Installing the LSST Science Pipelines

We offer a few ways of installing the LSST Science Pipelines. Choose an option below to get started.

Conda installation
Install the Pipelines as an Anaconda/Miniconda binary package. This is the easiest installation option since no source compilation is required.
Source installation ( allows you to build and install the LSST Science Pipelines from source. You can use your existing Python 2.7, or opt to use a built-in Miniconda.
CernVM FS (external link)
CernVM FS is a virtual machine that makes it easy to run the LSST Science Pipelines without compiling code. This distribution is supported by Fabio Hernandez of IN2P3.
Docker and Amazon Machine Images
These images are convenient for using the LSST Science Pipelines in distributed or cloud-based computing workflows. The SQR-002: Binary Science Pipeline Software Distribution technote describes how to obtain and use these images.
lsstsw installation
lsstsw (and lsst-build) are the tools we use internally to build and test the LSST Science Pipelines. Use this installation option if you’re interested in developing the Science Pipelines since lsstsw presents the Pipelines as a directory of cloned repositories from

Next, try out your Science Pipelines installation by running a demo.

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