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-33890: certifyCalibrations fails due to exception type change. [daf_butler]

  • DM-33891: Butler ingest-raws config parameters not accessible from command-line [obs_base]

  • DM-33892: Create matched difference faro metrics for DC2 [verify_metrics, pipe_tasks, faro]

  • DM-33900: cp_pipe: calculate the gain using a pair of flats [cp_pipe]

  • DM-33902: Long chained collections print badly via CLI [daf_butler, pipelines_check]

  • DM-33904: Registry.getCollectionParentChains isn’t reliable [daf_butler]

  • DM-33907: Change physical_filter+detector+exposure WARNING to DEBUG [daf_butler]

  • DM-33909: Publish DP0.2 test slice schema [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-33910: Write PipelineTask to detect Cosmic Rays on difference images [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-33919: Add heartbeat logging support to utils [utils]

  • DM-33921: Replace in-place periodic loggers with PeriodicLogging class [meas_base, meas_extensions_scarlet]

  • DM-33934: Allow lsst.utils.packages to return all setup EUPS packages [utils]

  • DM-33942: Northern Spring 2022 Butler schema migration [daf_butler, obs_lsst, obs_cfht, obs_decam, pipe_base, obs_base, obs_subaru]

  • DM-33946: Configure basic healpix support in butler data repositories [daf_butler, ctrl_mpexec, pipe_base]

  • DM-33948: Add Per-object galactic extinction to Object Table [sdm_schemas, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-33949: Add objectTable_tract matched diff plots to analysis_drp [meas_astrom, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-33950: Periodic logger must issue messages from caller code [utils]

  • DM-33959: Calibrate Source Tables with Global Calibrations (jointcal/FGCM) [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-33960: Add astrometry residuals with refcat plots to analysis_drp [obs_lsst]

  • DM-33963: Add PipelineTask to aggregate memory/time usage from task metadata [pex_config, pipe_base, meas_algorithms]

  • DM-33966: Add PSF size residual plots in analysis_drp [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-33977: Nesting ConfigurableActionStructField config produces error [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-33978: Fix references to in configs and make the default [obs_subaru]

  • DM-33980: Create MatchedCatalogTableMeasurement base class [faro]

  • DM-33982: Apply new finalized psf models to coadds/forced measurements [meas_base, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-33992: Create plotting pipelines in drp_pipe to run during regular DC2/ RC2 reprocessing [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-33993: Apply Galactic Extinction in ColorColorFitPlotTask [obs_decam, obs_subaru]

  • DM-33999: Investigate unicode collection names in butler [daf_butler]

  • DM-34003: Fix Warning in DipoleFitTask [ip_diffim]

  • DM-34007: daf_butler will print raw bytes with query-dimension-records [daf_butler]

  • DM-34013: Add minimumUnmaskedFraction config to PiffPsfDeterminerConfig [meas_extensions_piff]

  • DM-34019: EvaluateLocalPhotoCalib runs before photoCal during calibrate [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-34037: Reduce log level of trailed source measurement [meas_extensions_trailedSources]

  • DM-34052: Rename FractionalResidualColumns to FractionalDifferenceColumns [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-34076: ctrl_mpexec unit test fails in test_mpexec_timeout [ctrl_mpexec]

  • DM-34101: Pipelines should not activate non-essential features [cp_pipe]

  • DM-34105: Add instrument base class to pipe_base [ctrl_mpexec, daf_butler, obs_lsst, pipe_tasks, jointcal, ctrl_bps, utils, fgcmcal, obs_base, pipe_base]

  • DM-34120: InconsistentDataIdError raised for data that doesn’t exist [daf_butler]

  • DM-34136: Add Visit and ccdVisit to sdm_schemas for DP0.2 ingest testing [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-34155: Miscellaneous pipeline cleanups from DM-33027 [ctrl_mpexec, pipe_base]

  • DM-34158: Allow parametric models in scarlet lite [scarlet]

  • DM-34168: Use better source selection in rho statistics [faro]

  • DM-34172: Butler cannot be initialized with directory-like ResourcePath [daf_butler]

