
class lsst.daf.butler.QuantumBackedButler(predicted_inputs: Iterable[UUID], predicted_outputs: Iterable[UUID], dimensions: DimensionUniverse, datastore: Datastore, storageClasses: StorageClassFactory, dataset_types: Mapping[str, DatasetType] | None = None)

Bases: LimitedButler

An implementation of LimitedButler intended to back execution of a single Quantum.

predicted_inputsIterable [DatasetId]

Dataset IDs for datasets that can can be read from this butler.

predicted_outputsIterable [DatasetId]

Dataset IDs for datasets that can be stored in this butler.


Object managing all dimension definitions.


Datastore to use for all dataset I/O and existence checks.


Object managing all storage class definitions.

dataset_typesMapping [str, DatasetType]

The registry dataset type definitions, indexed by name.


Most callers should use the initialize classmethod to construct new instances instead of calling the constructor directly.

QuantumBackedButler uses a SQLite database internally, in order to reuse existing DatastoreRegistryBridge and OpaqueTableStorage implementations that rely SQLAlchemy. If implementations are added in the future that don’t rely on SQLAlchemy, it should be possible to swap them in by overriding the type arguments to initialize (though at present, QuantumBackedButler would still create at least an in-memory SQLite database that would then go unused).`

We imagine QuantumBackedButler being used during (at least) batch execution to capture Datastore records and save them to per-quantum files, which are also a convenient place to store provenance for eventual upload to a SQL-backed Registry (once Registry has tables to store provenance, that is). These per-quantum files can be written in two ways:

  • The SQLite file used internally by QuantumBackedButler can be used directly but customizing the filename argument to initialize, and then transferring that file to the object store after execution completes (or fails; a try/finally pattern probably makes sense here).

  • A JSON or YAML file can be written by calling extract_provenance_data, and using pydantic methods to write the returned QuantumProvenanceData to a file.

Note that at present, the SQLite file only contains datastore records, not provenance, but that should be easy to address (if desired) after we actually design a Registry schema for provenance. I also suspect that we’ll want to explicitly close the SQLite file somehow before trying to transfer it. But I’m guessing we’d prefer to write the per-quantum files as JSON anyway.

Attributes Summary


This is a Generation 3 Butler.


The object that manages actual dataset storage (Datastore).


Structure managing all dimensions recognized by this data repository (DimensionUniverse).

Methods Summary


Return True if a dataset is actually present in the Datastore.


Extract provenance information and datastore records from this butler.

from_predicted(config, predicted_inputs, ...)

Construct a new QuantumBackedButler from sets of input and output dataset IDs.

get(ref, /, *[, parameters, storageClass])

Retrieve a stored dataset.

getDeferred(ref, /, *[, parameters, ...])

Create a DeferredDatasetHandle which can later retrieve a dataset, after an immediate registry lookup.

getDirect(ref, *[, parameters, storageClass])

Deprecated since version v26.0.

getDirectDeferred(ref, *[, parameters, ...])

Deprecated since version v26.0.

getURI(ref, /, *[, predict])

Return the URI to the Dataset.

getURIs(ref, /, *[, predict])

Return the URIs associated with the dataset.


Return the names of the datastores associated with this butler.


Return the defined root URIs for all registered datastores.

get_many_uris(refs[, predict, allow_missing])

Return URIs associated with many datasets.

initialize(config, quantum, dimensions[, ...])

Construct a new QuantumBackedButler from repository configuration and helper types.


Return True if this Butler supports write operations.


Indicate that a predicted input was not actually used when processing a Quantum.

pruneDatasets(refs, *[, disassociate, ...])

Remove one or more datasets from a collection and/or storage.

put(obj, ref, /)

Store a dataset that already has a UUID and RUN collection.

putDirect(obj, ref, /)

Store a dataset that already has a UUID and RUN collection.


Indicate whether the dataset's artifacts are present in the Datastore.


Check the datastore for artifact existence of multiple datasets at once.

Attributes Documentation

GENERATION: ClassVar[int] = 3

This is a Generation 3 Butler.

This attribute may be removed in the future, once the Generation 2 Butler interface has been fully retired; it should only be used in transitional code.


The object that manages actual dataset storage (Datastore).

Deprecated since version v26.0: The Butler.datastore property is now deprecated. Butler APIs should now exist with the relevant functionality. Will be removed after v26.0.


