
class lsst.obs.base.Instrument

Bases: object

Base class for instrument-specific logic for the Gen3 Butler.

Concrete instrument subclasses should be directly constructable with no arguments.

Attributes Summary

configPaths Paths to config files to read for specific Tasks.
filterDefinitions FilterDefinitionCollection, defining the filters for this instrument.
obsDataPackage Name of the package containing the text curated calibration files.
obsDataPackageDir The root of the obs package that provides specializations for this instrument (str).
policyName Instrument specific name to use when locating a policy or configuration file in the file system.
standardCuratedDatasetTypes The dataset types expected to be obtained from the obsDataPackage.

Methods Summary

applyConfigOverrides(name, config) Apply instrument-specific overrides for a task config.
fromName(name, registry) Given an instrument name and a butler, retrieve a corresponding instantiated instrument object.
getCamera() Retrieve the cameraGeom representation of this instrument.
getName() Return the short (dimension) name for this instrument.
getRawFormatter(dataId) Return the Formatter class that should be used to read a particular raw file.
importAll(registry) Import all the instruments known to this registry.
makeDataIdTranslatorFactory() Return a factory for creating Gen2->Gen3 data ID translators, specialized for this instrument.
register(registry) Insert instrument, physical_filter, and detector entries into a Registry.
writeCameraGeom(butler) Write the default camera geometry to the butler repository with an infinite validity range.
writeCuratedCalibrations(butler) Write human-curated calibration Datasets to the given Butler with the appropriate validity ranges.
writeStandardTextCuratedCalibrations(butler) Write the set of standardized curated text calibrations to the repository.

Attributes Documentation

configPaths = ()

Paths to config files to read for specific Tasks.

The paths in this list should contain files of the form, for each of the Tasks that requires special configuration.


FilterDefinitionCollection, defining the filters for this instrument.

obsDataPackage = None

Name of the package containing the text curated calibration files. Usually a obs _data package. If None no curated calibration files will be read. (str)


The root of the obs package that provides specializations for this instrument (str).

policyName = None

Instrument specific name to use when locating a policy or configuration file in the file system.

standardCuratedDatasetTypes = ('defects', 'qe_curve')

The dataset types expected to be obtained from the obsDataPackage. These dataset types are all required to have standard definitions and must be known to the base class. Clearing this list will prevent any of these calibrations from being stored. If a dataset type is not known to a specific instrument it can still be included in this list since the data package is the source of truth.

Methods Documentation

applyConfigOverrides(name, config)

Apply instrument-specific overrides for a task config.

name : str

Name of the object being configured; typically the _DefaultName of a Task.

config : lsst.pex.config.Config

Config instance to which overrides should be applied.

static fromName(name: str, registry: Registry) → Instrument

Given an instrument name and a butler, retrieve a corresponding instantiated instrument object.

name : str

Name of the instrument (must match the return value of getName).

registry : lsst.daf.butler.Registry

Butler registry to query to find the information.

instrument : Instrument

An instance of the relevant Instrument.


Raised if the instrument is not known to the supplied registry.


Raised if the class could not be imported. This could mean that the relevant obs package has not been setup.


Raised if the class name retrieved is not a string.


The instrument must be registered in the corresponding butler.


Retrieve the cameraGeom representation of this instrument.

This is a temporary API that should go away once obs_ packages have a standardized approach to writing versioned cameras to a Gen3 repo.

classmethod getName()

Return the short (dimension) name for this instrument.

This is not (in general) the same as the class name - it’s what is used as the value of the “instrument” field in data IDs, and is usually an abbreviation of the full name.


Return the Formatter class that should be used to read a particular raw file.

dataId : DataCoordinate

Dimension-based ID for the raw file or files being ingested.

formatter : Formatter class

Class to be used that reads the file into an lsst.afw.image.Exposure instance.

static importAll(registry: Registry) → None

Import all the instruments known to this registry.

This will ensure that all metadata translators have been registered.

registry : lsst.daf.butler.Registry

Butler registry to query to find the information.


It is allowed for a particular instrument class to fail on import. This might simply indicate that a particular obs package has not been setup.

makeDataIdTranslatorFactory() → TranslatorFactory

Return a factory for creating Gen2->Gen3 data ID translators, specialized for this instrument.

Derived class implementations should generally call TranslatorFactory.addGenericInstrumentRules with appropriate arguments, but are not required to (and may not be able to if their Gen2 raw data IDs are sufficiently different from the HSC/DECam/CFHT norm).

factory : TranslatorFactory.

Factory for Translator objects.


Insert instrument, physical_filter, and detector entries into a Registry.


Write the default camera geometry to the butler repository with an infinite validity range.

butler : lsst.daf.butler.Butler

Butler to receive these calibration datasets.


Write human-curated calibration Datasets to the given Butler with the appropriate validity ranges.

butler : lsst.daf.butler.Butler

Butler to use to store these calibrations.


Expected to be called from subclasses. The base method calls writeCameraGeom and writeStandardTextCuratedCalibrations.


Write the set of standardized curated text calibrations to the repository.

butler : lsst.daf.butler.Butler

Butler to receive these calibration datasets.