Reviewing verification JSON outputs on the command line with is a command-line tool that lets you quickly see what information is stored in the *verify.json files generated whenever you run code that integrates with LSST’s verification framework (lsst.verify). It’s particularly useful when you want to see measurement values and don’t need a full report comparing measurements to metric specifications.

See also

See for a complete reference of that script’s command-line interface.

Running takes one or more verification framework JSON files as command-line arguments. Since JSON files output by the verification framework generally have names that end with verify.json, you can quickly inspect all available outputs by using a *verify.json wildcard: *.verify.json

Interpreting the results prints a report for each file passed to it. An example report looks like this:

Common metadata:
                                    ccdnum = 42
                                     visit = 411657
                                    object = Blind15A_26
                                      date = 2015-02-19
                                instrument = DECAM
                                    filter = g

                   ip_diffim.numSciSources =  1326.0 ct
      ip_diffim.fracDiaSourcesToSciSources =     0.0385
ap_association.totalUnassociatedDiaObjects =   540.0 ct
                        ap_pipe.ApPipeTime =  63.1475 s ({'estimator': 'pipe.base.timeMethod'})
                 pipe_tasks.ProcessCcdTime =  24.3298 s ({'estimator': 'pipe.base.timeMethod'})
                            ip_isr.IsrTime =   0.9623 s ({'estimator': 'pipe.base.timeMethod'})
          pipe_tasks.CharacterizeImageTime =   7.5473 s ({'estimator': 'pipe.base.timeMethod'})
                  pipe_tasks.CalibrateTime =  11.0519 s ({'estimator': 'pipe.base.timeMethod'})
            pipe_tasks.ImageDifferenceTime =  37.5217 s ({'estimator': 'pipe.base.timeMethod'})
       meas_algorithms.SourceDetectionTime =   1.0205 s ({'estimator': 'pipe.base.timeMethod'})
                   ip_diffim.DipoleFitTime =   1.9112 s ({'estimator': 'pipe.base.timeMethod'})
            ap_association.AssociationTime =   0.6594 s ({'estimator': 'pipe.base.timeMethod'})
           ap_association.numNewDiaObjects =    51.0 ct
      ap_association.fracUpdatedDiaObjects =        0.0
  ap_association.numUnassociatedDiaObjects =     0.0 ct

Each report starts with the job-level metadata in the file, formatted as one key-value pair per line.

Next, the report lists each measurement in the JSON file, including:

  • The metric’s fully-qualified name.

  • The measurement, including units if applicable.

  • Any additional metadata associated specifically with that measurement.

Going further provides easy access to measurements and metadata in the verification framework’s JSON output files. If you’re developing tasks that generic metric measurements, is often enough.

However, if you need to generate a report that compares measurements against specifications, you can directly use the Job and Report Python APIs. The SQR-019 technical note includes a demo of this method.