Methods Documentation

datasetExistsDirect(ref: DatasetRef) bool

Return True if a dataset is actually present in the Datastore.


Resolved reference to a dataset.


Whether the dataset exists in the Datastore.

Deprecated since version v26.0: Butler.datasetExistsDirect() has been replaced by Butler.stored(). Will be removed after v26.0.

extract_provenance_data() QuantumProvenanceData

Extract provenance information and datastore records from this butler.


A serializable struct containing input/output dataset IDs and datastore records. This assumes all dataset IDs are UUIDs (just to make it easier for pydantic to reason about the struct’s types); the rest of this class makes no such assumption, but the approach to processing in which it’s useful effectively requires UUIDs anyway.


QuantumBackedButler records this provenance information when its methods are used, which mostly saves PipelineTask authors from having to worry about while still recording very detailed information. But it has two small weaknesses:

  • Calling getDirectDeferred or getDirect is enough to mark a dataset as an “actual input”, which may mark some datasets that aren’t actually used. We rely on task authors to use markInputUnused to address this.

  • We assume that the execution system will call datasetExistsDirect on all predicted inputs prior to execution, in order to populate the “available inputs” set. This is what I envision ‘SingleQuantumExecutor doing after we update it to use this class, but it feels fragile for this class to make such a strong assumption about how it will be used, even if I can’t think of any other executor behavior that would make sense.

classmethod from_predicted(config: ~lsst.daf.butler._config.Config | str | ~urllib.parse.ParseResult | ~lsst.resources._resourcePath.ResourcePath | ~pathlib.Path, predicted_inputs: ~collections.abc.Iterable[~uuid.UUID], predicted_outputs: ~collections.abc.Iterable[~uuid.UUID], dimensions: ~lsst.daf.butler.dimensions._universe.DimensionUniverse, datastore_records: ~collections.abc.Mapping[str, ~lsst.daf.butler.datastore.record_data.DatastoreRecordData], filename: str = ':memory:', OpaqueManagerClass: type[lsst.daf.butler.registry.interfaces._opaque.OpaqueTableStorageManager] = <class 'lsst.daf.butler.registry.opaque.ByNameOpaqueTableStorageManager'>, BridgeManagerClass: type[lsst.daf.butler.registry.interfaces._bridge.DatastoreRegistryBridgeManager] = <class 'lsst.daf.butler.registry.bridge.monolithic.MonolithicDatastoreRegistryBridgeManager'>, search_paths: list[str] | None = None, dataset_types: ~collections.abc.Mapping[str, ~lsst.daf.butler._dataset_type.DatasetType] | None = None) QuantumBackedButler

Construct a new QuantumBackedButler from sets of input and output dataset IDs.

configConfig or ResourcePathExpression

A butler repository root, configuration filename, or configuration instance.

predicted_inputsIterable [DatasetId]

Dataset IDs for datasets that can can be read from this butler.

predicted_outputsIterable [DatasetId]

Dataset IDs for datasets that can be stored in this butler, must be fully resolved.


Object managing all dimension definitions.

datastore_recordsdict [str, DatastoreRecordData] or None

Datastore records to import into a datastore.

filenamestr, optional

Name for the SQLite database that will back this butler; defaults to an in-memory database.

OpaqueManagerClasstype, optional

A subclass of OpaqueTableStorageManager to use for datastore opaque records. Default is a SQL-backed implementation.

BridgeManagerClasstype, optional

A subclass of DatastoreRegistryBridgeManager to use for datastore location records. Default is a SQL-backed implementation.

search_pathslist of str, optional

Additional search paths for butler configuration.

dataset_typesMapping [str, DatasetType], optional

Mapping of the dataset type name to its registry definition.

get(ref: DatasetRef, /, *, parameters: dict[str, Any] | None = None, storageClass: StorageClass | str | None = None) Any

Retrieve a stored dataset.


A resolved DatasetRef directly associated with a dataset.


Additional StorageClass-defined options to control reading, typically used to efficiently read only a subset of the dataset.

storageClassStorageClass or str, optional

The storage class to be used to override the Python type returned by this method. By default the returned type matches the dataset type definition for this dataset. Specifying a read StorageClass can force a different type to be returned. This type must be compatible with the original type.


The dataset.


Raised if the supplied DatasetRef is unresolved.


