analysis_tools is the plotting and metric framework that is used to perform QA on the pipeline products. It is a very powerful way to explore and interact with the pipeline outputs.


For a tutorial on working with analysis_tools please see the getting started guide.

Need Help?

If you get stuck with analysis_tools then feel free to reach out to the #rubinobs-analysis-tools channel on slack and hopefully someone will help you!

Contributing is developed at You can find Jira issues for this module under the analysis_tools component.

Python API reference Package


AnalysisAction(*args, **kw)

Base class interface for the various actions used in analysis tools.

AnalysisBaseConfig(*args, **kw)

Base class for all configs used to define an AnalysisPipelineTask

AnalysisBaseConnections(*[, config])

Base class for Connections used for AnalysisTools PipelineTasks.

AnalysisPipelineTask(*[, config, log, ...])

Base class for PipelineTasks intended to run AnalysisTools.

AnalysisTool(*args, **kw)

A tool which which calculates a single type of analysis on input data, though it may return more than one result.

BaseMetricAction(*args, **kw)

BasePrep(*args, **kw)

BaseProcess(*args, **kw)

BaseProduce(*args, **kw)

JointAction(*args, **kw)

A JointAction is an AnalysisAction that is a composite of a PlotAction and a MetricAction

JointResults(plot, metric)

KeyedDataAction(*args, **kw)

A KeyedDataAction is an AnalysisAction that returns KeyedData when called.

MetricAction(*args, **kw)

A MetricAction is an AnalysisAction that returns a Measurement or a Mapping of str to Measurement when called.

MetricMeasurementBundle(*args, **kwargs)

A specialized dict for storing outputs from multiple AnalysisMetric actions.

PlotAction(*args, **kw)

A PlotAction is an AnalysisAction that returns a PlotType or a Mapping of str to PlotType when called.


alias of Figure


This is an interface only class, and is intended to abstract around all the various types of numbers used in Python.

ScalarAction(*args, **kw)

A ScalarAction is an AnalysisAction that returns a Scalar when called.


alias of type[Scalar]

VectorAction(*args, **kw)

A VectorAction is an AnalysisAction that returns a Vector when called.





nansigmaMad(x[, axis, center, scale, nan_policy])

Compute the median absolute deviation of the data along the given axis.

sigmaMad(x[, axis, center, scale, nan_policy])

Compute the median absolute deviation of the data along the given axis. Package


BarPanel(*args, **kw)

BarPlot(*args, **kw)

A plotting tool which can take multiple keyed data inputs and can create one or more bar graphs.

ColorColorFitPlot(*args, **kw)

Makes a color-color plot and overplots a prefited line to the specified area of the plot.

DiaSkyPanel(*args, **kw)

Configuration options for DiaSkyPlot panels.

DiaSkyPlot(*args, **kw)

Generic pseudo base class for plotting DiaSources (or DiaObjects) on the sky.

HistPanel(*args, **kw)

HistPlot(*args, **kw)

HistStatsPanel(*args, **kw)

A Config class that holds parameters to configure a the stats panel shown for histPlot.

MultiVisitCoveragePlot(*args, **kw)

RhoStatisticsPlotAction(*args, **kw)

ScatterPlotStatsAction(*args, **kw)

Calculates the statistics needed for the scatter plot with two hists.

ScatterPlotWithTwoHists(*args, **kw)

Makes a scatter plot of the data with a marginal histogram for each axis.

SkyPlot(*args, **kw)

Plots the on sky distribution of a parameter.

XYPlot(*args, **kw) Package


AstromDiff(*args, **kw)

Calculate the difference between two columns, assuming their units are degrees, and convert the difference to arcseconds.

BandSelector(*args, **kw)

Makes a mask for sources observed in a specified set of bands.

BinnedCorr2Config(*args, **kw)

A Config class that holds some of the parameters supported by treecorr.

CalcE(*args, **kw)

Calculate a complex value representation of the ellipticity.

CalcE1(*args, **kw)

Calculate distortion-type \(e1 = (Ixx - Iyy)/(Ixx + Iyy)\) or shear-type \(g1 = (Ixx - Iyy)/(Ixx + Iyy + 2sqrt(Ixx*Iyy - Ixy^{2}))\).

