Tickets Addressed in Release 27.0.0

Tickets merged after w_2024_16 and backported

  • DM-43974: Fix errors in ext_trailedSources_Naive [meas_extensions_trailedSources]

  • DM-44341: Propagate subsetCtrl into subset_from_labels [pipe_base]

  • DM-44569: Make v27 middleware release notes [ctrl_bps, ctrl_bps_htcondor, ctrl_bps_panda, ctrl_bps_parsl, ctrl_mpexec, daf_butler, daf_relation, obs_base, pex_config, pipe_base, resources, utils]

Tickets merged before w_2024_16

  • DM-6391: afw display needs to be able to display a catalog [afw, display_ds9]

  • DM-13462: Investigate sporadic FITS compression test failure [afw]

  • DM-15180: Compute raErr/decErr and add to catalog outputs [afw, ap_association, ip_diffim, jointcal, meas_algorithms, meas_astrom, meas_base, pipe_tasks, sdm_schemas]

  • DM-21789: Compute uncertainties from MultiProFit GMM Jacobians [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-22287: Docstring mangled by utils.inheritDoc [pipe_tasks, utils]

  • DM-22465: Incorrect docstring for read_curated_calibs functions [obs_base]

  • DM-24283: Add documentation to the avro schema for alert distribution [alert_packet, sdm_schemas]

  • DM-27482: Freeze GAaP PSF matching defaults [pipe_tasks, sdm_schemas]

  • DM-30267: Produce three-stamp alerts [alert_packet, ap_association, ap_verify]

  • DM-30895: Move coaddition tasks to drp_tasks [drp_pipe, drp_tasks, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-30947: Reimplement C++ HSM moment measurement algorithms in Python [meas_extensions_shapeHSM]

  • DM-32345: Stand up new package for cell-based coadds [cell_coadds]

  • DM-32355: Develop function and unit test to remove Poisson contribution from sources in variance plane [ip_isr, meas_algorithms, meas_extensions_piff]

  • DM-32412: Add an abstract cell-based coadd task [cell_coadds]

  • DM-32450: Add camera geometry plotting utilities [analysis_tools]

  • DM-32769: Implement streak detection and masking in SFM [ap_association, drp_tasks, ip_diffim, meas_base, pipe_tasks, sdm_schemas]

  • DM-32889: Propagate injected fakes mask plane into diffim [ip_diffim]

  • DM-33048: Add initial FITS serialization for cell_coadds data structures [cell_coadds]

  • DM-33453: Update ap_pipe pipelines to match drp_pipe naming [ap_pipe, ap_verify, cp_pipe, meas_transiNet, obs_decam]

  • DM-33557: Add cp_verify tests to ci_cpp [cp_pipe, cp_verify]

  • DM-33862: Very high flux flats trigger tons of CR detections [cp_pipe]

  • DM-34141: Distinguish retriable and non-retriable failures in Prompt Processing [daf_butler]

  • DM-34170: Set up the source_injection repository [source_injection]

  • DM-34253: Set up Source Injection package [source_injection]

  • DM-34340: Deprecate and replace public Butler interfaces using dimension objects [analysis_drp, analysis_tools, ap_association, ap_verify, cp_pipe, ctrl_bps, ctrl_mpexec, daf_butler, faro, fgcmcal, ip_isr, jointcal, meas_base, obs_base, obs_decam, obs_lsst, pipe_base, pipe_tasks, skymap, verify]

  • DM-34365: Miscellaneous minor improvements and fixes for cell_coadds [cell_coadds]

  • DM-34414: Add metrics for deblending [analysis_tools, pipe_tasks, sdm_schemas]

  • DM-34696: Add mypy support for PipelineTask subclasses [pipe_base]

  • DM-34703: Write (offline) regression test for quickFrameMeasurementTask [summit_extras]

  • DM-34769: Remove characterizeImage refObjLoader [ap_pipe, obs_decam, obs_subaru, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-35300: Make cell-based coadds pickle-able [cell_coadds]

  • DM-35309: Improve efficiency of trailed source measurement [meas_extensions_trailedSources]

  • DM-35562: Create new scarlet lite package [scarlet_lite]

  • DM-35599: Remap -t option for pipetask run to be short for –task [ctrl_mpexec, daf_butler]

  • DM-35667: Cleanups to DP0.2 data schema [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-35695: Schemeless URIs are being encoded but should not be encoded [resources]

  • DM-35784: Configure matchObjectToTruth to match against aperture fluxes [drp_pipe, meas_astrom]

  • DM-35831: Update GitHub workflows in source_injection [source_injection]

  • DM-36211: measure_psf method should be moved into summit_utils (or another) package [summit_utils]

  • DM-36303: Replace RFC-878 and RFC-879 deprecations with removals [daf_butler]

  • DM-36638: Add snap combination as a subtask at the beginning of CalibrateImageTask [meas_base, obs_lsst, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-36647: Update the order of steps in IsrTask to match Calibpalooza recommendation [ip_isr]

  • DM-36873: Pythonify cell_coadds package [cell_coadds]

  • DM-36911: Switch all python workflow to version 4 [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-36968: Add per-tract survey property map plots to analysis_tools [analysis_tools]

  • DM-36981: retry jobs by increasing memory with user defined task parameters [ctrl_bps_panda]

  • DM-37020: Replace “requirements” with “constraint” in HTCondor Python function calls in ctrl_bps_htcondor [ctrl_bps_htcondor]

  • DM-37140: Add –rebase option to pipetask [ctrl_mpexec]

  • DM-37163: A manifest checker on the workflow output data [pipe_base]

  • DM-37231: Dual-license remaining middleware packages [ctrl_bps, ctrl_bps_htcondor, ctrl_bps_panda, ctrl_bps_parsl, ctrl_mpexec, daf_butler, pipe_base]

  • DM-37287: Remove GridIdentifiers from cell_coadds package [cell_coadds]

  • DM-37288: SingleCellCoaddBuilder’s run method must return SingleCellCoadd [cell_coadds]

  • DM-37297: Factory method for CellIdentifiers is broken [cell_coadds]

  • DM-37315: Remove psf_dimensions config field from MultipleCellCoaddBuilderConfig [cell_coadds]

  • DM-37383: Add package to support DM processing of camera runs [cp_pipe]

  • DM-37386: Add a CenterAll flag during detect and measure [meas_base]

  • DM-37429: Remove SkyCorrectionTask bgModel, doBgModel, doBgModel1 [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-37494: Improve test coverage for cell-based coadds [cell_coadds]

  • DM-37554: Check that ISR usage of gains is consistent [ip_isr]

  • DM-37555: Update pipeline documentation for image differencing [ip_diffim]

  • DM-37605: Check build status for ARM Linux [meas_modelfit]

  • DM-37727: Make photometric QA plots comparing to the reference catalogue. [analysis_drp, analysis_tools, drp_pipe, obs_lsst, obs_subaru]

  • DM-37731: Use mypy reusable workflow [cell_coadds]

  • DM-37911: Write dipoleNdata fields to APDB [ap_association, ip_diffim, sdm_schemas]

  • DM-38096: Update BPS docs for USDF [ap_pipe]

  • DM-38138: create a build task to generate execution butler remotely for submitting tasks to remote sites [ctrl_bps, ctrl_bps_panda]

  • DM-38247: Include timestamps in ap_verify logs [ap_verify]

  • DM-38415: Remove deprecated ConfigurableActions interface [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-38432: Implement scarlet lite package in meas_extensions_scarlet [daf_butler, drp_tasks, meas_extensions_scarlet, pipe_tasks, scarlet_lite]

  • DM-38454: Add a butler mode to the ModelPackage storage modes [daf_butler, meas_transiNet]

  • DM-38498: Rewrite QG generation to make use of PipelineGraph [ctrl_mpexec, daf_butler, drp_pipe, pipe_base]

  • DM-38500: Define metrics to summarize spuriousness scores for a visit [analysis_tools]

  • DM-38563: Compare LATISS Defects generated from combined images [cp_pipe, cp_verify]

  • DM-38627: ctrl_bps_htcondor futile job reporting [ctrl_bps_htcondor]

  • DM-38682: Task to consolidate and summarize resource usage tables [analysis_drp]

  • DM-38687: Remove code deprecated on DM-31924 [ap_association, ap_verify, daf_butler, ip_diffim, meas_base, obs_base, pipe_tasks, skymap]

  • DM-38703: Add missing bright star feature to subtractBrightStars [meas_algorithms, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-38745: Add option to run uvspec as part of processStar [Spectractor, atmospec, daf_butler]

  • DM-38776: Generalize amp-to-amp offset correction task [ip_isr, obs_subaru]

  • DM-38824: ObsLocTap initial prototype [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-38850: Filter long trailed sources from AP [ap_association]

  • DM-39038: Update to LATISS DRP.yaml pipeline to include difference imaging [drp_pipe]

  • DM-39081: Port stellar locus plot updates to analysis_tools [analysis_tools]

  • DM-39203: Write moments-based star/galaxy classifier [meas_base, obs_subaru, pipe_tasks, sdm_schemas]

