
class lsst.pipe.base.LabelSpecifier(labels: set[str] | None = None, begin: str | None = None, end: str | None = None)

Bases: object

A structure to specify a subset of labels to load.

This structure may contain a set of labels to be used in subsetting a pipeline, or a beginning and end point. Beginning or end may be empty, in which case the range will be a half open interval. Unlike python iteration bounds, end bounds are INCLUDED.

There are multiple potential definitions of range-based slicing for graphs that are not a simple linear sequence. The definition used here is the intersection of the tasks downstream of begin and the tasks upstream of end, i.e. tasks with no dependency relationship to a bounding task are not included.

Attributes Summary




Attributes Documentation

begin: str | None = None
end: str | None = None
labels: set[str] | None = None