CalcE2(*args, **kw)

Calculate distortion-type \(e2 = 2Ixy/(Ixx+Iyy)\) or shear-type \(g2 = 2Ixy/(Ixx+Iyy+2\sqrt(Ixx*Iyy - Ixy^{2}))\).

CalcEDiff(*args, **kw)

Calculate the difference of two ellipticities as a complex quantity.

CalcRhoStatistics(*args, **kw)

Calculate rho statistics

CalcShapeSize(*args, **kw)

Calculate a size: (Ixx*Iyy - Ixy**2)**0.25 OR (0.5*(Ixx + Iyy))**0.5 The square of size measure is typically expressed either as the arithmetic mean of the eigenvalues of the moment matrix (trace radius) or as the geometric mean of the eigenvalues (determinant radius), which can be specified using the sizeType parameter.

CoaddPlotFlagSelector(*args, **kw)

This default setting makes it take the band from the kwargs.

ConstantValue(*args, **kw)

Return a constant scalar value

DivideVector(*args, **kw)

Calculate (A/B)

DownselectVector(*args, **kw)

Get a vector from KeyedData, apply specified selector, return the shorter Vector.

ExtendednessSelector(*args, **kw)

A selector that picks between extended and point sources.

ExtinctionCorrectedMagDiff(*args, **kw)

Compute the difference between two magnitudes and correct for extinction By default bands are derived from the <band>_ prefix on flux columns, per the naming convention in the Object Table: e.g.

FlagSelector(*args, **kw)

The base flag selector to use to select valid sources for QA

FractionalDifference(*args, **kw)

Calculate (A-B)/B

GalaxySelector(*args, **kw)

A selector that picks out galaxies based off of their extendedness values.

GoodDiaSourceSelector(*args, **kw)

Selects good DIA sources from diaSourceTables

LoadVector(*args, **kw)

Load and return a Vector from KeyedData

MagColumnNanoJansky(*args, **kw)

Turn nano janskies into magnitudes.

MagDiff(*args, **kw)

Calculate the difference between two magnitudes; each magnitude is derived from a flux column.

MultiCriteriaDownselectVector(*args, **kw)

Get a vector from KeyedData, apply specified set of selectors with AND logic, and return the shorter Vector.

PerGroupStatistic(*args, **kw)

Compute per-group statistic values and return result as a vector with one element per group.

RangeSelector(*args, **kw)

Selects rows within a range, inclusive of min/exclusive of max.

SNCalculator(*args, **kw)

Calculate the signal-to-noise.

SkyObjectSelector(*args, **kw)

Selects sky objects in the given band(s)

SkySourceSelector(*args, **kw)

Selects sky sources from sourceTables

Sn(*args, **kw)

Compute signal-to-noise in the given flux type

SnSelector(*args, **kw)

Selects points that have S/N > threshold in the given flux type

StarSelector(*args, **kw)

A selector that picks out stars based off of their extendedness values.

SubtractVector(*args, **kw)

Calculate (A-B)

ThresholdSelector(*args, **kw)

Return a mask corresponding to an applied threshold.

UnknownSelector(*args, **kw)

A selector that picks out unclassified objects based off of their extendedness values.

VectorSelector(*args, **kw)

Load a boolean vector from KeyedData and return it for use as a selector.

VisitPlotFlagSelector(*args, **kw)

Select on a set of flags appropriate for making visit-level plots (i.e., using sourceTable_visit catalogs). Package


ApproxFloor(*args, **kw)

Returns the median of the lowest ten values of the sorted input.

CountAction(*args, **kw)

Returns the number of non nan entries in the given column,

CountUniqueAction(*args, **kw)

Counts the number of unique rows in a given column.

FracInRange(*args, **kw)

Compute the fraction of a distribution that is between specified minimum and maximum values, and is not NaN.

FracNan(*args, **kw)

Compute the fraction of vector entries that are NaN.

FracThreshold(*args, **kw)

Compute the fraction of a distribution that is above or below a specified threshold.

MaxAction(*args, **kw)

Returns the maximum of the given data.

MeanAction(*args, **kw)

Calculates the mean of the given data.

MedianAction(*args, **kw)

Calculates the median of the given data.

MinAction(*args, **kw)

Returns the minimum of the given data.

SigmaMadAction(*args, **kw)

Calculates the sigma mad of the given data.

StdevAction(*args, **kw)

Calculates the standard deviation of the given data.