  • DM-39243: Write a task to generate cell_coadds from warps [cell_coadds, drp_tasks]

  • DM-39298: Add Gaia DR3 to repo/main as reference dataset [meas_algorithms]

  • DM-39332: Fix the PF1 metric to be threshold relative to mean [analysis_tools]

  • DM-39390: Add EDGE flag for trailed sources [meas_extensions_trailedSources]

  • DM-39411: Add timing metrics for remaining AP pipeline tasks [ap_verify, ip_diffim, meas_transiNet, verify_metrics]

  • DM-39466: Add injected_flag to diaSources [ap_association, ip_diffim, sdm_schemas]

  • DM-39514: Add validity-range workaround to prep_butler [daf_butler]

  • DM-39592: Add LATISS support to fgcmcal and stand up test dataset in testdata_jointcal [fgcm, fgcmcal]

  • DM-39622: Plot Image/exposure for quick inspection [summit_utils]

  • DM-39662: Create ApPipeWith Fakes for LsstCamImSim [ap_pipe]

  • DM-39727: Construct source injection unit tests [source_injection]

  • DM-39728: Update source injection package documentation [lsst_apps, source_injection]

  • DM-39745: Merge matched difference plot/metric classes [analysis_tools]

  • DM-39776: Make global version of gbdesAstrometricFit using isolated_star_sources [drp_tasks, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-39779: Add text-only pipeline graph visualization tooling [ctrl_mpexec, pipe_base]

  • DM-39780: Add ability to set manual seed for generate_injection_catalog [source_injection]

  • DM-39796: Update task config defaults to LSST values [ap_pipe, ap_verify, drp_tasks, ip_isr, meas_algorithms, meas_astrom, meas_base, meas_deblender, obs_cfht, obs_decam, obs_lsst, obs_subaru, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-39808: Add dynamically generated RC2 and rc2_subset deepCoadd source injection pipelines to drp_pipe [drp_pipe, source_injection]

  • DM-39817: Create analysis_tools afterburner for ap_pipe [analysis_tools]

  • DM-39841: Remove deprecated doPsfMatch fields [drp_tasks, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-39842: Exception handling in new CalibrateImageTask [afw, meas_algorithms, pipe_base, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-39849: Restore pipeline subset-load tests removed on DM-39227 [pipe_base]

  • DM-39852: Have TMA events know/report their block numbers [summit_utils]

  • DM-39854: Implement removals for RFC-901 [faro, ip_diffim, meas_base, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-39857: Remove –flake8 option from middleware pyproject.toml [source_injection]

  • DM-39858: Integrate new CalibrateImageTask with AP pipeline [ap_pipe, ap_verify, obs_lsst, verify, verify_metrics]

  • DM-39887: Correct source_injection documented dataset types [source_injection]

  • DM-39914: Remove deprecated calib argument in Mag functor and other deprecated functor interfaces [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-39935: Remove MaskedImage.getArrays() [afw]

  • DM-39938: Remove pkg_resources from alert_packet (2nd attempt) [alert_packet, ap_association]

  • DM-39970: Change centroider maxDistToPeak default [meas_base, meas_extensions_photometryKron, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-39976: Fill masked pixels before convolutions in image differencing [ip_diffim]

  • DM-39982: summit_extras test requires ffmpeg if Butler repo is available [summit_extras]

  • DM-39999: Add UC Davis Beam Simulator ITL Camera to obs_lsst [obs_lsst]

  • DM-40043: pybind11 2.11 breaks afw tests [afw]

  • DM-40053: Initial registry-free Datastore with butler.get [daf_butler]

  • DM-40061: Add parquet output to new CalibrateImageTask [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-40064: psfex hard-codes 9 pixel aperture flux [meas_extensions_psfex]

  • DM-40065: Remove photodiode deprecations introduced in DM-38944 [cp_pipe]

  • DM-40094: Convolution control edge copy method results in diverging correction in fluxConservingBrighterFatterCorrection [ip_isr]

  • DM-40110: Switch to Gaia DR3 in CalibrateTask/CalibrateImageTask [ap_verify, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-40111: Add special case handling for dynamic connection renaming in source_injection [source_injection]

  • DM-40118: Produce more useful source injection data reduction logs [source_injection]

  • DM-40128: Fix brighter-fatter loading errors [ip_isr]

  • DM-40131: FITS reader does not obey the grid bounding box [cell_coadds]

  • DM-40136: Implement the AA1 metric in analysis_tools [analysis_tools]

  • DM-40150: Remove middleware code that was scheduled for removal after v26 [analysis_tools, cell_coadds, cp_pipe, daf_butler, drp_tasks, faro, ip_diffim, jointcal, pipe_base, verify]

  • DM-40161: Add analyzeMatchedVisitCore to DRP-RC2 [drp_pipe]

  • DM-40164: Update baseline sensor QE curves in obs_lsst_data [obs_lsst, obs_lsst_data]

  • DM-40171: Reraise partial-template image subtraction failures as NoWorkFound [drp_pipe, ip_diffim]

  • DM-40180: Remove the ‘all’ histogram from scatter plot with two hists [analysis_tools]

  • DM-40186: Investigate PDR2 detection errors: 983 instances of exited early Insufficient good sky source flux measurements for dynamic threshold calculation [meas_algorithms]

  • DM-40230: Update obs.decam doc to remove DM-30651 note [obs_decam]

  • DM-40247: Improve code to as suggested by ruff [resources]

  • DM-40255: APDB schema missing description [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-40293: Refactor generalized amp-to-amp offset correction task [ip_isr]

  • DM-40301: Update default LATISS calibration fluxes to use the appropriate aperture. [obs_lsst, pipe_tasks, sdm_schemas]

  • DM-40338: Make StitchedPsf persistable [cell_coadds]

  • DM-40348: Include the border pixels of border cells when stitching [cell_coadds]

  • DM-40366: YamlFormatter fails to serialize pydantic BaseModel [daf_butler]

  • DM-40367: Fix connection deprecation warnings [pipe_base, utils]

  • DM-40381: Ensure init-inputs get datastore records in QGs when appropriate [ctrl_mpexec, daf_butler, pipe_base]

  • DM-40383: Add cell_coadds package to lsst_distrib [cell_coadds, drp_tasks]

  • DM-40387: Validate new CalibrateImage with ap_verify_ci datasets [afw, obs_lsst, obs_subaru, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-40388: Switch AP pipelines to use new CalibrateImageTask [ap_pipe, ap_verify, obs_lsst]

  • DM-40390: pipetaskInit: name ‘DatastoreRecordData’ is not defined [ctrl_mpexec]

  • DM-40391: Spectractor build fails for rubinenv 5.0.1 [Spectractor]

  • DM-40392: QuantumGraph.updateRun doesn’t update dataset UUIDs [ctrl_mpexec, daf_butler, pipe_base]

  • DM-40395: Make datastore ingest idempotent [daf_butler, utils]

  • DM-40400: Create total AP pipeline timing metric [ap_pipe, ap_verify, verify_metrics]

  • DM-40412: Filter trailed sources that extend off the edge of a chip [ap_association, sdm_schemas]

  • DM-40414: Write PipelineTask to transmit alerts to Kafka [alert_packet, ap_association]

  • DM-40422: Fix rapid analysis EFD connection when on the TTS [summit_utils]

  • DM-40426: Add new LATISS gratings, filters, and pinhole masks to obs_lsst [obs_lsst]

  • DM-40435: Fix logic in getDeferred when using predicted outputs [daf_butler]

  • DM-40441: Implement non-QuantumGraph deprecations from RFC-949 [ctrl_mpexec, fgcmcal, obs_decam, pipe_base, pipe_tasks, source_injection, utils]

  • DM-40450: Do not warn when storage class unavailability is not relevant [daf_butler]

  • DM-40451: Adapt scarlet to conditionally skip bands with partial coverage [afw, meas_extensions_scarlet, pipe_tasks, sdm_schemas]

  • DM-40452: Implement authentication for Cassandra APDB client [dax_apdb]

  • DM-40462: Move DbAuth class from daf_butler to utils package [daf_butler, utils]

  • DM-40470: Add exclusions for metadata datasets to ap_verify pipelines [ap_verify]

  • DM-40489: Revive and improve the plotting script [skymap]

  • DM-40492: Run initial tests with Cassandra APDB at USDF [dax_apdb]

  • DM-40500: Remove now-unnecessary lookupFunctions [analysis_tools, cp_pipe, cp_verify, drp_tasks, fgcmcal, jointcal]

  • DM-40507: Cleanup DipoleFitTask [ap_association, ip_diffim, sdm_schemas]

  • DM-40512: Fix bitrot in quicklook pipeline task [summit_utils]

  • DM-40514: Integrate Spectractor speedups [Spectractor, atmospec]

  • DM-40517: Test running QuickLookIsrTask in ci_summit [summit_utils]

  • DM-40519: Add photometry sky plot to coaddQualityCore [analysis_tools]

  • DM-40520: Add support for binning images to ip_isr [ip_isr]