  • DM-34174: Make fully gen3 replacement for PropagateVisitFlagsTask with dataframe inputs [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-34175: Simplify ingest with extended exposure table and related dimensions [obs_base, astro_metadata_translator]

  • DM-34186: Update ObservationInfo for RFC-836 schema change [astro_metadata_translator]

  • DM-34196: DM-31895 broke the build. [cp_pipe]

  • DM-34200: Update getTemplate connections [ap_pipe, ap_verify]

  • DM-34202: exception when creating qgraph where some datasets do not exist [daf_butler]

  • DM-34203: TRACE loggers are now active by default when invoked by pipetask [daf_butler]

  • DM-34208: Add support for creating TRACE loggers [ip_diffim, meas_extensions_gaap, utils]

  • DM-34215: Support dropping into debugger on exception [ctrl_mpexec]

  • DM-34217: Move ScaleVarianceTask [pipe_tasks, meas_algorithms]

  • DM-34237: Remove ap_verify dataset Gen 2 config files [ap_verify]

  • DM-34247: queryDataIds fails when a dataset existence constraint involves a dataset type with no dimensions [daf_butler]

  • DM-34254: ap_verify metrics report 0 completeness after switch to Piff [pipe_tasks, meas_extensions_piff, ap_pipe]

  • DM-34261: respond to click.Path api change [daf_butler, ctrl_mpexec]

  • DM-34265: bps should raise error if Quantum does not have a value required by cluster definition. [ctrl_bps]

  • DM-34280: Remove unused ctrl packages from lsst_distrib [lsst_distrib]

  • DM-34290: Add MJD times to CcdVisit/Visit tables [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-34326: Make Configurable actions add their targets to import list [pex_config]

  • DM-34328: Make queryCollections guarantee child order when flattenChains=True [daf_butler]

  • DM-34331: Turn on black for astro_metadata_translator [astro_metadata_translator]

  • DM-34363: Add trailFlux measurement to ap_association [ap_association, sdm_schemas]

  • DM-34364: Use PSF-matched template for image decorrelation [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-34371: finalizeCharacterization, fgcmcal, jointcal, others record visit key as 32-bit int [fgcmcal, pipe_tasks, jointcal, faro]

  • DM-34375: w_2022_15 breaks (some) pipelines [daf_butler]

  • DM-34377: Add support for postgresql testing for datastore [daf_butler]

  • DM-34386: Confusing doImport behavior with quoted strings [utils]

  • DM-34390: Move integration tests from pipe_tasks nopytest_test_coadds to ci_hsc_gen3 [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-34391: Change coadd defaults to use “finalized” psf models. [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-34407: cp_pipe flat construction fails due to missing vignette polygon [ip_isr]

  • DM-34439: Move pipe_tasks checks to pipelines_check [pipe_tasks, pipelines_check]

  • DM-34444: Remove BestSeeingWcsSelectImagesTask and associated tests. [pipe_tasks, ap_pipe]

  • DM-34445: Update ap_verify tutorial [ap_verify]

  • DM-34452: Deprecate calibrate.doInsertFakes and remove gen2-only tests. [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-34454: Update EUPS Eigen to 3.4.0 [eigen]

  • DM-34460: Incompletely defined storage classes cause butler query failure [daf_butler]

  • DM-34466: Write afterburner to re-calibrate src tables [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-34480: Switch APDB schema definition to felis [ap_association, sdm_schemas, ap_pipe, dax_apdb]

  • DM-34481: Fix cp_pipe fringe PipelineDataCycleError [ip_isr]

  • DM-34483: Butler Registry to ObsCore exporter [daf_butler]

  • DM-34484: Remove all test dependencies on obs_test, and remove obs_test from lsst_apps [lsst_apps, lsst_obs, pipe_tasks, meas_algorithms, meas_astrom]

  • DM-34489: Add faro flux stat task into RC2/DC2 pipelines [faro]

  • DM-34497: Reduce memory usage of “butler register-skymap” [skymap]

  • DM-34502: Turn off all extra measurement plugins in all AuxTel processing [obs_lsst]

  • DM-34507: Fix bug in ISR when doAttachTransmissionCurve and doUseOpticsTransmission are both False [ip_isr]

