
UpdateVisitSummaryTask combines updated versions of the various Exposure component objects used to characterize and calibrate a single-epoch image into a single per-visit exposure catalog (finalVisitSummary). It also recomputes summary statistics to reflect these updates.

Processing summary

UpdateVisitSummaryTask reads in the initial summary dataset of essentially the same form (visitSummary), then replaces the object fields of each record with objects loaded from other (often optional) input datasets that contain newer (often final) versions of those objects. When an object field is replaced, any related summary statistics in the catalog’s non-object columns are also recomputed.

See connection and run argument documentation for details.

Python API summary

from lsst.drp.tasks.update_visit_summary import UpdateVisitSummaryTask
classUpdateVisitSummaryTask(*, initInputs=None, **kwargs)

A pipeline task that creates a new visit-summary table after all `lsst.afw.image.Exposure` components have been finalized...


Access configuration fields and retargetable subtasks.

methodrun(input_summary_catalog, input_exposures, psf_overrides=None, psf_star_catalog=None, ap_corr_overrides=None, photo_calib_overrides=None, wcs_overrides=None, background_originals=None, background_overrides=None)

Build an updated version of a visit summary catalog...

See also

See the UpdateVisitSummaryTask API reference for complete details.

Butler datasets

When run through the runQuantum method, UpdateVisitSummaryTask obtains datasets from the input Butler data repository and persists outputs to the output Butler data repository.

In this mode, the PSF and aperture correction map are always replaced (since at present all relevant pipelines do recompute these), even though they are optional when calling lsst.drp.tasks.update_visit_summary.UpdateVisitSummaryTask.run directly.

The main output dataset, finalVisitSummary (by default), can typically be used to provide all downstream tasks with the best versions of all calibrations for each detector.

Retargetable subtasks




Field type


Subtask that computes summary statistics from Exposure components.

Configuration fields


Field type

str ChoiceField


The input visit summary catalog already includes summary statistics for the final backgrounds that can be used as-is.


{“The ‘background_originals’ connection refers to a background model that has been superseded by the model referred to by the ‘background_overrides’ connection.”}

Which connection(s) and behavior to use when applying background overrides.


Data type


Field type


Configurations describing the connections of the PipelineTask to datatypes


Field type

str ChoiceField


Propagate the PhotoCalib from the input visit summary catalog and do not recompute photometric calibration summary statistics.


{“Use the ‘photo_calib_overrides_tract’ connection to load an `ExposureCatalog` with {visit, tract} dimensions and per-detector rows, and recommpute photometric calibration summary statistics.”}


{“Use the ‘photo_calib_overrides_global’ connection to load an `ExposureCatalog` with {visit} dimensions and per-detector rows, and recommpute photometric calibration summary statistics.”}

Which connection and behavior to use when applying photometric calibration overrides.


Field type

bool Field

Flag to enable/disable saving of log output for a task, enabled by default.


Field type

bool Field

Flag to enable/disable metadata saving for a task, enabled by default.


Field type

str ChoiceField


Propagate the WCS from the input visit summary catalog and do not recompute WCS-based summary statistics.


{“Use the ‘wcs_overrides_tract’ connection to load an `ExposureCatalog` with {visit, tract} dimensions and per-detector rows, and recommpute WCS-based summary statistics.”}


{“Use the ‘wcs_overrides_global’ connection to load an `ExposureCatalog` with {visit} dimensions and per-detector rows, and recommpute WCS-based summary statistics.”}

Which connection and behavior to use when applying WCS overrides.