  • DM-40525: HiPS creation has numpy invalid warnings with numpy 1.24 [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-40555: Add fgcmcal to default LATISS processing pipeline [drp_pipe, fgcm, obs_lsst]

  • DM-40556: Create color terms for ATLAS Refcat -> LATISS (g/r/i) [obs_lsst]

  • DM-40559: Add units to compensated Gaussian fluxes in src tables [afw, meas_base]

  • DM-40561: Add “rubin” –account setting in ctrl_platform_s3df Slurm glidein jobs. [ctrl_execute, ctrl_platform_s3df]

  • DM-40573: WebDAV check can fail with permission denied [resources]

  • DM-40582: Add support for saving Parquet schemas on their own. [daf_butler]

  • DM-40603: Update documents for USDF [ctrl_bps_panda]

  • DM-40606: gbdes segfaults when given certain inputs [gbdes]

  • DM-40613: Fix rendering of all-nan images with CCS scaling [summit_utils]

  • DM-40626: Wrong dataset types in analysis_ap after adding run time metrics [ap_verify]

  • DM-40629: Add PR template to ap_verify and dataset repositories [ap_verify]

  • DM-40633: Fix ci_imsim (and others?) warnings in diff_matched_analysis [analysis_tools]

  • DM-40635: Remove the use of deprecated pack method [cell_coadds]

  • DM-40647: Modify make_injection_pipeline to include config overrides for including injected sources in astrometric and photometric calibrations [source_injection]

  • DM-40650: RBTransiNet runtime not being measured [ap_verify]

  • DM-40652: gbdesAstrometricFit fails for too-few stars per detector [drp_tasks, gbdes]

  • DM-40657: Add ruff configurations to cell_coadds [cell_coadds]

  • DM-40665: Run analyzeMatchedVisitCore in ci pipelines [drp_pipe]

  • DM-40668: psfStarScaledDeltaSizeScatter is noisy and biased [obs_lsst, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-40669: Create a new INJECTED_CORE mask plane [ip_diffim, source_injection]

  • DM-40675: Implement extension of felis schema description with version information [felis]

  • DM-40699: Restore pseudo input name length error during prepare [ctrl_bps_panda]

  • DM-40715: Move gather-resource-usage tasks to analysis_tools and rewrite QG builder [analysis_drp, analysis_tools]

  • DM-40739: decl -> dec change yields warnings whenever reading older calexps [afw]

  • DM-40740: Create an obs_package to handle the fiber spectrographs [daf_butler, lsst_obs, obs_fiberspectrograph]

  • DM-40743: Clean up psfex code [psfex]

  • DM-40746: Performance and structure issues with HiPS “Allsky” file [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-40755: Add support for first-order QE corrections to fgcmcal [fgcm, fgcmcal, obs_subaru]

  • DM-40762: ResourcePath.mexists() fails silently on S3 URIs [resources]

  • DM-40763: Modify region definition config in extended_psf to use region as a key [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-40764: URLs in the access_url column in the ivoa.ObsCore table needs to match the RSP instance URL [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-40768: Stellar photometric repeatability in analysis_tools is not applying defaults correctly [analysis_tools]

  • DM-40770: Enable config-aware output naming in analysis_tools [analysis_tools]

  • DM-40774: Create obs_rubinGenericCamera [obs_rubinGenericCamera]

  • DM-40781: RC2 tract 9813 psf weighted mean map has nans [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-40797: Switch from Gaia DR2 to DR3 in analysis_tools [analysis_drp, analysis_tools]

  • DM-40798: Exclude sky sources from RB classification [ap_association, ap_pipe, ap_verify, meas_transiNet, verify_metrics]

  • DM-40803: Replace conda API call to get package list [utils]

  • DM-40810: Implement an allocateNodes “auto” [ctrl_execute]

  • DM-40817: Patch ImportTestCase to allow for optionally skipping files [utils]

  • DM-40819: Research compaction options for Cassandra APDB [dax_apdb]

  • DM-40836: Fix default for deprecated doApplyFinalizedPsf option in makeWarp [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-40841: Bring in upstream plotting and hologram definitions for Spectractor [Spectractor]

  • DM-40842: Fix bad error message in pipeline graph dataset type resolution [pipe_base]

  • DM-40845: Fix dax_apdb test when postgresql is available [dax_apdb]

  • DM-40849: Fix collection handling in runNotebook utility function [atmospec]

  • DM-40883: v26 middleware release notes [ctrl_bps, ctrl_bps_htcondor, ctrl_bps_panda, ctrl_bps_parsl, ctrl_mpexec, daf_butler, daf_relation, pex_config, pipe_base, resources, utils]

  • DM-40904: Certify updated calibrations based on combined defects [cp_pipe]

  • DM-40906: Using bps cancel raises AttributeError [ctrl_bps_htcondor]

  • DM-40911: Allow injection pipeline stub to be inferred from injected dataset type name [source_injection]

  • DM-40917: Add a property to HealSparseMap objects for direct retrieval of map units [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-40918: Allow for unified CCS and OCS sequence numbers in exposure IDs [obs_lsst]

  • DM-40921: DM-40451 breaks ci_imsim [meas_extensions_scarlet, sdm_schemas]

  • DM-40942: Switch AstrometryTask to use ScienceSourceSelector [ap_pipe, meas_astrom, obs_decam, obs_subaru, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-40948: Add utility function to eventMaker for getting a specific event [summit_utils]

  • DM-40955: LATISS psf stamp size is incorrect for the large PSFs [obs_lsst]

  • DM-40957: Investigate failed blends in RC2 subset after DM-40451 [meas_extensions_scarlet]

  • DM-40984: Move vcr init into a test utils helper function [summit_utils]

  • DM-40988: Bring in minor upstream Spectractor tweaks [Spectractor, atmospec]

  • DM-41008: Fix long runtime in forcedPhotCcd with no data footprints [drp_tasks, meas_extensions_scarlet, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-41012: Trying to transform a footprint with 0 area takes a long time up to forever [afw]

  • DM-41024: Add trailed source filtering metric [analysis_tools, ap_association, ap_verify]

  • DM-41025: Add SDSS_65mm imaging filters as options to LATISS gratings. [obs_lsst]

  • DM-41026: readFitsTable converts strings to bytes which aren’t understood by afw tables [meas_algorithms]

  • DM-41027: Fix potential infinite loop in analysis_drp colorColorFitPlot [analysis_drp, analysis_tools]

  • DM-41028: Add support for versioning to APDB implementation [dax_apdb]

  • DM-41029: Add metadata table and schema version to apdb.yaml [felis, sdm_schemas]

  • DM-41043: Backwards-compatible lsst.daf.butler subpackages reorganization [analysis_drp, analysis_tools, ctrl_bps, ctrl_mpexec, daf_butler, obs_base, pipe_base, verify]

  • DM-41049: Add matched color difference plots/metrics in analysis_tools [analysis_tools]

  • DM-41053: Add QA tasks to AuxTel/LATISS image processing pipeline [drp_pipe, obs_lsst]

  • DM-41062: Add topic finding to efdUtils and fix breakage [summit_utils]

  • DM-41068: restore deferLoad=True to AssocDiaSrcDetectorVisitAnalysis and DiaObjectDetectorVisitAnalysis [analysis_tools]

  • DM-41078: Add null pytest configuration to scarlet_lite [scarlet_lite]

  • DM-41100: pandas 2.1.0 breaks diaPipe [ap_association]

  • DM-41103: Write S3 uploader for Rapid Analysis [summit_utils]

  • DM-41108: add apDetectorVisitQualityCore.yaml afterburner to ap_pipe [analysis_tools, ap_association, ap_pipe, ap_verify, ip_diffim]

  • DM-41112: Always make created directories writable by owner [resources]

  • DM-41113: Add DimensionRecord container [daf_butler]

  • DM-41116: Change Butler constructor to return specialist implementations [ctrl_mpexec, daf_butler, pipe_base]

  • DM-41117: Move collection and dataset type caching to Butler class [daf_butler, pipe_base]

  • DM-41118: Create difference imaging quality metrics [analysis_tools, ip_diffim]

  • DM-41131: Make a QuantumGraphExecutionReport pipetask subcommand [ctrl_mpexec]

  • DM-41145: Deprecate AstrometrySourceSelector and MatcherSourceSelector [meas_algorithms]

  • DM-41158: Implement initial QueryDriver for DirectButler [daf_butler]

  • DM-41162: Create minimalist RemoteButler client and FastAPI server [daf_butler]

  • DM-41164: Fix QG load breakage from DM-41043 [daf_butler]

  • DM-41165: Prompt processing can’t export outputs to /repo/embargo [daf_butler]

  • DM-41180: subtractImages still fails on 8 dataids in the monthly HSC RC2s [afw, drp_pipe, ip_diffim]

  • DM-41182: Add basic functionality test for PropertyMapTractAnalysisTask [analysis_tools]

  • DM-41189: Add a pipeline for the sky coverage plots created by CcdVisitTableAnalysisTask [analysis_tools]

  • DM-41190: resources test_walk occasionally fails [resources]

  • DM-41191: Fix ci_middleware mocking dataset type error with healsparse property map configs [pipe_base]