In a LimitedButler the only allowable way to specify a dataset is to use a resolved DatasetRef. Subclasses can support more options.

getDeferred(ref: DatasetRef, /, *, parameters: dict[str, Any] | None = None, storageClass: str | StorageClass | None = None) DeferredDatasetHandle

Create a DeferredDatasetHandle which can later retrieve a dataset, after an immediate registry lookup.


For the default implementation of a LimitedButler, the only acceptable parameter is a resolved DatasetRef.


Additional StorageClass-defined options to control reading, typically used to efficiently read only a subset of the dataset.

storageClassStorageClass or str, optional

The storage class to be used to override the Python type returned by this method. By default the returned type matches the dataset type definition for this dataset. Specifying a read StorageClass can force a different type to be returned. This type must be compatible with the original type.


A handle which can be used to retrieve a dataset at a later time.


In a LimitedButler the only allowable way to specify a dataset is to use a resolved DatasetRef. Subclasses can support more options.

getDirect(ref: DatasetRef, *, parameters: dict[str, Any] | None = None, storageClass: str | StorageClass | None = None) Any

Deprecated since version v26.0: Butler.get() now behaves like Butler.getDirect() when given a DatasetRef. Please use Butler.get(). Will be removed after v26.0.

getDirectDeferred(ref: DatasetRef, *, parameters: dict[str, Any] | None = None, storageClass: str | StorageClass | None = None) DeferredDatasetHandle

Deprecated since version v26.0: Butler.getDeferred() now behaves like getDirectDeferred() when given a DatasetRef. Please use Butler.getDeferred(). Will be removed after v26.0.

getURI(ref: DatasetRef, /, *, predict: bool = False) ResourcePath

Return the URI to the Dataset.


A DatasetRef for which a single URI is requested.


If True, allow URIs to be returned of datasets that have not been written.


URI pointing to the Dataset within the datastore. If the Dataset does not exist in the datastore, and if predict is True, the URI will be a prediction and will include a URI fragment “#predicted”. If the datastore does not have entities that relate well to the concept of a URI the returned URI string will be descriptive. The returned URI is not guaranteed to be obtainable.


Raised if a URI is requested for a dataset that consists of multiple artifacts.

getURIs(ref: DatasetRef, /, *, predict: bool = False) DatasetRefURIs

Return the URIs associated with the dataset.


A DatasetRef for which URIs are requested.


If True, allow URIs to be returned of datasets that have not been written.


The URI to the primary artifact associated with this dataset (if the dataset was disassembled within the datastore this may be None), and the URIs to any components associated with the dataset artifact (can be empty if there are no components).

get_datastore_names() tuple[str, ...]

Return the names of the datastores associated with this butler.

namestuple [str, …]

The names of the datastores.

get_datastore_roots() dict[str, lsst.resources._resourcePath.ResourcePath | None]

Return the defined root URIs for all registered datastores.

rootsdict [str, ResourcePath | None]

A mapping from datastore name to datastore root URI. The root can be None if the datastore does not have any concept of a root URI.

get_many_uris(refs: Iterable[DatasetRef], predict: bool = False, allow_missing: bool = False) dict[lsst.daf.butler._dataset_ref.DatasetRef, lsst.daf.butler.datastore._datastore.DatasetRefURIs]

Return URIs associated with many datasets.

refsiterable of DatasetIdRef

References to the required datasets.

predictbool, optional

If True, allow URIs to be returned of datasets that have not been written.


If False, and predict is False, will raise if a DatasetRef does not exist.

URIsdict of [DatasetRef, DatasetRefURIs]

A dict of primary and component URIs, indexed by the passed-in refs.


A URI has been requested for a dataset that does not exist and guessing is not allowed.


In file-based datastores, get_many_uris does not check that the file is present. It assumes that if datastore is aware of the file then it actually exists.

classmethod initialize(config: ~lsst.daf.butler._config.Config | str | ~urllib.parse.ParseResult | ~lsst.resources._resourcePath.ResourcePath | ~pathlib.Path, quantum: ~lsst.daf.butler._quantum.Quantum, dimensions: ~lsst.daf.butler.dimensions._universe.DimensionUniverse, filename: str = ':memory:', OpaqueManagerClass: type[lsst.daf.butler.registry.interfaces._opaque.OpaqueTableStorageManager] = <class 'lsst.daf.butler.registry.opaque.ByNameOpaqueTableStorageManager'>, BridgeManagerClass: type[lsst.daf.butler.registry.interfaces._bridge.DatastoreRegistryBridgeManager] = <class 'lsst.daf.butler.registry.bridge.monolithic.MonolithicDatastoreRegistryBridgeManager'>, search_paths: list[str] | None = None, dataset_types: ~collections.abc.Mapping[str, ~lsst.daf.butler._dataset_type.DatasetType] | None = None) QuantumBackedButler

Construct a new QuantumBackedButler from repository configuration and helper types.

configConfig or ResourcePathExpression

A butler repository root, configuration filename, or configuration instance.


