
class lsst.pipe.base.QuantumNode(quantum: Quantum, taskDef: TaskDef, nodeId: UUID)

Bases: object

Class representing a node in the quantum graph.

The quantum attribute represents the data that is to be processed at this node.

Attributes Summary


The unique position of the node within the graph assigned at graph creation.


The unit of data that is to be processed by this graph node


Definition of the task that will process the Quantum associated with this node.

Methods Summary

from_simple(simple, taskDefMap, universe[, ...])


Attributes Documentation

nodeId: UUID

The unique position of the node within the graph assigned at graph creation.

quantum: Quantum

The unit of data that is to be processed by this graph node

taskDef: TaskDef

Definition of the task that will process the Quantum associated with this node.

Methods Documentation

classmethod from_simple(simple: SerializedQuantumNode, taskDefMap: dict[str, lsst.pipe.base.pipeline.TaskDef], universe: DimensionUniverse, recontitutedDimensions: dict[int, tuple[str, lsst.daf.butler.dimensions._records.DimensionRecord]] | None = None) QuantumNode
to_simple(accumulator: DimensionRecordsAccumulator | None = None) SerializedQuantumNode