  • DM-41194: add user.scratch config to ctrl_execute. ctrl_platform_* [ctrl_execute, ctrl_platform_s3df]

  • DM-41199: Optimize psf-matching configs for artifact rejection in LATISS pipeline [obs_lsst]

  • DM-41201: Allow analysis_tools SkyPlot to accept a function to calculate colorbar range [analysis_tools]

  • DM-41203: Fix excluded task error for make_injection_pipeline [pipe_base]

  • DM-41209: Make eups configs for multiprofit and depedencies [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-41213: Clarify error message for missing rbClassifier_data [meas_transiNet]

  • DM-41218: Upgrade Felis “basic-check” for improved messages about UCD errors [felis]

  • DM-41219: Correct errors from Felis “basic-check” in DP0.2 and DP0.3’s catalog schemas [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-41226: Remove datastore records from serialized DatasetRef [daf_butler]

  • DM-41229: Create subdirs in logs when using Parsl bps plugin [ctrl_bps_parsl]

  • DM-41232: Add ICS metrics to TMA channel [summit_utils]

  • DM-41235: Merge Registry and SqlRegistry [ctrl_mpexec, daf_butler, drp_pipe, obs_base, obs_lsst, pipe_base]

  • DM-41245: Verify that Felis tooling will report on the use of undefined YAML keys [felis]

  • DM-41247: Create a tool to look for redundant datatype specifications in Felis files [felis]

  • DM-41251: Determine whether Felis currently supports foreign-key relationships [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-41267: Enable weather in LATISS metadata translator [astro_metadata_translator, obs_lsst]

  • DM-41285: Add sky sources to CalibrateImageTask [meas_algorithms, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-41288: Convert “UX quality” Felis validations to on-demand [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-41289: Make felis package pip-installable [felis, sdm_schemas]

  • DM-41294: DM-41182 breaks nightly build with matplotlib 3.7.2 [analysis_tools]

  • DM-41303: HealSparsePropertyMapTask crash with IndexError [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-41308: Create a task to consolidate injected catalogs into a multiband per-tract catalog [source_injection]

  • DM-41312: TMAEventMaker can fail when there is minimal but non-zero data [summit_utils]

  • DM-41316: Refactor overscan task and allow parallel overscan crosstalk correction [ip_isr]

  • DM-41319: Ensure configurations in obs_lsst/latiss include empty~FILTER listings. [obs_lsst, obs_lsst_data]

  • DM-41321: Add try-except block to manifest checker so that failure to get butler logs does not make error reporting impossible [ctrl_mpexec, pipe_base]

  • DM-41330: Guarantee that comes from butler and not raw metadata [obs_base]

  • DM-41345: DM-39895 broke analysis_ap tests [afw, meas_base, obs_lsst, pipe_base, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-41351: Fix incorrect pipeline stage name [cp_pipe]

  • DM-41355: A few mysql datatypes are incorrectly defined in several SDM schemas [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-41359: Check whether the dark pipelines that skip CRs are needed or not [cp_pipe]

  • DM-41362: Make drp_tasks black+isort compliant [drp_tasks]

  • DM-41365: Move findDataset and getDatasetType from Registry to Butler [ctrl_mpexec, daf_butler, obs_base, obs_lsst, pipe_base, skymap, summit_utils]

  • DM-41366: Add Docker image build for butler server [daf_butler]

  • DM-41367: Set up Phalanx deployment of butler-server [daf_butler]

  • DM-41391: Refine selection of kernel candidates for image differencing [ip_diffim]

  • DM-41409: Fix use of pascals in atmospec [atmospec]

  • DM-41414: Test ability to construct hsc_rings_v1 LATISS coadds [drp_pipe]

  • DM-41486: Logic bug in QG generation triggered by adjustQuantum and PrequisiteInputs interacting [pipe_base]

  • DM-41489: Reimplement C++ HSM shear measurement algorithms in Python [meas_extensions_shapeHSM]

  • DM-41490: gbdes fails when calexp WCS=None [drp_tasks]

  • DM-41498: Reorganize the pipeline config Prompt Processing uses [ap_pipe]

  • DM-41500: Spectractor updates for v3.0.2 [Spectractor, atmospec]

  • DM-41503: Add selectDeepCoaddVisits to enforce maximum seeing cut for coadds in DRP pipelines [drp_pipe, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-41512: Add check for no good sources in finalizeCharacterization [drp_tasks, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-41542: pipetask qgraph dump metadata with –summary [ctrl_mpexec, pipe_base]

  • DM-41543: bps report capability to report WMS-level errors [ctrl_bps, ctrl_bps_panda]

  • DM-41545: Remove pseudo input filename length check [ctrl_bps_panda]

  • DM-41546: Add source injection tasks into DRP quantum clustering prescriptions [drp_pipe]

  • DM-41547: Make Butler server docker builds reproducible [daf_butler, resources]

  • DM-41561: Make bps restart accept various types of run IDs [ctrl_bps, ctrl_bps_htcondor]

  • DM-41562: Fix DatasetRef read-caching to respect storage class overrides [daf_butler]

  • DM-41568: Add smoke test for butler server Docker build [daf_butler]

  • DM-41598: Update SasquatchDatastore following Datastore class refactor [analysis_tools]

  • DM-41600: Write task topic page for CalibrateImageTask [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-41606: Option to output pipetask report info to command line [ctrl_mpexec, pipe_base]

  • DM-41623: Enable patch boundary outlines in [analysis_tools]

  • DM-41624: Allow extreme scatter to be optional in analysis_tools SkyPlot [analysis_tools]

  • DM-41633: Generate empty~SDSSi_65mm flat for LATISS [cp_verify]

  • DM-41634: Adapt gbdes to use AST WCSs for its initial estimate [drp_tasks, gbdes]

  • DM-41635: Output astrometric model uncertainty in gbdes [drp_tasks, gbdes]

  • DM-41639: Allow Apdb queries for visit completion [dax_apdb]

  • DM-41640: Propagate calib_psf_used information to stars catalog in CalibrateImageTask [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-41642: cpExtractPtcTask crashes when logging the rejection of a FLUX matched exposure [cp_pipe]

  • DM-41646: Address failure mode when using selectDeepCoaddVisits [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-41648: Write a plugin to output PSF higher order moments in meas catalogs [meas_extensions_shapeHSM, pipe_tasks, pipelines_check, sdm_schemas]

  • DM-41650: Add new step definition support to Pipelines [pipe_base]

  • DM-41652: Initial coverage of foreign keys: single-attribute keys within a single YAML file [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-41655: Modify make_injection_pipeline to create injected subsets [source_injection]

  • DM-41662: Modify make_injection_pipeline to amend init* connection types [source_injection]

  • DM-41663: DM-37554 breaks ci_imsim [ip_isr]

  • DM-41675: Add BOT filters to the TS8 filter set in obs_lsst [obs_lsst]

  • DM-41681: Implement function from P. Astier’s code to subtract covariances at large lags in the PTC code of the LSST Science Pipelines. [cp_pipe, ip_isr]

  • DM-41688: Use Pydantic for Felis validation and data loading [felis]

  • DM-41700: Deprecate Naive Centroid [display_firefly, drp_pipe, ip_diffim, meas_algorithms, meas_base, obs_subaru]

  • DM-41705: Make Butler phalanx deployment actually work [daf_butler]

  • DM-41724: Make DimensionRecord construction more strict and less surprising [daf_butler, obs_base, skymap]

  • DM-41735: LSSTCam labeled images with filter “ph_05” [obs_lsst]

  • DM-41750: Randomizing butler tests causes failures [daf_butler]

  • DM-41754: Check handling of gains in CTI code. [cp_pipe, ip_isr]

  • DM-41761: Implement initial version of convenience query methods [daf_butler, pipe_base]

  • DM-41765: Update the version of log4cxx in the conda feedstock [log]

  • DM-41789: Fix speed, memory and crashing issues with CDF scaling large-range images [summit_utils]

  • DM-41791: Demote bfk version message to debug [ip_isr]

  • DM-41796: Address fgcmFitCycle failure post LATISS filter move [obs_lsst]

  • DM-41805: Make sphgeom build with python 3.12 [sphgeom]

  • DM-41807: Add padding to clipDataToEvent and ensure_iterable on columns [summit_utils]

  • DM-41808: Fix refObjLoader breakage in atmospec [atmospec]

  • DM-41814: Fix broken CCS scaling [summit_utils]

  • DM-41823: Use time of processing for DIAObject validityStart [ap_association]

  • DM-41824: SQLAlchemy deprecation warning [felis]

  • DM-41832: Remove fork start method from pipetask run [ctrl_mpexec]

  • DM-41838: Update maxScaledSizeScatter thresholds for LSSTCam-imSim [ap_pipe, obs_lsst]

  • DM-41846: More packages fail with randomized test ordering [daf_butler, meas_algorithms, obs_base, pipe_base, pipe_tasks, verify]

  • DM-41847: Change warnings in “validateGainNoiseTurnoffValues” [ip_isr]

  • DM-41853: pipe_base breaks on python 3.12 [pipe_base]

