.. lsst-task-topic:: lsst.cp.pipe.MergeDefectsTask ################ MergeDefectsTask ################ ``MergeDefectsTask`` combines all of the partial defect sets from the individual exposure measurements into a complete final defect set. .. _lsst.cp.pipe.MergeDefectsTask-processing-summary: Processing summary ================== ``MergeDefectsTask`` runs these operations: #. Combine all input partial defect sets by the input image type (usually dark and flat exposures) based on the fraction of inputs that have a defect in each pixel. #. Create the final defect set from the union of all the per-image type defects. #. Optionally mask the edges of the detectors. .. _lsst.cp.pipe.MergeDefectsTask-api: Python API summary ================== .. lsst-task-api-summary:: lsst.cp.pipe.MergeDefectsTask .. _lsst.cp.pipe.MergeDefectsTask-subtasks: Retargetable subtasks ===================== .. lsst-task-config-subtasks:: lsst.cp.pipe.MergeDefectsTask .. _lsst.cp.pipe.MergeDefectsTask-configs: Configuration fields ==================== .. lsst-task-config-fields:: lsst.cp.pipe.MergeDefectsTask