.. _source-install-mac-prereqs: ########################## macOS system prerequisites ########################## To build LSST software, macOS systems need: 1. :ref:`Xcode <source-install-mac-prereqs-xcode>`, or command line tools. 2. :ref:`cmake <source-install-mac-prereqs-cmake>`. .. note:: macOS versions 10.9 and earlier have not been tested recently and may not work. .. _source-install-mac-prereqs-xcode: Xcode ===== You will need to install developer tools, which we recommend you obtain with Apple's Xcode command line tools package. To do this, run from the command line (e.g. ``Terminal.app`` or similar): .. code-block:: bash xcode-select --install You can verify where the tools are installed by running: .. code-block:: bash xcode-select -p .. _source-install-mac-prereqs-cmake: cmake ===== ``cmake`` can be installed through a package manager like `Homebrew <https://brew.sh>`_: .. code-block:: bash brew install cmake **Alternatively,** `Anaconda <https://www.continuum.io/downloads>`_ users can install ``cmake`` with :command:`conda`: .. code-block:: bash conda install cmake