  • DM-41876: Reject centerAll-flagged sources in difference imaging [ip_diffim]

  • DM-41878: Make client/server Butler.get() work with a single FileDatastore [daf_butler]

  • DM-41879: Implement URL signing for client/server Butler.get() [daf_butler, resources]

  • DM-41880: Handle multiple FileDatastores in client/server butler [daf_butler]

  • DM-41881: Decrease nBins for LATISS focal plane plots in analysis_tools [drp_pipe]

  • DM-41884: Further bugfixes in CCS image scaling algorithm [summit_utils]

  • DM-41885: TMAEvents should quack nicely with sets [summit_utils]

  • DM-41890: Problems with creating foreign-key links in Felis [felis, sdm_schemas]

  • DM-41897: Drop python 3.10 in middleware builds above daf_butler [ctrl_bps, ctrl_bps_htcondor, ctrl_bps_panda, ctrl_bps_parsl]

  • DM-41898: DatasetTypeExecutionReport miscategorizes failures [pipe_base]

  • DM-41899: Implement known PSF and astrometry improvements in CalibrateImageTask [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-41900: maskStreaks failed on 1 charImage dataId in the w_2023_47 RC2 [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-41902: Fix bug in small image convolution in Scarlet Lite found on DM-41697 [meas_extensions_scarlet, scarlet_lite]

  • DM-41904: Enable python 3.12 builds of middleware packages [ctrl_bps, ctrl_bps_htcondor, ctrl_bps_panda, ctrl_bps_parsl, ctrl_mpexec, resources, utils]

  • DM-41908: Speed up HSM plugins in Python [meas_extensions_shapeHSM]

  • DM-41909: y band LATISS data failed with “Could not find flux field(s) y_camFlux, y_flux” [obs_lsst]

  • DM-41910: Increase RequestMemory for some HSC-RC2 step8 tasks [drp_pipe]

  • DM-41911: Deferred charge application in ip_isr may crash when pixel value is out of range [cp_pipe, ip_isr]

  • DM-41921: Fix all misspelled Felis attribute names in sdm_schemas [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-41923: Fix incorrect units in DP0.1 schema [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-41926: NONE needs to be added to the DM’s predefined filters. [obs_lsst]

  • DM-41932: Add .associatedWith() method TMAEvents [summit_utils]

  • DM-41934: Add explicit timestamp option to sasquatch timestamp version [analysis_tools]

  • DM-41938: Generalise matching code in analysis tools to work for any input tables [analysis_tools]

  • DM-41941: Handle all input possibilities for RemoteButler.get() [daf_butler]

  • DM-41943: Fix failures following DM-41118 [ip_diffim]

  • DM-41952: Add option to set preKernel to a flux sample of the full covariance model in makeBrighterFatterKernel [cp_pipe]

  • DM-41953: Implement an adaptive binning option for projection plots in analysis_tools [analysis_tools]

  • DM-41955: Remove known bad sources from detectAndMeasure output [ip_diffim]

  • DM-41956: Exclude off-chip diaObjects from association [ap_association]

  • DM-41958: Investigate scarlet_lite failures [meas_extensions_scarlet]

  • DM-41962: Storage class inconsistency between QBB and direct execution [ctrl_mpexec]

  • DM-41966: Fix visit copying in transfer_from [daf_butler, pipe_base]

  • DM-41978: Switch logic used to exclude tasks in make_injection_pipeline [source_injection]

  • DM-41986: Update variable name for use with scarlet_lite [meas_extensions_scarlet]

  • DM-41994: Speed up galsim interface with meas_extensions_shapeHSM [meas_extensions_shapeHSM]

  • DM-41997: add an allocateNodes option to encourage packing of glidein nodes [ctrl_execute, ctrl_platform_s3df]

  • DM-42003: Fix UCD syntax errors in SDM schemas [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-42004: Update the module name for MaskedImageF formatter [daf_butler]

  • DM-42006: Add more analysis_tools plots from coaddQualityCore to the plot-navigator [drp_pipe]

  • DM-42012: Support reading a subset of a MaskedImage [afw, daf_butler, obs_base]

  • DM-42016: Some blockInfo creation encounters errors [summit_utils]

  • DM-42024: Change low-gain boundary for PhotonTransferCurveSolveTask [cp_pipe]

  • DM-42026: Update LATISS configs for catalogMatchTract task in analysis_tools [drp_pipe, obs_lsst]

  • DM-42039: Add TMA mount tracking errors to TMA mount motion profile [summit_utils]

  • DM-42043: Add delta skyCorr plot/metrics to analysis tools [analysis_tools]

  • DM-42054: Remove limit of 1 for getCommandsDuringEvent [summit_utils]

  • DM-42059: Update getSite to deal with BTS [summit_utils]

  • DM-42062: Rename analyzeObjectTableCore metric containing minus character [analysis_tools]

  • DM-42065: Fix linking of astshim in gbdes [astshim, gbdes]

  • DM-42069: Add service descriptors DiaSource and ForcedSourceOnDiaObject time series to DiaObject table [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-42076: Write migration script for NameKeyCollectionManager to SynthIntKeyCollectionManager [daf_butler]

  • DM-42077: Enable numpydoc pre-commit check in daf_butler [daf_butler]

  • DM-42079: Enable caching for S3 butler tests [daf_butler]

  • DM-42080: Implement an effectiveTime metric [afw, drp_tasks, obs_subaru, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-42086: Clear SFM streak mask before running maskStreaks in coaddition (w43->w47 RC2 regression) [drp_tasks]

  • DM-42088: Add validation in analysis_tools which prevents use of the minus character [analysis_tools]

  • DM-42090: Fix the typo in the job attribute in ctrl_bps_panda [ctrl_bps_panda]

  • DM-42101: Modify qos handing in allocateNodes and ctrl_platform packages [ctrl_execute, ctrl_platform_s3df]

  • DM-42104: Default ptc fit cutoff value from DM-42024 has an extraneous 0 [cp_pipe]

  • DM-42108: libgbdes cannot be found when loading the wcsfit python module [gbdes]

  • DM-42114: Update LATISS DRP.yaml to move 3 *SourceTable tasks [drp_pipe]

  • DM-42115: Update latiss fgcm calibration configuration to support z/y [obs_lsst]

  • DM-42116: Add numpydoc validation to remaining middleware packages [ctrl_bps, ctrl_bps_htcondor, ctrl_bps_panda, ctrl_bps_parsl, ctrl_mpexec, pex_config, pipe_base, resources, utils]

  • DM-42118: runGraphQBB should turn off implicit multithreading [ctrl_mpexec]

  • DM-42121: Investigate nondetection of fake sources in preconvolution [ip_diffim]

  • DM-42123: for ctrl_platform_s3df add –cpus-per-task to srun cmd line in template [ctrl_platform_s3df]

  • DM-42126: Remove ignored detectors exposures from being processed in SubtractBrightStarsTask [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-42127: add htcondor support for bps report –return-exit-codes [ctrl_bps, ctrl_bps_htcondor]

  • DM-42129: Documentation file left over in pipe_tasks [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-42138: Change Butler.get_dataset so it does not need collection cache [daf_butler]

  • DM-42147: Create rubin-env 8.0.0 [gbdes]

  • DM-42152: Generate RC2 run with bgModel2 = False [drp_pipe]

  • DM-42154: Error running measure for y-band in LATISS DRP [obs_lsst, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-42157: Improve configuration for multiprofit fitters (including bootstrap) [analysis_tools, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-42159: eo_pipe/cp_verify parity: bias [cp_verify, ip_isr]

  • DM-42160: eo_pipe/cp_verify parity: dark [cp_pipe, cp_verify, ip_isr]

  • DM-42161: eo_pipe/cp_verify parity: defects [cp_pipe, cp_verify, ip_isr]

  • DM-42162: eo_pipe/cp_verify parity: flat [ip_isr]

  • DM-42163: eo_pipe/cp_verify parity: ptc [cp_pipe, cp_verify, ip_isr]

  • DM-42165: eo_pipe/cp_verify parity: bfk [cp_verify]

  • DM-42167: Fix errors reported by yamlint in Github workflow [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-42170: Add unit test to verify shapeHSM shear measurements against GalSim’s Python layer outputs [meas_extensions_shapeHSM]

  • DM-42171: Refactor spectractor use of numpy.testing.run_module_suite [Spectractor, atmospec]

  • DM-42187: Implement RemoteButler.getURIs [daf_butler]

  • DM-42188: Make RemoteButler usable from services [daf_butler]

  • DM-42189: Add Butler deployments for all repos in -dev and -int repository indexes [daf_butler]

  • DM-42190: Modify datalinker so it can use RemoteButler [daf_butler, resources]

  • DM-42202: analysis_tools metrics for cp: ptc [analysis_tools]

  • DM-42206: Remove –transfer-dimensions from bps finaljob command. [ctrl_bps]

  • DM-42210: afw fails with empty values [afw]

  • DM-42214: Cleanup unused dbAuth files in daf_butler [daf_butler]

  • DM-42216: Enable butler collection caching in several locations [daf_butler]