Object describing the predicted input and output dataset relevant to this butler. This must have resolved DatasetRef instances for all inputs and outputs.


Object managing all dimension definitions.

filenamestr, optional

Name for the SQLite database that will back this butler; defaults to an in-memory database.

OpaqueManagerClasstype, optional

A subclass of OpaqueTableStorageManager to use for datastore opaque records. Default is a SQL-backed implementation.

BridgeManagerClasstype, optional

A subclass of DatastoreRegistryBridgeManager to use for datastore location records. Default is a SQL-backed implementation.

search_pathslist of str, optional

Additional search paths for butler configuration.

dataset_typesMapping [str, DatasetType], optional

Mapping of the dataset type name to its registry definition.

isWriteable() bool

Return True if this Butler supports write operations.

markInputUnused(ref: DatasetRef) None

Indicate that a predicted input was not actually used when processing a Quantum.


Reference to the unused dataset.


By default, a dataset is considered “actually used” if it is accessed via getDirect or a handle to it is obtained via getDirectDeferred (even if the handle is not used). This method must be called after one of those in order to remove the dataset from the actual input list.

This method does nothing for butlers that do not store provenance information (which is the default implementation provided by the base class).

pruneDatasets(refs: Iterable[DatasetRef], *, disassociate: bool = True, unstore: bool = False, tags: Iterable[str] = (), purge: bool = False) None

Remove one or more datasets from a collection and/or storage.

refsIterable of DatasetRef

Datasets to prune. These must be “resolved” references (not just a DatasetType and data ID).

disassociatebool, optional

Disassociate pruned datasets from tags, or from all collections if purge=True.

unstorebool, optional

If True (False is default) remove these datasets from all datastores known to this butler. Note that this will make it impossible to retrieve these datasets even via other collections. Datasets that are already not stored are ignored by this option.

tagsIterable [ str ], optional

TAGGED collections to disassociate the datasets from. Ignored if disassociate is False or purge is True.

purgebool, optional

If True (False is default), completely remove the dataset from the Registry. To prevent accidental deletions, purge may only be True if all of the following conditions are met:

  • disassociate is True;

  • unstore is True.

This mode may remove provenance information from datasets other than those provided, and should be used with extreme care.


Raised if the butler is read-only, if no collection was provided, or the conditions for purge=True were not met.

put(obj: Any, ref: DatasetRef, /) DatasetRef

Store a dataset that already has a UUID and RUN collection.


The dataset.


Resolved reference for a not-yet-stored dataset.


The same as the given, for convenience and symmetry with Butler.put.


Raised if the butler is read-only.


Whether this method inserts the given dataset into a Registry is implementation defined (some LimitedButler subclasses do not have a Registry), but it always adds the dataset to a Datastore, and the given ref.id and ref.run are always preserved.

putDirect(obj: Any, ref: DatasetRef, /) DatasetRef

Store a dataset that already has a UUID and RUN collection.


The dataset.


Resolved reference for a not-yet-stored dataset.


The same as the given, for convenience and symmetry with Butler.put.


Raised if the butler is read-only.


Whether this method inserts the given dataset into a Registry is implementation defined (some LimitedButler subclasses do not have a Registry), but it always adds the dataset to a Datastore, and the given ref.id and ref.run are always preserved.

Deprecated since version v26.0: Butler.put() now behaves like Butler.putDirect() when given a DatasetRef. Please use Butler.put(). Will be removed after v26.0.

stored(ref: DatasetRef) bool

Indicate whether the dataset’s artifacts are present in the Datastore.


Resolved reference to a dataset.


Whether the dataset artifact exists in the datastore and can be retrieved.

stored_many(refs: Iterable[DatasetRef]) dict[lsst.daf.butler._dataset_ref.DatasetRef, bool]

Check the datastore for artifact existence of multiple datasets at once.

refsiterable of DatasetRef

The datasets to be checked.

existencedict of [DatasetRef, bool]

Mapping from given dataset refs to boolean indicating artifact existence.