
class lsst.ctrl.bps.parsl.ParslService(config)

Bases: BaseWmsService

Parsl-based implementation for the WMS interface.

Methods Summary

cancel(wms_id[, pass_thru])

Cancel submitted workflows/jobs.

list_submitted_jobs([wms_id, user, ...])

Query WMS for list of submitted WMS workflows/jobs.


Check whether WMS services are up, reachable, and can authenticate if authentication is required.

prepare(config, generic_workflow[, out_prefix])

Convert a generic workflow to a Parsl pipeline.

report([wms_workflow_id, user, hist, ...])

Query WMS for status of submitted WMS workflows.


Restart a workflow from the point of failure.


Check to run at start if running WMS specific submission steps.


Submit a single WMS workflow.

Methods Documentation

cancel(wms_id, pass_thru=None)

Cancel submitted workflows/jobs.


ID or path of job that should be canceled.

pass_thrustr, optional

Information to pass through to WMS.


Whether successful deletion or not. Currently, if any doubt or any individual jobs not deleted, return False.


Any message from WMS (e.g., error details).

list_submitted_jobs(wms_id=None, user=None, require_bps=True, pass_thru=None, is_global=False)

Query WMS for list of submitted WMS workflows/jobs.

This should be a quick lookup function to create list of jobs for other functions.

wms_idint or str, optional

Id or path that can be used by WMS service to look up job.

userstr, optional

User whose submitted jobs should be listed.

require_bpsbool, optional

Whether to require jobs returned in list to be bps-submitted jobs.

pass_thrustr, optional

Information to pass through to WMS.

is_globalbool, optional

If set, all available job queues will be queried for job information. Defaults to False which means that only a local job queue will be queried for information.

Only applicable in the context of a WMS using distributed job queues (e.g., HTCondor). A WMS with a centralized job queue (e.g. PanDA) can safely ignore it.

job_idslist [Any]

Only job ids to be used by cancel and other functions. Typically this means top-level jobs (i.e., not children jobs).


Check whether WMS services are up, reachable, and can authenticate if authentication is required.

The services to be checked are those needed for submit, report, cancel, restart, but ping cannot guarantee whether jobs would actually run successfully.

pass_thrustr, optional

Information to pass through to WMS.


0 for success, non-zero for failure.


Any message from WMS (e.g., error details).

prepare(config: BpsConfig, generic_workflow: GenericWorkflow, out_prefix: str | None = None) BaseWmsWorkflow

Convert a generic workflow to a Parsl pipeline.


Configuration of the workflow.


Generic representation of a single workflow.

out_prefixstr or None

Prefix for WMS output files.


Workflow that will execute the jobs.

report(wms_workflow_id=None, user=None, hist=0, pass_thru=None, is_global=False, return_exit_codes=False)

Query WMS for status of submitted WMS workflows.

wms_workflow_idint or str, optional

Id that can be used by WMS service to look up status.

userstr, optional

Limit report to submissions by this particular user.

histint, optional

Number of days to expand report to include finished WMS workflows.

pass_thrustr, optional

Additional arguments to pass through to the specific WMS service.

is_globalbool, optional

If set, all available job queues will be queried for job information. Defaults to False which means that only a local job queue will be queried for information.

Only applicable in the context of a WMS using distributed job queues (e.g., HTCondor). A WMS with a centralized job queue (e.g. PanDA) can safely ignore it.

return_exit_codesbool, optional

If set, return exit codes related to jobs with a non-success status. Defaults to False, which means that only the summary state is returned.

Only applicable in the context of a WMS with associated handlers to return exit codes from jobs.

run_reportslist [lsst.ctrl.bps.WmsRunReport]

Status information for submitted WMS workflows.


Message to user on how to find more status information specific to this particular WMS.

restart(out_prefix: str) tuple[str, str, str]

Restart a workflow from the point of failure.


Id for workflow to be restarted. For this service, it is the prefix for WMS files, also known as the submitPath.


Id of the restarted workflow. If restart failed, it will be set to None.


Name of the restarted workflow. If restart failed, it will be set to None.


A message describing any issues encountered during the restart. If there were no issue, an empty string is returned.


Check to run at start if running WMS specific submission steps.

Any exception other than NotImplementedError will halt submission. Submit directory may not yet exist when this is called.

submit(workflow: BaseWmsWorkflow)

Submit a single WMS workflow.


Prepared WMS Workflow to submit for execution.