Running with Docker¶
LSST provides versioned Docker images containing the Science Pipelines software. With Docker, you can quickly install download and run the LSST Science Pipelines on any platform without compiling from source.
If you have issues, reach out on the LSST Community support forum.
To download Docker images and run containers, you need Docker’s software. The Docker Community Edition is freely available for most platforms, including macOS, Linux, and Windows.
If you haven’t used Docker before, you might want to learn more about Docker, images, and containers. Docker’s Getting Started documentation is a good resource.
Quick start¶
This command downloads a weekly build of the LSST Science Pipelines, starts a container, and opens a prompt:
docker run -ti lsstsqre/centos:7-stack-lsst_distrib-w_2017_35
Then in the container’s shell, load the LSST environment and set up a top-level package (lsst_distrib
in this case):
source /opt/lsst/software/stack/loadLSST.bash
setup lsst_distrib
This step is equivalent to the setup instructions for a installation. In fact, the images are internally based on
Next, learn more with these topics:
Finding images for different LSST Science Pipelines releases¶
LSST Science Pipelines Docker images are published as lsstsqre/centos on Docker Hub. These images are based on the CentOS base image.
Docker images are versioned with tags, allowing you to run any release of the LSST Science Pipelines software. The schema of these tags is:
<centos major version>-stack-<EUPS product>-<EUPS distrib tag>
For example:
This tag corresponds to:
- CentOS 7 operating system.
top-level package.w_2017_35
EUPS tag. See Installing other releases (including daily and weekly tags) for an overview of LSST’s EUPS tag schema.
You can see what tags are available by browsing lsstsqre/centos on Docker Hub.