  • DM-34516: Make a better DECam skymap in shared-repo-land [obs_decam, obs_subaru]

  • DM-34531: Cleanup piff PSF determiner model size config options [pex_config]

  • DM-34539: Add detection significance to DIASources and apdb [ap_association, meas_base]

  • DM-34559: Make gen2 deprecation message more imminent [daf_persistence]

  • DM-34566: ip_diffim tests produce many warnings [ip_diffim]

  • DM-34583: Fix faro sky object metric lookup name [faro]

  • DM-34584: Piff PSF images should respect samplingSize [meas_extensions_piff]

  • DM-34590: –longlog requires an unnecessary argument [pipe_base]

  • DM-34603: Add trailed-source injection to insertFakes [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-34610: Update rubin-env to v4.0.0 and include rubin-extras [lsst, daf_persistence]

  • DM-34616: Avoid NULL/None for implied dimensions in test data IDs [daf_butler, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-34621: Use cache when possible in Psf compute*BBox implementations [afw, cpputils]

  • DM-34630: Add quantities useful for QA to ccdVisitTable [sdm_schemas, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-34635: Remove some detector dataId key columns from Source Table [sdm_schemas, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-34644: The decorrelated variance plane is scaled too low on DC2 data [ip_diffim, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-34666: Set macOS deployment target to 11 on arm Mac [sconsUtils]

  • DM-34687: Write task to create high-resolution HIPS-compatible coadd images [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-34693: Investigate lack of solar system matches in ap_verify runs [ap_association, obs_decam, obs_subaru]

  • DM-34697: FGCM breaks when less than 2 visits have seeing values [fgcmcal]

  • DM-34698: Default piff kernelSize to 25 [meas_extensions_piff, ap_pipe, pipelines_check, meas_algorithms]

  • DM-34699: Patch the ap_pipe config reset hack [ap_pipe]

  • DM-34700: Change Config File for cpPTC.yaml [cp_pipe]

  • DM-34711: Reprocess HSC Cosmos dataset with Fakes [ap_pipe]

  • DM-34721: Add topological-operation-tree Region class and intersection+union operators [sphgeom]

  • DM-34752: Move non-generic characterize/calibrate configs out of obs_lsst/config [obs_lsst]

  • DM-34766: Propagate debiased moments to sourceTable_visit dataset [sdm_schemas, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-34768: Deprecate characterizeImage refcat hooks [obs_lsst, pipe_tasks, ap_pipe, obs_cfht, obs_decam]

  • DM-34770: Remove deprecated uses of psf computeShape() and friends [afw, ip_diffim, meas_algorithms, meas_deblender, meas_base]

  • DM-34777: Scarlet should take in a position to compute PSF image [meas_extensions_scarlet]

  • DM-34778: Expose piff interpolant in meas_extensions_piff config [meas_extensions_piff, pipelines_check]

  • DM-34780: Update sdm_schemas for DP0.2 production run [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-34786: Run ci_hits with the new image differencing [ip_diffim]

  • DM-34792: Deprecate version 0 refcat code [meas_astrom, pipe_tasks, meas_algorithms]

  • DM-34798: fgcmcal chebyshev test tolerance is too tight on some build systems [fgcmcal]

  • DM-34801: Replace Diff_warpedExp with Diff_templateExp in diaPipe [ap_association, ap_pipe, ap_verify]

  • DM-34809: Add isolatedStarAssociation/finalizeCharacterization to DECam step2 [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-34811: Quantum graph ordering for component datasets [ctrl_mpexec]

  • DM-34812: MWCommand argument capture does not split values separated by an equal sign [daf_butler]

  • DM-34814: Express ObsCore data model in Felis for DP0.2 deployment [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-34826: Identify unnecessary configs and Tasks and test removal from ap_pipe [ap_pipe]

  • DM-34830: Increase template border size [ip_diffim]

  • DM-34834: IsolatedStarAssociationTask crashes if secondary band in tract has no overlap with primary band [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-34855: Add vectorized way of getting URIs for many datasets [daf_butler]

