lsst-ctrl-bps-parsl v28.0.0 2024-11-21

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved issue relating to the high throughput executor performing validation via checking of a resource spec dictionary. Until now, ctrl_bps_parsl was passing None` instead of an empty dict` when there were no resource requests associated with a task. (DM-45863)

  • Fixed an error caused by the deprecated max_workers parameter, which was removed in Parsl version 2024.09.09 following its deprecation in version 2024.03.04. (DM-47399)

Other Changes and Additions

  • Updated selected unit tests to reflect the changes made in BpsConfig.__init__(). (DM-44110)

lsst-ctrl-bps-parsl v27.0.0 2024-06-05

New Features

  • Updated the open-source license to allow for the code to be distributed with either GPLv3 or BSD 3-clause license. (DM-37231)

  • Added log subdirectories to avoid having too many files in a single directory. (DM-41229)

Bug Fixes

lsst-ctrl-bps-parsl v26.0.0 2023-09-25

New Features

  • Added support for getting scheduler_options from BPS configuration for Slurm. (DM-32764)

  • Added cmd_timeout configurable option to the Princeton site settings. (DM-38184)

Bug Fixes

  • Now resolve nested symbolic names correctly (DM-39885)

Other Changes and Additions

  • Brought package up to LSST middleware packaging standards. (DM-36092)

lsst-ctrl-bps-parsl v25.0.0 2023-07-01

First release as part of the LSST Science Pipelines.