
class*args, **kw)

Bases: FocalPlanePlot

Plots the focal plane distribution of a parameter in afw camera geometry units: amplifiers and detectors.

Given the detector positions in x and y, the focal plane positions are calculated using the camera model. A 2d binned statistic (default is mean) is then calculated and plotted for the parameter z as a function of the camera geometry segment the input points fall upon.

The xAxisLabel, yAxisLabel, zAxisLabel, and statistic variables are inherited from the parent class.

Attributes Summary


Which geometry level should values be plotted? (str, default 'amplifier')


Number of bins to use within the effective plot ranges along the spatial directions.


Operation to perform in binned_statistic_2d (str, default 'mean')


Label to use for the x axis.


Label to use for the y axis.


Label to use for the z axis.

Methods Summary

makePlot(data, camera[, plotInfo])

Prep the catalogue and then make a focalPlanePlot of the given column.

Attributes Documentation


Which geometry level should values be plotted? (str, default 'amplifier')

Allowed values:


Plot values per readout amplifier.


Plot values per detector.


Field is optional


Number of bins to use within the effective plot ranges along the spatial directions. (int, default 200)


Operation to perform in binned_statistic_2d (str, default 'mean')


Label to use for the x axis. (str)


Label to use for the y axis. (str)


Label to use for the z axis. (str)

Methods Documentation

makePlot(data: MutableMapping[str, ndarray[Any, dtype[ScalarType]] | Scalar | HealSparseMap], camera: Camera, plotInfo: Mapping[str, str] | None = None, **kwargs) Figure

Prep the catalogue and then make a focalPlanePlot of the given column.

Uses the axisLabels config options x and y to make an image, where the color corresponds to the 2d binned statistic (the mean is the default) applied to the z column. A summary panel is shown in the upper right corner of the resultant plot. The code uses the selectorActions to decide which points to plot and the statisticSelector actions to determine which points to use for the printed statistics.


The catalog to plot the points from. This is expected to have the following columns/keys:


The integer detector id for the points.


The string amplifier name for the points.


The numerical value that will be combined via statistic to the binned value.


Focal plane x position, optional.


Focal plane y position, optional.


The camera used to map from pixel to focal plane positions.

A dictionary of information about the data being plotted with keys:

The output run for the plots (str).


The type of skymap used for the data (str).


The filter used for this data (str).


The tract that the data comes from (str).


The band(s) that the data comes from (list of str).


The resulting figure.