  • DM-34856: Remove daf_persistence from obs_subaru [jointcal, obs_subaru]

  • DM-34862: Migrate testdata_decam to gen3 [obs_decam]

  • DM-34863: Convert tests in obs_decam from gen2 to gen3 and remove gen2. [obs_decam]

  • DM-34865: Script for looking at ap_verify metrics [verify]

  • DM-34876: Add cloud to ctrl_bps GenericWorkflowJob [ctrl_bps]

  • DM-34884: Ignore schema checksums for daf_butler manager classes. [daf_butler]

  • DM-34887: add support to butler transfer-datasets to also transfer the dimension records it needs [daf_butler, pipe_base]

  • DM-34908: Consolidate task defaults and pipeline overrides [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-34912: Include pixel clipping and masks in “getGainFromFlatPair” as in “measureMeanVarCov” of “cpPtcSolve” [cp_pipe]

  • DM-34914: Defer import of healpy in sphgeom [sphgeom]

  • DM-34919: Remove gen2 support from obs_lsst [daf_butler, obs_lsst, obs_base]

  • DM-34922: Report ptc turnoff in ptcDataset from cpPtcSolve [cp_pipe, ip_isr]

  • DM-34924: Execution butler can’t handle new StorageClass conversion [pipe_base]

  • DM-34943: FinalizeCharacterizationTask fails to set the exposure psf prior to computing aperture corrections [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-34954: Documenteer: Patch 0.5 series to unpin numpydoc 0.5 [pipe_base]

  • DM-34955: Deprecate creation of new data repositories with autoincrement integer dataset IDs [daf_butler]

  • DM-34994: fgcm dies in w_2022_22 verify_drp_metrics run [fgcm]

  • DM-35006: Fix dimension ordering in decorrelation afterburner [ip_diffim]

  • DM-35008: trailedSources tests very slow on macOS ARM [meas_base]

  • DM-35035: Remove gen2 support from obs_base [daf_butler, obs_lsst, pipe_tasks, obs_cfht, obs_decam, obs_base, obs_subaru]

  • DM-35047: Put middleware packages on pypi [ctrl_mpexec, daf_butler, pex_config, utils, sphgeom, astro_metadata_translator, pipe_base]

  • DM-35060: Only do minimal necessary processing in characterizeImage by default [pipe_tasks, pex_config, ap_pipe]

  • DM-35066: Print number of clusters in clustered graph [ctrl_bps]

  • DM-35068: New ip_diffim algorithm breaks on macOS [ip_diffim]

  • DM-35071: ap_verify can’t import from old ap_verify dataset [ap_verify]

  • DM-35083: Prepare for upcoming version of spherematch which will change API functionality [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-35090: bps get DimensionUniverse from given butler [ctrl_bps]

  • DM-35095: Update cp_pipe documentation to remove instrument specific pipelines from example commands [cp_pipe]

  • DM-35105: Track down and fix bug leading to even-sized PSFs from DM-32411 [meas_algorithms]

  • DM-35123: TAP_SCHEMA updates for DP0.2 production data [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-35125: Add UCDs for main coordinate columns in DP0.2 tables [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-35128: Valgrind error in lsst::afw::math::LeastSquares::getDiagnostic [afw]

  • DM-35135: cpCombine partial reads interferes with amplifier-level scaling [cp_pipe]

  • DM-35144: Add ping subcommand to bps [ctrl_bps]

  • DM-35153: Fix collection order in SimplePipelineExecutor [ctrl_mpexec]

  • DM-35160: Fix bug in [meas_extensions_scarlet]

  • DM-35162: Set the default doApplyFinalizedPsf value to False for makeWarp within ApTemplate.yaml [ap_pipe]

  • DM-35169: Add ccdVisitId to CcdVisit schema [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-35173: Add descriptions to CcdVisit and Visit Tables in sdm_schemas [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-35174: Add descriptions to diaObject table in sdm_schemas [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-35175: Debug convolveScience option of new image differencing [ip_diffim]

  • DM-35186: Add FOCUSZ into ExposureInfo [afw, obs_base, obs_lsst, astro_metadata_translator]

