
Generate a synthetic source injection catalog.

This script generates a synthetic source injection catalog from user supplied input parameters. The catalog may be printed to screen, ingested into a butler repository, or written to disk using the astropy Table API.

On-sky source positions are generated using the quasi-random Halton sequence. By default, the Halton sequence is seeded using the product of the right ascension and declination limit ranges. This ensures that the same sequence is always generated for the same limits. This seed may be overridden by the user.

A unique injection ID is generated for each source. The injection ID encodes two pieces of information: the unique source identification number and the version number of the source as specified by the number parameter. To achieve this, the unique source ID number is multiplied by 10**n such that the sum of the multiplied source ID number with the unique repeated version number will always be unique. For example, an injection catalog with 3 versions of each source will have injection IDs = 0, 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, etc. For number = 20, injection IDs = 0, 1, 2, …, 17, 18, 19, 100, 101, 102, etc. If number = 1 (the default) then the injection ID will be a simple sequential list of integers.

An optional butler query for a WCS dataset type may be provided for use in generating on-sky source positions. If no WCS is provided, the source positions will be generated using Cartesian geometry.

usage: generate_injection_catalog -a VALUE VALUE -d VALUE VALUE [-n VALUE]
                                  [-s VALUE] [-p COLNAME VALUE [VALUE ...]]
                                  [--seed SEED] [-b TEXT] [-w TEXT] [-c COLL]
                                  [--where COLL] [-i BAND [BAND ...]] [-o COLL]
                                  [-t TEXT] [-f TEXT] [--format TEXT]
                                  [--overwrite] [-h]

More information is available at

General Options

-a <value>, --ra-lim <value>

Right ascension limits of the catalog in degrees.

-d <value>, --dec-lim <value>

Declination limits of the catalog in degrees.

-n <value>, --number <value>

Number of generated parameter combinations. Ignored if density given.

-s <value>, --density <value>

Desired source density (N/deg^2). If given, number option is ignored.

-p <colname value> <value>, --parameter <colname value> <value>

An input parameter definition.

--seed <seed>

Seed override when generating quasi-random RA/Dec positions.

Butler Options

-b <text>, --butler-config <text>

Location of the butler/registry config file.

WCS Options

-w <text>, --wcs-type-name <text>

Dataset type containing a wcs component for WCS spatial conversions.

-c <coll>, --collections <coll>

Collections to query for dataset types containing a WCS component.

--where <coll>

A string expression similar to an SQL WHERE clause to query for datasets with a WCS component.

Repository Ingestion Options

-i <band> <band>, --injection-band <band> <band>

Band(s) associated with the generated table.

-o <coll>, --output-collection <coll>

Name of the output collection to ingest the injection catalog into.

-t <text>, --dataset-type-name <text>

Output dataset type name for the ingested source injection catalog.

Write to Disk Options

-f <text>, --filename <text>

Output filename for the generated injection catalog.

--format <text>

Output injection catalog format, overriding automatic format selection.


Overwrite the output file if it already exists.

Miscellaneous Options

-h, --help

Show this help message and exit.