  • DM-42217: Incorporate ModelPackage Butler datasets into ap_verify [ap_pipe, ap_verify, meas_transiNet]

  • DM-42220: Incorporate ModelPackage Butler datasets into Prompt Processing [ap_pipe]

  • DM-42224: Implement DRP-mode diaSource streak flag metric [analysis_tools]

  • DM-42238: Add a check of consistency whether the noise measurements from the PTC fit and the overscan [cp_pipe, cp_verify, ip_isr]

  • DM-42246: Add calibration provenance to linearity and bfk products [cp_pipe]

  • DM-42247: Fix issues with single quote usage in DP0.1 schema [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-42257: Felis does not handle unbounded string types properly [felis]

  • DM-42267: Remove log4cxx 0.11 support after the first weekly with rubinenv 8.0.0 [log]

  • DM-42283: Fix meas_algorithms tests to work with numpy 1.26 [meas_algorithms]

  • DM-42285: Fix fgcm/fgcmcal to work with and take advantage of numpy 1.26 [fgcm, fgcmcal]

  • DM-42287: Create simulated ComCam instrument model for Ops Rehearsal image sims [obs_lsst]

  • DM-42291: Felis “modify-tap” command fails if CLI argument is omitted [felis]

  • DM-42293: Do not require columns used in foreign keys to be defined before being referenced [felis]

  • DM-42294: Verify shapeHSM and GalSim consistency across different zero-padding levels on truncated PSFs [meas_extensions_shapeHSM]

  • DM-42300: Check when blockID dayObs rolls over [summit_utils]

  • DM-42301: QG generation cannot validate inputPTC with PhotodiodeCorrectionTask given unconstrained ‘detector’ dimension. [pipe_base]

  • DM-42302: Drop pydantic 1 support from middleware packages [ctrl_mpexec, daf_butler, pipe_base]

  • DM-42306: Investigate performance regression in BPS transfer jobs [ctrl_mpexec, daf_butler, pipe_base, resources]

  • DM-42307: repeat pipetask in clustering file not allowed – case of transformSourceTable [drp_pipe]

  • DM-42313: PixelFlags offimage check should flag non-finite positions [meas_base]

  • DM-42317: Make DirectButler usable from services [analysis_tools, daf_butler, utils]

  • DM-42324: Rework DimensionRecordStorageManager for client/server and new query system [daf_butler, daf_relation, pipe_tasks, source_injection]

  • DM-42330: Add pytest config back into meas_transiNet [meas_transiNet]

  • DM-42340: Clean up pydantic v1 code in lsst_distrib [obs_base, pipe_tasks, verify]

  • DM-42341: Update doxygen defaults [base]

  • DM-42342: Version 6.0 avro schema fails to serialize [alert_packet, sdm_schemas]

  • DM-42344: Clean up dimensions configuration in the wake of storage rework [daf_butler]

  • DM-42354: Populate diaForcedSource flags with zeros [ap_association]

  • DM-42376: –summary `dumps_kwargs` keyword arguments are no longer supported. [ctrl_mpexec]

  • DM-42391: Make use of packages_distributions() in utils.packages [utils]

  • DM-42404: Add schema validation to Github workflow [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-42406: Dual-license sphgeom [sphgeom]

  • DM-42410: Add a timing context manager that exports to Measurement [verify]

  • DM-42416: Add test for loading butler without datastore when datastore is unloadable [daf_butler]

  • DM-42419: Break up ApVerify into pure with- and without-fakes pipelines [ap_pipe, ap_verify]

  • DM-42421: Remove –slurmd-debug argument from Princeton Parsl site config [ctrl_bps_parsl]

  • DM-42425: Remove temporary requirements in ctrl_bps_parsl [ctrl_bps_parsl]

  • DM-42426: Guard against footprints with no area [meas_extensions_gaap]

  • DM-42427: Fix test breakage from DM-38500 [analysis_tools]

  • DM-42431: Rewrite the makeWarp task to make shear-preserving warps [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-42445: afw display cleanups [afw]

  • DM-42446: Add meta-schema for RSP validation [felis]

  • DM-42459: Update ISR LSST task to isr boxes version beta 2.0 [ip_isr]

  • DM-42461: Implement a CloughTocher2D Interpolation Task [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-42467: Add properties for ExposureCatalog contents [afw]

  • DM-42471: Add without_datastore option to butler associate command [daf_butler]

  • DM-42472: Add minimum valid annulus fraction as a configuration parameter in StackBrightStarsTas [meas_algorithms, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-42481: Fix FocalPlaneGeometryPlot for new matplotlib [analysis_tools]

  • DM-42489: Freeze APDB configuration in metadata table. [ap_association, ap_pipe, dax_apdb]

  • DM-42513: Add QE curves to obs_lsst_data for simulated ComCam for ops-rehearsal-3 sims [obs_lsst, obs_lsst_data]

  • DM-42522: Implement exists() and size() for S3 presigned URLs [resources]

  • DM-42528: fix ctrl_bps_panda report function that the request state is not set correctly [ctrl_bps_panda]

  • DM-42529: Accelerate the util function to find good pixels around bad pixels [meas_algorithms, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-42530: Have allocateNodes auto manage Glidein sizes with intelligent matching to jobs [ctrl_execute, ctrl_platform_s3df]

  • DM-42535: Fix incorrectly deprecated configs in catalogMatch task. [analysis_tools]

  • DM-42536: Fix pointer set usage in gbdes to ensure repeatability from run to run [gbdes]

  • DM-42542: Duplicate “ivoa” schema names prevent loading into TAP_SCHEMA [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-42544: Pydantic validation should print out all duplicate IDs when validating a schema [felis]

  • DM-42553: Add finite position filtering to ReferenceSourceSelectorTask [meas_algorithms]

  • DM-42556: Add some new FAQs to analysis tools [analysis_tools]

  • DM-42567: Fix missing auth headers in RemoteButler [daf_butler]

  • DM-42568: Handle 0-byte S3 presigned URLs in ResourcePath.size [resources]

  • DM-42580: Fix error message when repo alias looks like absolute path [daf_butler]

  • DM-42582: Incorrect scipy.poly1d breaks shapelet tests [shapelet]

  • DM-42588: Fix Deprecation warning from scipy in scarlet fork [scarlet]

  • DM-42605: Include pretrained models in default collections [daf_butler]

  • DM-42615: Add random magnitude generation to generate_injection_catalog [source_injection]

  • DM-42629: drp_pipe_dir bps clustering include files not following proper config file syntax [drp_pipe]

  • DM-42631: Include support for BPS+Parsl+Slurm for CC-IN2P3 [ctrl_bps_parsl]

  • DM-42636: Support group and day_obs as dimensions [astro_metadata_translator, cell_coadds, daf_butler, obs_base, obs_cfht, obs_decam, obs_lsst, obs_rubinGenericCamera, obs_subaru, pipe_base, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-42637: Migrate major repos to dimension universe with group and day_obs as dimensions [daf_butler]

  • DM-42641: Add focal-plane plus histogram plot-type to analysis_tools [analysis_tools]

  • DM-42642: Introduce MatrixPlot plot type to analysis_tools [analysis_tools]

  • DM-42643: Pre-process data into catalog format for analysis_tools [cp_pipe, cp_verify]

  • DM-42645: Allow RemoteButler HTTP errors to be correlated with exceptions in server logs [daf_butler]

  • DM-42647: Add a scatter plot of PSF - CModel mags to coaddQualityCore and move sky plot to extended [analysis_tools]

  • DM-42648: Create FocalPlaneGeometryPlot for Readnoise median [analysis_tools]

  • DM-42654: Add missing __all__ to deltaSkyCorrAnalysis [analysis_tools]

  • DM-42655: Add interface for PlotElements (supporting NxM plots) [analysis_tools]

  • DM-42660: Deploy datalinker on IDF with Butler server [daf_butler]

  • DM-42663: Replace single-visit star selection with moments-based star/galaxy classifier [drp_tasks, jointcal, meas_algorithms, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-42666: Add MJD for calibration analysis_tools [cp_verify, ip_isr]

  • DM-42672: Create FocalPlaneGeometryPlots for biasMean, biasNoise, biasCRNoise, biasShiftCount [analysis_tools]

  • DM-42676: Chained datastore transfer from graph does not work [daf_butler]

  • DM-42678: Fix connection logic in isrTask [ip_isr]

  • DM-42680: Add build and deployment of Felis documentation to Github workflows [felis]

  • DM-42683: Change the output keys in KeyedDataSelectorAction [analysis_tools]

  • DM-42685: Add a Tensor interface to AnalysisTools [analysis_tools]

  • DM-42696: Deblend in diffim detectAndMeasure [ip_diffim]

  • DM-42697: Fix inconsistent overscanImage size in IsrStatistics with doParallelOverscan=True [ip_isr]

  • DM-42698: moto 5 removes mock_s3 [daf_butler, resources]

  • DM-42702: New cp_verify repack doesn’t serialize for full LSSTCam focal plane [cp_verify, ip_isr]

  • DM-42704: Support multiple S3 endpoints in ResourcePath [resources]