  • DM-35191: Add test matrix for build workflow [ctrl_mpexec, daf_butler, pex_config, utils, pipe_base]

  • DM-35199: Fix python package names [obs_base, ctrl_bps]

  • DM-35220: Use python dependencies from github [daf_butler, ctrl_mpexec, pipe_base]

  • DM-35221: Declare single-character columns in DP0.2 as variable-length in TAP output [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-35252: Add DECam config overrides into cpBias and cpFlat pipelines [cp_pipe]

  • DM-35265: Reduce usage of MeasurementError in SdssCentroid [meas_base]

  • DM-35267: Fix race condition when uploading documentation [astro_metadata_translator]

  • DM-35272: lsst-daf-butler requires psycopg2 to be useful, and does not list it as a dependency [daf_butler]

  • DM-35278: Increase version of ptcDataset and make it backwards compatible [ip_isr]

  • DM-35281: Investigate failed jobs in w_2022_24 [afw]

  • DM-35292: Remove MeasurementError in trailedSources [meas_extensions_trailedSources]

  • DM-35310: Add automatic version with pip install for ctrl_bps [ctrl_bps]

  • DM-35312: Introduce typing support in pex_config [pex_config, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-35313: Submissions fail when the config defines site-specific job attributes [ctrl_bps]

  • DM-35316: Add ‘detector’ information (and any other missing info) to PTC dataset metadata [cp_pipe, ip_isr]

  • DM-35322: ForcedPhotCcdFromDataFrameTask needs local calib plugins [sdm_schemas, meas_base]

  • DM-35331: Add tests of sky source handling in transformDiaSourceCat [ap_association]

  • DM-35333: Minor fixes to schema browser [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-35347: Switch PyPi packages to pyproject.toml from setup.cfg [ctrl_mpexec, daf_butler, ctrl_bps, pex_config, utils, sphgeom, pipe_base]

  • DM-35348: Fix security warning in butler tests [daf_butler]

  • DM-35349: Fix brighter fatter kernel backwards compatibility [ip_isr]

  • DM-35355: Add some docstrings to PiffPsf [meas_extensions_piff]

  • DM-35359: Set doApplyFinalizedPsf to False for all AP makeWarp steps, for reals [ap_pipe]

  • DM-35372: Fix documentation for config variable in maskStreaksTask [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-35386: Fix serialization of ConfigurableActionStructField when struct is empty [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-35391: butler query-data-ids DIMENSIONS should be made not optional [daf_butler]

  • DM-35457: Fix handling of FITS error messages passed to C++ exceptions [afw]

  • DM-35458: OOM during output write causes file corruption [daf_butler]

  • DM-35459: pyvo soda obscore tutorial notebook [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-35460: Programatic header fixup for AuxTel targets starting spec: [obs_lsst]

  • DM-35469: Fix error message with storage class redefinition [daf_butler]

  • DM-35494: Allow execution butler creation to transfer datasets [ctrl_mpexec, pipe_base]

  • DM-35518: Fix ROT_PA=None for comCam data [obs_lsst]

  • DM-35524: Fix inconsistent TS8 filter definitions [obs_lsst]

  • DM-35528: Update TS8 info in obs_lsst for FITS header changes and CCD replacement in slot S00 RTM-004 [obs_lsst]

  • DM-35531: Remove remaining gen2 cruft from obs_lsst [obs_lsst]

  • DM-35551: Rework HSC pipelines in drp_pipe to enable full-survey FGCM [pipe_tasks, pipelines_check]

  • DM-35564: ap_verify docs say datasets should be installed at run-time [ap_verify]

  • DM-35565: Typing fix for pex config [pex_config]

  • DM-35574: Add storage class for MetricMeasurementBundles [daf_butler]

  • DM-35587: Update sphgeom to use hpgeom in place of healpy [sphgeom]

  • DM-35588: Update pipe_tasks to use hpgeom in place of healpy [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-35589: Update fgcm and skymap to use hpgeom in place of healpy [skymap, afw, fgcmcal, fgcm]

  • DM-35594: Fully masked amplifiers can trigger read failures for PTC [ip_isr]

