Testing the Science Pipelines installation with a demo

This demo will allow you to quickly test your LSST Science Pipelines installation, regardless of your installation method.

1. Activate the LSST Science Pipelines

Remember to first load the LSST Science Pipelines into your shell’s environment. The method depends on how the Science Pipelines were installed:

2. Download the demo project

Choose a directory to run the demo in. For example:

mkdir -p demo_data
cd demo_data

Then download the demo’s data (if you aren’t running the current stable release, see the note below):

curl -L https://github.com/lsst/pipelines_check/archive/25.0.0.tar.gz | tar xvzf -
cd pipelines_check-25.0.0


The demo’s version should match your LSST Science Pipelines installed software. If you installed from source (with lsstsw) or with a newer tag, you’ll likely need to run the latest version of the demo (main branch):

curl -L https://github.com/lsst/pipelines_check/archive/main.tar.gz | tar xvzf -
cd pipelines_check-main

3. Run the demo

Now setup the processing package and run the demo:

setup -r .

Check that no errors are printed out during the execution.

The script creates a new Butler data repository in the DATA_REPO subdirectory containing the raw and calibration data found in the input_data directory. It then processes the data using the pipetask command to execute the ProcessCcd pipeline. The outputs from processing are written to the demo_collection collection. The input data is a single raw image from Hyper Suprime-Cam, detector 10 of visit 903342.