  • DM-42708: ccdExposureIds logged during ISR [ip_isr]

  • DM-42710: Change to use goodSeeingCoadd as the LATISS templates [ap_pipe]

  • DM-42719: Handle nan rotation angles in plotting [summit_utils]

  • DM-42720: Move SetPrimaryFlags to meas_algorithms [meas_algorithms, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-42725: Verify that pipetask ApPipe runs with LSSTComCamSim data in the test butler repo [ap_pipe, drp_pipe, obs_lsst]

  • DM-42732: Add missing bias shift data [cp_verify, ip_isr]

  • DM-42733: Minor improvement spin-offs from query system rewrite [daf_butler]

  • DM-42736: Typo in unpack_exposure_id docs [obs_lsst]

  • DM-42737: Temporarily switch back to Registry query interface in QG generation [pipe_base]

  • DM-42740: Update Butler._query interfaces and division of responsibilities [daf_butler]

  • DM-42741: Improve aesthetics of LSSTCam full focal plane plots [analysis_tools]

  • DM-42747: effectiveTime fiducial values for comCamSim [obs_lsst]

  • DM-42748: Disable streak masking in atmospec pipeline [atmospec]

  • DM-42751: Add an nProc parameter to pipeline execution [ctrl_mpexec]

  • DM-42759: Update usage of htcondor to remove deprecation warnings in rubin env 8 [ctrl_bps_htcondor]

  • DM-42762: Make ApPipe contracts more human-friendly [ap_pipe]

  • DM-42771: Allow mid-week builds of Butler server [daf_butler]

  • DM-42773: Save a value for __version__ instead of unknown when uncommitted changes [sconsUtils]

  • DM-42774: Add _TEMPLATE mask planes for difference images [ip_diffim]

  • DM-42775: Segfault in FlagHandler.getDefinition [meas_base]

  • DM-42776: Add star count number to the metadata of bright star stamps and extended PSF models. [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-42781: Move 10/1-year distinction earlier in the text descriptions of DP0.3 schemas [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-42787: Fix dependence on ordering when creating foreign keys in SQL [felis]

  • DM-42788: bps report on requests with 0 tasks [ctrl_bps_panda]

  • DM-42795: Fix incorrect NOISE_LIST access. [ip_isr]

  • DM-42798: Schema version support backwards-incompatible with old APDBs [dax_apdb]

  • DM-42799: Protect pytest from spawning hundreds of threads on startup with env vars in sconsUtils [sconsUtils]

  • DM-42812: Adjust order of types for serialized dimension record model [daf_butler]

  • DM-42814: Cleanup makeKernel candidateList handling [ip_diffim, meas_extensions_gaap]

  • DM-42818: ApVerifyWithFakes broken in w_2024_06 [ap_verify]

  • DM-42820: Create a method to instantiate an AnalysisTool from a pipeline [analysis_tools]

  • DM-42823: add metrics associated with StellarPhotometricResidualsFocalPlane in analysis_tools [analysis_tools]

  • DM-42836: Add calcPreviousDay convenience function [summit_utils]

  • DM-42837: Add expected distortion coefficients to obs_lsst for LsstCam and LsstComCam [obs_base, obs_lsst]

  • DM-42862: Initial DRP (& AP if we’re ambitious) pipeline for simulated comcam data [drp_pipe, obs_lsst]

  • DM-42868: New LSST ISR mock [ip_isr]

  • DM-42870: Add MultiProFit fit reconstructor [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-42874: Enhancements to PeekExposureTask [summit_utils]

  • DM-42888: Incorporate amp-to-amp correlation plots in analysis_tools for camera diagnostics [analysis_tools]

  • DM-42895: Make the PTC FP plots from DM-42202 prettier [analysis_tools]

  • DM-42896: Modify butler universe to use 32 character instrument names [daf_butler]

  • DM-42905: Fix bps command creation with pip install [ctrl_bps]

  • DM-42914: Add edgeCenterAll flag during detect and measure [meas_base]

  • DM-42920: Optimize applyApCorr for coadds and fix periodic logging messages [ip_diffim, meas_algorithms, meas_base, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-42928: Add metadata protocols for Task and afw objects [afw, daf_base, pipe_base]

  • DM-42934: Allow running existing Butler unit tests against RemoteButler [daf_butler]

  • DM-42941: Add length units (mm) to StellarPhotometricResidualsFocalPlane analysis tool [analysis_tools]

  • DM-42945: Implement RemoteButler.exists [daf_butler]

  • DM-42946: Implement RemoteButler.getDeferred [daf_butler]

  • DM-42947: Implement RemoteButler.retrieveArtifacts [daf_butler]

  • DM-42954: Pipetask report crashes when used for step 3 HSC-RC2 outputs [pipe_base]

  • DM-42971: Edit SimComCam pipeline to account for raws available for first Preliminary DRP [analysis_tools, drp_pipe, obs_lsst]

  • DM-42974: Make BFK config default to forceZeroSum=True [cp_pipe]

  • DM-42975: Start adding mypy to summit_utils and summit_extras [summit_utils]

  • DM-42982: IsrTask.defineEffectivePtc warns in all(?) cases [ip_isr]

  • DM-42993: Replace usage of “^” for exponentiation with “**” [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-42995: Add registry shim interface to RemoteButler [daf_butler]

  • DM-42999: Demote routine “warnings” to less alarming log levels [ip_diffim, ip_isr, meas_deblender, sconsUtils]

  • DM-43001: Add obs_RubinGenericCamera to lsst_obs [lsst_obs]

  • DM-43009: Annotate DP0.2 Visit and CcdVisit with column_index, principal, and key UCDs [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-43011: Set table_index for DP0.3 tables, and supply missing column descriptions [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-43013: Add appropriate foreign-key annotation to DP0.2 for ForcedSourceOnDiaObject-to-DiaObject [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-43014: Reduce alert stream credentials timeout [ap_association]

  • DM-43015: Review and correct the annotations for multiplied units in sdm_schemas [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-43022: Refactor defect finding pipeline to fix masking inconsistencies [cp_pipe, cp_verify]

  • DM-43026: Supply missing descriptions in APDB schema [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-43027: Finish implementation of RemoteButler.find_dataset [daf_butler]

  • DM-43033: Stand up fgcmcal to run on ComCamSim ops rehearsal 3 [drp_pipe, fgcm, fgcmcal, obs_lsst, obs_subaru]

  • DM-43036: Get gbdesAstrometricFit working on ComCamSim data [analysis_tools, drp_pipe, obs_lsst]

  • DM-43037: ap_pipe BPS scripts use old task names [ap_pipe]

  • DM-43040: Allow setting of log level and output file from command line [felis]

  • DM-43042: Fix bug in CalibrateImage match_psf_stars [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-43043: Add AuxTel slew analysis plotting [summit_extras]

  • DM-43045: Investigate ability to use sky frames with ComCamSim [cp_pipe]

  • DM-43049: Add extended objectTable plots (and others) to drp_pipe [analysis_tools, drp_pipe, obs_lsst]

  • DM-43060: Write real pipeline execution for rapid analysis [ctrl_mpexec, pipe_base]

  • DM-43062: Back out one level of deprecation from DM-42814 [ip_diffim]

  • DM-43063: Add dynamically-generated injection pipelines to gitignore [drp_pipe]

  • DM-43079: Add metadata module for encapsulating sqlalchemy binding [felis]

  • DM-43080: Remove maskStreaks from CalibrateImageTask [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-43083: Add option to run streak detection and masking in ip_diffim [drp_tasks, ip_diffim, meas_algorithms, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-43092: Update fgcmcal to make use of –cores-per-quantum option [fgcmcal]

  • DM-43097: Improve Cassandra APDB schema and queries for PPDB replication [dax_apdb, sdm_schemas]

  • DM-43100: Add github actions to obs_rubinGenericCamera [obs_rubinGenericCamera]

  • DM-43101: Add can_see_sky metadata to exposure records [daf_butler, obs_base]

  • DM-43103: Modify metadata translators to report can_see_sky flag [astro_metadata_translator, obs_base]

  • DM-43105: Write a schema migration script for can_see_sky exposure metadata [daf_butler]

  • DM-43109: Write script to update day_obs in DECam butler repositories [astro_metadata_translator]

  • DM-43111: fix cp_verify notebook error [cp_verify]

  • DM-43117: Allow exposure.day_obs in queries [daf_butler, obs_lsst]

  • DM-43121: Propagate Butler exceptions from server to client [daf_butler]

  • DM-43130: Update LATISS saturation value for observing [obs_lsst]

  • DM-43133: Fix failed black formatting check in meas_extensions_shapeHSM [meas_extensions_shapeHSM]

  • DM-43135: Allow the update flag to be used with ingest-raws command line [obs_base]

  • DM-43137: Fix day_obs binding in some queries [atmospec, summit_utils]

  • DM-43141: Fix StarTracker analysis to work with new headers [summit_utils]

  • DM-43143: Investigate 3 single frame photoCal outliers in u/homer/htc-test1 collection [obs_lsst]

