
class lsst.daf.butler.RepoExport(registry: Registry, datastore: Datastore, backend: RepoExportBackend, *, directory: Optional[str] = None, transfer: Optional[str] = None)

Bases: object

Public interface for exporting a subset of a data repository.

Instances of this class are obtained by calling Butler.export as the value returned by that context manager:

with butler.export(filename="export.yaml") as export:
registry : Registry

Registry to export from.

datastore : Datastore

Datastore to export from.

backend : RepoExportBackend

Implementation class for a particular export file format.

directory : str, optional

Directory to pass to Datastore.export.

transfer : str, optional

Transfer mdoe to pass to Datastore.export.

Methods Summary

saveDataIds(dataIds, *, elements) Export the dimension records associated with one or more data IDs.
saveDatasets(refs, *, elements, rewrite, …) Export one or more datasets.

Methods Documentation

saveDataIds(dataIds: Iterable[ExpandedDataCoordinate], *, elements: Optional[Iterable[DimensionElement]] = None)

Export the dimension records associated with one or more data IDs.

dataIds : iterable of ExpandedDataCoordinate.

Fully-expanded data IDs to export.

elements : iterable of DimensionElement, optional

Dimension elements whose records should be exported. If None, records for all dimensions will be exported.

saveDatasets(refs: Iterable[DatasetRef], *, elements: Optional[Iterable[DimensionElement]] = None, rewrite: Optional[Callable[[FileDataset], FileDataset]] = None)

Export one or more datasets.

This automatically exports any DatasetType, Run, and dimension records associated with the datasets.

refs : iterable of DatasetRef

References to the datasets to export. Their attributes must not be None. Duplicates are automatically ignored.

elements : iterable of DimensionElement, optional

Dimension elements whose records should be exported; this is forwarded to saveDataIds when exporting the data IDs of the given datasets.

rewrite : callable, optional

A callable that takes a single FileDataset argument and returns a modified FileDataset. This is typically used to rewrite the path generated by the datastore. If None, the FileDataset returned by Datastore.export will be used directly.