
class lsst.pipe.base.tests.mocks.ForcedFailure(condition: str, exception_type: type[Exception] | None = None, memory_required: Quantity | None = None)

Bases: object

Information about an exception that should be raised by one or more quanta.

Attributes Summary


The type of exception to raise.


If not None, this failure simulates an out-of-memory failure by raising only if this value exceeds ExecutionResources.max_mem.

Methods Summary


Attributes Documentation

exception_type: type[Exception] | None = None

The type of exception to raise.

memory_required: Quantity | None = None

If not None, this failure simulates an out-of-memory failure by raising only if this value exceeds ExecutionResources.max_mem.

Methods Documentation

set_config(config: MockPipelineTaskConfig) None