.. _install-lsstsw: ####################################### Installation with lsstsw and lsst-build ####################################### This page guides you through installing the LSST Science Pipelines from source with lsstsw and lsst-build. These are the same tools LSST Data Management uses to build and test the Science Pipelines. Since lsstsw presents the Science Pipelines as a directory of Git repositories cloned from `github.com/lsst <https://github.com/lsst>`__, this installation method can be very convenient for developing Science Pipelines code, particularly when modifying multiple packages at the same time. Other methods of installing LSST Science Pipelines software are :doc:`newinstall.sh <newinstall>` and :doc:`Docker <docker>`. If you have issues using lsstsw, here are two ways to get help: - Review the :ref:`known installation issues <installation-issues>`. - Ask a question on the `LSST Community support forum <https://community.lsst.org/c/support>`_. .. _lsstsw-prerequisites: 1. Prerequisites ================ The LSST Science Pipelines are developed and tested primarily on CentOS, but can be compiled and run on macOS, Debian, Ubuntu, and other Linux distributions. See :ref:`prereq-platforms` for information about LSST's official reference platform and build reports with other platforms, and follow the instructions under :ref:`system-prereqs` to ensure you have installed the prerequisite software for your platform. .. _lsstsw-deploy: 2. Deploy lsstsw ================ Begin by choosing a working directory, then deploy ``lsstsw`` into it: .. code-block:: bash git clone https://github.com/lsst/lsstsw.git cd lsstsw ./bin/deploy source bin/envconfig If you are running in a :command:`csh` or :command:`tcsh`, change the last line to: .. code-block:: bash source bin/envconfig.csh For more information about the :command:`deploy` command, see :ref:`lsstsw-about-deploy`. .. _lsstsw-rebuild: If you intend to use a Git LFS repository, like `testdata_ci_hsc`_ or `afwdata`_, you should :doc:`configure Git LFS <git-lfs>` before you continue. 3. Build the Science Pipelines packages ======================================= From the :file:`lsstsw` directory, run: .. code-block:: bash rebuild -t current lsst_distrib Once the ``rebuild`` step finishes, note the build number printed on screen. It is formatted as "``bNNNN``." The ``-t current`` argument automatically marks the installed packages with the "current" tag, so that eups will set them up when no version is specified. The equivalent command to do this manually would be: .. code-block:: bash eups tags --clone bNNNN current Finally, set up the packages with EUPS: .. code-block:: bash setup lsst_distrib See :doc:`setup` for more information. .. note:: You can do more with the :command:`build` command, including building from branches of GitHub repositories. For more information: - :ref:`lsstsw-about-rebuild`. - :ref:`lsstsw-branches`. - :ref:`lsstsw-rebuild-ref`. .. _lsstsw-testing-your-installation: 4. Testing Your installation (optional) ======================================= Once the LSST Science Pipelines are installed, you can verify that it works by :doc:`running a demo project <demo>`. .. _lsstsw-upgrading: 5. Upgrading your installation ============================== You can upgrade an lsstsw installation in-place by following these steps from within your :file:`lsstsw/` directory. #. Start a shell that has not sourced `envconfig`; you may have to comment out a line in e.g. your ``.bashrc``. The `bin/deploy` script needs to run without an active environment to be able to install a new one. #. Run `git pull` to download the latest environment definition. #. Run `bin/deploy` to install that new conda environment. #. Start a new shell for the final command, to ensure your shell environment is properly configured for the new lsstsw env, and `source lsstsw/bin/envconfig` if it is not automatically sourced during your shell startup. #. Run `rebuild -u -t current lsst_distrib` to download the latest repos definition file, rebuild the entire Science Pipelines codebase, and mark the installed packages with the eups "current" tag. If you do not intend to use your older builds in the future, you can remove all of the sub-directories in your :file:`stack/VERSION/` (where ``VERSION`` is the old environment version) path before the upgrade, to save space and reduce the number of eups package versions. .. _lsstsw-setup: Sourcing the Pipelines in a new shell ===================================== In every new shell session you will need to set up the Science Pipelines environment and EUPS package stack. Run these two steps: 1. Activate the lsstsw software environment by sourcing the :file:`envconfig` script in lsstsw's :file:`bin` directory: .. code-block:: bash source bin/envconfig If you are running in a :command:`csh` or :command:`tcsh`, run this set up script instead: .. code-block:: bash source bin/envconfig.csh 2. Set up a :doc:`top-level package <top-level-packages>`: .. code-block:: bash setup lsst_distrib Instead of ``lsst_distrib``, you can set up a different top-level package like ``lsst_apps`` or any individual EUPS package you previously installed. See :doc:`top-level-packages`. .. _lsstsw-next: Next steps and advanced topics ============================== - :ref:`lsstsw-about-deploy`. - :ref:`lsstsw-about-rebuild`. - :ref:`lsstsw-branches`. - :ref:`lsstsw-deploy-ref`. - :ref:`lsstsw-rebuild-ref`. .. _lsstsw-about-deploy: About the lsstsw deploy script ------------------------------ The ``deploy`` script automates several things to prepare an LSST development environment: 1. Installs Miniconda_ and a Python 3 environment specific to this lsstsw workspace, including (another) Git and Git LFS. 2. Installs EUPS_ into :file:`eups/current/`. 3. Clones `lsst-build`_, the tool that runs the build process. 4. Clones versiondb_, a robot-managed Git repository of package dependency information. 5. Creates an empty stack *installation* directory, :file:`stack/`. This environment, including the EUPS, Miniconda, Git, and Git LFS software, is only activated when you source the :file:`bin/envconfig` or :file:`bin/envconfig.csh` scripts in a shell. Otherwise, lsstsw does not affect the software installed on your computer. See also: :ref:`lsstsw-deploy-ref`. .. _lsstsw-about-rebuild: About the lsstsw rebuild command -------------------------------- The :command:`rebuild` command accomplishes the following: 1. Clones all Science Pipelines packages from `github.com/lsst <https://github.com/lsst>`__. The `repos.yaml`_ file in the https://github.com/lsst/repos repository maps package names to GitHub repositories. 2. Runs the Scons-based build process to compile C++, make Pybind11 bindings, and ultimately create the :lmod:`lsst` Python package. The stack is built and installed into the :file:`stack/` directory inside your :file:`lsstsw/` work directory. lsstsw clones repositories using HTTPS (`see repos.yaml <https://github.com/lsst/repos/blob/main/etc/repos.yaml>`_). Our guide to `Setting up a Git credential helper <http://developer.lsst.io/en/latest/tools/git_lfs.html>`_ will allow you to push new commits up to GitHub without repeatedly entering your GitHub credentials. See also: :ref:`lsstsw-rebuild-ref`. .. _lsstsw-branches: Building from branches ---------------------- lsstsw's :command:`rebuild` command enables you to clone and build development branches. To build ``lsst_distrb``, but use the Git branch ``my-feature`` when it's available in a package's repository: .. code-block:: bash rebuild -r my-feature lsst_distrib Multiple ticket branches across multiple products can be built in order of priority: .. code-block:: bash rebuild -r feature-1 -r feature-2 lsst_distrib In this example, a ``feature-1`` branch will be used in any package's Git repository. A ``feature-2`` branch will be used secondarily in repositories where ``feature-1`` doesn't exist. Finally, ``lsstsw`` falls back to using the ``main`` branch for repositories that lack both ``feature-1`` and ``feature-2``. .. _lsstsw-deploy-ref: lsstsw deploy command reference ------------------------------- .. program:: deploy .. code-block:: text usage: deploy.sh [-2|-3] [-b] [-h] .. option:: -b Use bleeding-edge conda packages. .. option:: -h Print the help message. .. option:: -r REF Use a particular git ref of the conda packages in scipipe_conda_env. .. _lsstsw-rebuild-ref: lsstsw rebuild command reference -------------------------------- .. program:: rebuild .. code-block:: text rebuild [-p] [-n] [-u] [-r <ref> [-r <ref2> [...]]] [-t <eupstag>] [product1 [product2 [...]]] .. option:: -p Prep only. .. option:: -n Do not run :command:`git fetch` in already-downloaded repositories. .. option:: -u Update the :file:`repos.yaml` package index to the ``main`` branch on GitHub of https://github.com/lsst/repos. .. option:: -r <git ref> Rebuild using the Git ref. A Git ref can be a branch name, tag, or commit SHA. Multiple ``-r`` arguments can be given, in order or priority. .. option:: -t EUPS tag. .. _lsst-build: https://github.com/lsst/lsst_build .. _versiondb: https://github.com/lsst/versiondb .. _EUPS: https://github.com/RobertLuptonTheGood/eups .. _Miniconda: http://conda.pydata.org/miniconda.html .. _`repos.yaml`: https://github.com/lsst/repos/blob/main/etc/repos.yaml .. _`testdata_ci_hsc`: https://github.com/lsst/testdata_ci_hsc .. _`afwdata`: https://github.com/lsst/afwdata