AssociationConfig |
Config class for AssociationTask. |
AssociationTask (**kwargs) |
Associate DIAOSources into existing DIAObjects. |
Chi2DiaPsFlux (config, name, metadata) |
Compute chi2 of diaSource fluxes. |
Chi2DiaPsFluxConfig |
DiaForcedSourceTask (**kwargs) |
Task for measuring and storing forced sources at DiaObject locations in both difference and direct images. |
DiaForcedSourcedConfig |
Configuration for the generic DiaForcedSourcedTask class. |
DiaObjectCalculationConfig |
Config class for the catalog calculation driver task. |
DiaObjectCalculationPlugin (config, name, …) |
Base class for DIA catalog calculation plugins. |
DiaObjectCalculationPluginConfig |
Default configuration class for DIA catalog calculation plugins. |
DiaObjectCalculationTask ([plugMetadata]) |
Run plugins which operate on a catalog of DIA sources. |
ErrMeanDiaPsFlux (config, name, metadata) |
Compute the mean of the dia source errors. |
ErrMeanDiaPsFluxConfig |
HTMIndexDiaPosition (config, name, metadata) |
Compute the mean position of a DiaObject given a set of DiaSources. |
HTMIndexDiaPositionConfig |
LinearFitDiaPsFlux (config, name, metadata) |
Compute fit a linear model to flux vs time. |
LinearFitDiaPsFluxConfig |
MadDiaPsFlux (config, name, metadata) |
Compute median absolute deviation of diaSource fluxes. |
MadDiaPsFluxConfig |
MapApDataConfig |
Configuration for the generic MapApDataTask class. |
MapApDataTask (inputSchema, outputSchema, …) |
Generic mapper class for copying values from a science pipelines catalog into a product for use in ap_association or the PPDB. |
MapDiaSourceConfig |
Config for the DiaSourceMapperTask |
MapDiaSourceTask (inputSchema, **kwargs) |
Task specific for copying columns from science pipelines catalogs, calibrating them, for use in ap_association and the PPDB. |
MaxSlopeDiaPsFlux (config, name, metadata) |
Compute the maximum ratio time ordered deltaFlux / deltaTime. |
MaxSlopeDiaPsFluxConfig |
MeanDiaPosition (config, name, metadata) |
Compute the mean position of a DiaObject given a set of DiaSources. |
MeanDiaPositionConfig |
MinMaxDiaPsFlux (config, name, metadata) |
Compute min/max of diaSource fluxes. |
MinMaxDiaPsFluxConfig |
NumDiaSourcesDiaPlugin (config, name, metadata) |
Compute the total number of DiaSources associated with this DiaObject. |
NumDiaSourcesDiaPluginConfig |
PercentileDiaPsFlux (config, name, metadata, …) |
Compute percentiles of diaSource fluxes. |
PercentileDiaPsFluxConfig |
SigmaDiaPsFlux (config, name, metadata) |
Compute scatter of diaSource fluxes. |
SigmaDiaPsFluxConfig |
SigmaDiaTotFlux (config, name, metadata) |
Compute scatter of diaSource fluxes. |
SigmaDiaTotFluxConfig |
SimpleSourceFlagDiaPlugin (config, name, metadata) |
Find if any DiaSource is flagged. |
SimpleSourceFlagDiaPluginConfig |
SkewDiaPsFlux (config, name, metadata) |
Compute the skew of diaSource fluxes. |
SkewDiaPsFluxConfig |
StetsonJDiaPsFlux (config, name, metadata) |
Compute the StetsonJ statistic on the DIA point source fluxes. |
StetsonJDiaPsFluxConfig |
UnpackPpdbFlags (flag_map_file, table_name) |
Class for unpacking bits from integer flag fields stored in the Ppdb. |
WeightedMeanDiaPsFlux (config, name, metadata) |
Compute the weighted mean and mean error on the point source fluxes of the DiaSource measured on the difference image. |
WeightedMeanDiaPsFluxConfig |
WeightedMeanDiaTotFlux (config, name, metadata) |
Compute the weighted mean and mean error on the point source fluxes forced photometered at the DiaSource location in the calibrated image. |
WeightedMeanDiaTotFluxConfig |