  • DM-35598: Publish ctrl_bps packages on PyPI [ctrl_bps]

  • DM-35619: Make task to get astrometry residuals with the reference catalog for analysis_tools [obs_lsst]

  • DM-35639: Switch AP and DRP pipelines to use new image differencing [verify_metrics, pipe_tasks, ap_pipe, ip_diffim, ap_verify]

  • DM-35652: Fix failing mypy GHA [daf_butler]

  • DM-35654: Add FinalizedPsf connection to new image differencing [ip_diffim]

  • DM-35655: Remove gen2 jointcal code and tests [jointcal]

  • DM-35656: Run analysis_tools’ analysis pipeline in ci_imsim [obs_lsst, obs_subaru]

  • DM-35670: Remove gen2 support from pipe_tasks [obs_subaru, pipe_tasks, obs_base, obs_cfht]

  • DM-35671: Remove gen2 support from meas_algorithms [meas_algorithms]

  • DM-35674: Remove gen2 support from ip_diffim [ip_diffim, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-35675: Remove gen2 support from pipe_base [coadd_utils, verify, pipe_base]

  • DM-35687: Update weights in least squares fits in PTC task [cp_pipe]

  • DM-35690: Build GHA fail for python 3.8/3.9 on installing dependencies with pip [ctrl_mpexec, daf_butler, ctrl_bps, pex_config, utils, sphgeom, astro_metadata_translator, pipe_base]

  • DM-35697: Move profile context manager out of pipe_base.cmdLineTask [utils, jointcal, pipe_base]

  • DM-35724: Remove gen2 from coadd_utils [coadd_utils]

  • DM-35725: Remove Gen2 usage from meas_base [meas_base, pipe_tasks, obs_subaru]

  • DM-35731: Add __all__ to [cp_pipe]

  • DM-35741: Create DeferredDatasetHandle variant without a butler backing [daf_butler, pipe_base]

  • DM-35752: Error running pipetask with DatasetRef being None [pipe_base]

  • DM-35772: Remove gen2 support from ip_isr [ip_isr]

  • DM-35773: Remove gen2 support from cp_pipe [cp_pipe]

  • DM-35775: Fix remote file raw ingest [obs_base, astro_metadata_translator]

  • DM-35790: “Gain from flat pairs” returns a relative gain bias (w.r.t the PTC gain) of about 5% at 5k ADU [cp_pipe]

  • DM-35792: sconsUtils cannot install doc directories that do not contain a config file [sconsUtils]

  • DM-35797: Remove CmdLineTask from cp_verify [cp_verify]

  • DM-35807: expIdMasks in PTC dataset is an array of floats and not booleans when ptcFitType=FULLCOVARIANCE [cp_pipe]

  • DM-35814: Fix doc build for meas_base [meas_base]

  • DM-35815: Add method to find storage class to factory [daf_butler, pipe_base]

  • DM-35817: Turn off compatibility mode for image differencing [ip_diffim]

  • DM-35821: Fix CTI run errors [ip_isr]

  • DM-35835: Remove CmdLineTask from cp_pipe [cp_pipe]

  • DM-35836: Deprecate config.cycleNumber which is incorrectly used. [fgcmcal, obs_subaru]

  • DM-35841: Fix pipe_tasks docs for Winter2013ImageDifferenceTask removal [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-35877: Clean up some vestigial gen2 code [ap_association, cp_pipe, obs_lsst, pipe_tasks, jointcal, obs_cfht, obs_decam, ip_isr, meas_deblender, fgcmcal, meas_algorithms, obs_subaru]

  • DM-35886: Add color_riz to HiPS list [daf_butler]

  • DM-35894: sphgeom fails build and test GHA [sphgeom]

  • DM-35895: MultibandExposure.fromButler is gen2 only [afw]

  • DM-35896: Remove reference to daf_persistence in docs [display_firefly]

  • DM-35897: Remove unused gen2 methods from jointcal [jointcal]

  • DM-35903: Remove unused display code from meas_modelfit [meas_modelfit]

  • DM-35904: Remove gen2 reference from meas_astrom [meas_astrom]