  • DM-43146: Additional minor reworking of Butler._query interfaces [daf_butler]

  • DM-43150: lsst-resources test failing on GitHub [resources]

  • DM-43154: Rename `StarTrackerNarrw` to `StarTrackerNarrow` now that we have enough characters [obs_rubinGenericCamera]

  • DM-43169: Create utility function to check for timebase errors [summit_utils]

  • DM-43175: Fix non-finite timespan exposure records [obs_lsst]

  • DM-43176: Investigate failure to load scarlet models in HSC PDR4 [analysis_tools, meas_extensions_scarlet, pipe_tasks, sdm_schemas]

  • DM-43187: Masked values when reading ArrowAstropy become 0, when they should be nan or equivalent. [daf_butler]

  • DM-43191: Drop offset parameter from new query interfaces [daf_butler]

  • DM-43194: Misc config updates for ComCamSim DRP iteration #2 [drp_pipe, obs_lsst]

  • DM-43196: Fix broken Fakes pipelines in ap_verify ci datasets [ap_pipe, ap_verify]

  • DM-43199: Run black and isort on summit_* [summit_extras, summit_utils]

  • DM-43213: Patch StarTracker headers to pick up pressure [summit_utils]

  • DM-43225: Save stack versions in QuantumGraph [pipe_base]

  • DM-43231: Create Analysis Tool to send visitSummary info to sasquatch [analysis_tools, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-43238: Refactor AnalyzeMatchedVisitCore for 50-100x speed increase [analysis_tools]

  • DM-43247: Error “index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0” in calibrateImage _match_psf_stars [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-43255: Updates to fastStarTracker code [summit_utils]

  • DM-43269: Move fastStarTracker analysis code to summit_extras [summit_extras, summit_utils]

  • DM-43270: Found log error on task diaPipe when empty objects [dax_apdb]

  • DM-43271: Setting `doSaturation=False` in ISR does not actually turn off saturation masking. [ip_isr]

  • DM-43297: Update streaming sequence finder for new file layout [summit_extras, summit_utils]

  • DM-43299: allocateNode auto needs to evaluate RequestMemory expressions [ctrl_execute]

  • DM-43315: Add atomic methods for common operations on chained collections [daf_butler]

  • DM-43333: Fix remaining non-controversial VOUnit usage errors in sdm_schemas [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-43334: Implement dmL1AstroErr/dmL2AstroErr in analysis_tools [analysis_tools, drp_pipe]

  • DM-43335: Fix usage of non-standard ‘DN’ unit in sdm_schemas [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-43343: Fix id generator in CalibrateImage [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-43344: Add hexapod timings as slew timing plot option [summit_extras]

  • DM-43346: Fix night report code and update seeing correction [summit_utils]

  • DM-43347: Initial quickLook and nightly validation pipelines for ComCamSim [drp_pipe, obs_lsst]

  • DM-43348: Revert changes to UCD for two time columns [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-43363: Remove extraneous files from pipetask report tests [ctrl_mpexec]

  • DM-43368: Add TEMP_SET to keywords to check for ISR. [obs_lsst]

  • DM-43369: Remove distutils from sconsUtils and display_ds9 [display_ds9, sconsUtils]

  • DM-43376: Heavy footprints are not set in forced_src catalog by deblender [meas_extensions_scarlet]

  • DM-43381: bps report doesn’t show error codes with submit directory as the run id [ctrl_bps_htcondor]

  • DM-43382: Turn on visit level astrometry metrics [drp_pipe]

  • DM-43387: Fix the breakage when calling asMaskedImage() on ExplodedCoadd [cell_coadds]

  • DM-43389: Add option to skip forced photometry in diaPipe [ap_association]

  • DM-43402: Add option to skip forced measurement in diaPipe [analysis_tools, ap_association]

  • DM-43404: Create difference image QA metrics [analysis_tools, ap_pipe, ap_verify, ip_diffim]

  • DM-43406: Remove extended objectTable plots from DC2/RC2 pipelines [analysis_tools, drp_pipe]

  • DM-43414: Improve dax_apdb confguration handling [ap_association, ap_pipe, dax_apdb, verify]

  • DM-43429: Handle exceptions correctly for existing RemoteButler methods [daf_butler]

  • DM-43430: Set up Butler server at USDF [daf_butler]

  • DM-43431: Allow sasquatch datastore namespace to be overridden by environment variable [analysis_tools]

  • DM-43436: Fix object name in LSSTCam metadata translator [astro_metadata_translator, obs_lsst]

  • DM-43473: Add error handling to diffimTaskCore for NoWorkFound [analysis_tools]

  • DM-43476: CalibrateImage API change broke AP pipeline [ap_pipe]

  • DM-43477: Create pipeline yaml file to create calexp summary metrics from existing calexps’ summary stats [analysis_tools]

  • DM-43479: Add ability to use where/bind clauses in LogBrowser [summit_extras]

  • DM-43484: Fix clustered BPS auto-retries in SingleQuantumExecutor or QBB [ctrl_mpexec, pipe_base]

  • DM-43496: MeasureApCorrTask statistics logging has incorrect order of arguments [meas_algorithms]

  • DM-43499: Add timespan parameter to Butler.get [daf_butler]

  • DM-43501: Add timeout during sending of alerts [ap_association]

  • DM-43509: Switch to astropy Time in APDB interfaces [ap_association, dax_apdb]

  • DM-43514: Fix bug in APDB bit flag unpacking [ap_association]

  • DM-43516: Pass ObservationalIdentifiers when creating the cells in MultipleCellCoadd [cell_coadds, drp_tasks]

  • DM-43522: Remove too large alert packet write to disk [ap_association]

  • DM-43526: Add registry collection information functions to RemoteButler [daf_butler]

  • DM-43537: Fix TMA plotting logic error [summit_utils]

  • DM-43538: DM-43225 caused Jenkins tarball build failure [pipe_base]

  • DM-43542: Change default modelfit_DoubleShapeletPsfApprox minRadius to 0.25 [meas_modelfit]

  • DM-43545: When using finalVisitSummary as input, makeWarp should not use bad psfs/aperture correction maps [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-43561: Update fgcm to 3.10.6 with bug fixes [fgcm]

  • DM-43563: Add flat correction in isr task LSST [ip_isr]

  • DM-43570: ArrowAstropy masked float columns should properly round-trip [daf_butler]

  • DM-43571: Sources with NaN centroids show up in AP pipeline [ip_diffim]

  • DM-43572: Add input connection to graph with deferred binding [pipe_base]

  • DM-43574: Run test_simpleButler against RemoteButler [daf_butler]

  • DM-43576: ComCamSim config overrides for CalibrateImage cannot be applied [obs_lsst]

  • DM-43590: Unknown communications failure when sending alerts [ap_association]

  • DM-43601: Add applyGains to new ISR Task [ip_isr]

  • DM-43607: Turn on visitSummary dispatching in nightly validation [drp_pipe]

  • DM-43613: Use uw_stars_20240228 in fgcmBuildFromIsolatedStars for OR3 [obs_lsst]

  • DM-43614: Add TMA tracking RMS error to RubinTV table [summit_utils]

  • DM-43618: ap_association tests leave apdb.sqlite3 files behind [ap_association]

  • DM-43641: Fix bug in diffim PSF size calculation [ip_diffim]

  • DM-43671: Implement collection prepend [daf_butler]

  • DM-43674: Test AP OR3 processing with adjusted camera distortion [obs_lsst]

  • DM-43681: Add calexpMetrics atool to AP metrics afterburner [analysis_tools, ap_pipe]

  • DM-43687: Add base_FPPosition plugin to FinalizeCharacterizationTask [pipe_tasks]

  • DM-43700: guessVersionName() isn’t reporting lightweight tagged versions of repos, which it used to do. [sconsUtils]

  • DM-43711: Fix ap_verify failures following DM-43404 [analysis_tools, ap_pipe]

  • DM-43721: submit() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘compute_site’ [ctrl_bps, ctrl_bps_htcondor, ctrl_bps_parsl]

  • DM-43736: Persist difference image kernel to the butler [ap_verify, daf_butler, ip_diffim]

  • DM-43739: Fix memory leak in HTTPResourcePath [resources]

  • DM-43746: Tidy up RemoteButler [daf_butler]

  • DM-43748: Fix missing length fields in several schemas [sdm_schemas]

  • DM-43750: Collection chain import crash [daf_butler]

  • DM-43759: Move collection chain methods to sub-object [daf_butler]

  • DM-43769: Make Region and Timespan directly Pydantic-aware [daf_butler]

  • DM-43771: Fix coadd PSF caching configurations [drp_pipe, drp_tasks, pipe_tasks]

  • DM-43848: Move spatiallySampledMetrics to standalone Task [analysis_tools, ap_pipe, ap_verify, ip_diffim]

  • DM-43869: pipelines_check fails due to possible change in pydantic [pipe_base]

  • DM-43885: Add configuration to cap the number of stars used for psf modeling. [meas_algorithms, meas_extensions_piff, meas_extensions_psfex]

  • DM-43930: Update dax_apdb for changes in felis datamodel. [dax_apdb]