.. lsst-task-topic:: lsst.pipe.tasks.processCcd.ProcessCcdTask ############## ProcessCcdTask ############## ``ProcessCcdTask`` provides a preliminary astrometric and photometric calibration for a single frame (a ``raw`` dataset), yielding a ``calexp`` dataset. ``ProcessCcdTask`` is available as a :ref:`command-line task `, ``processCcd.py``. .. todo:: Link to related tasks and direct users (if applicable)? .. _lsst.pipe.tasks.processCcd.ProcessCcdTask-summary: Processing summary ================== ``ProcessCcdTask`` runs this sequence of operations: 1. Removes instrumental signature from the ``raw`` dataset by calling the :lsst-config-field:`~lsst.pipe.tasks.processCcd.ProcessCcdConfig.isr` subtask (default: :lsst-task:`~lsst.ip.isr.isrTask.IsrTask`). This is the ISR step. In the LSST Science Pipelines, individual cameras tune the configurations for the :lsst-config-field:`~lsst.pipe.tasks.processCcd.ProcessCcdConfig.isr` subtask. By running this task, you automatically leverage expertise from the camera's builders and community. 2. Characterizes the post-ISR exposure by calling the :lsst-config-field:`~lsst.pipe.tasks.processCcd.ProcessCcdConfig.charImage` subtask (default: :lsst-task:`~lsst.pipe.tasks.characterizeImage.CharacterizeImageTask`): - Models the background. - Models the PSF. - Repairs cosmic ray hits. - Detects and measures bright sources. - Measures an aperture correction. 3. Calibrates the post-characterization exposure by calling the :lsst-config-field:`~lsst.pipe.tasks.processCcd.ProcessCcdConfig.calibrate` subtask (default: :lsst-task:`~lsst.pipe.tasks.calibrate.CalibrateTask`): - Detects sources more completely (using PSF and aperture corrections from the previous step). - Fits an improved WCS. - Fits a photometric zeropoint. **Note:** you can disable the calibration step with the :lsst-config-field:`~lsst.pipe.tasks.processCcd.ProcessCcdConfig.doCalibrate` configuration field. .. _lsst.pipe.tasks.processCcd.ProcessCcdTask-cli: processCcd.py command-line interface ==================================== .. code-block:: text processCcd.py REPOPATH [@file [@file2 ...]] [--output OUTPUTREPO | --rerun RERUN] [--id] [other named arguments] Key arguments: .. option:: REPOPATH The input Butler repository's URI or file path. Key options: .. option:: --id The data IDs to process. .. seealso:: See :ref:`command-line-task-argument-reference` for details and additional options. .. _lsst.pipe.tasks.processCcd.ProcessCcdTask-api: Python API summary ================== .. lsst-task-api-summary:: lsst.pipe.tasks.processCcd.ProcessCcdTask .. _lsst.pipe.tasks.processCcd.ProcessCcdTask-butler: Butler datasets =============== When run as the ``processCcd.py`` command-line task, or directly through the `~lsst.pipe.tasks.processCcd.ProcessCcdTask.runDataRef` method, ``ProcessCcdTask`` obtains datasets from the input Butler data repository and persists outputs to the output Butler data repository. Note that configurations for ``ProcessCcdTask`` and its subtasks affect what datasets are persisted, and what their content is. .. todo:: Make each dataset a link to a canonical reference page. .. _lsst.pipe.tasks.processCcd.ProcessCcdTask-butler-inputs: Input datasets -------------- ``raw`` Raw dataset from a camera, as ingested into the input Butler data repository. Unpersisted by the :lsst-config-field:`~lsst.pipe.tasks.processCcd.ProcessCcdConfig.isr` subtask. .. _lsst.pipe.tasks.processCcd.ProcessCcdTask-butler-outputs: Output datasets --------------- ``calexp`` The calibrated exposure. Persisted by the :lsst-config-field:`~lsst.pipe.tasks.processCcd.ProcessCcdConfig.calibrate` subtask. The default subtask (:lsst-task:`~lsst.pipe.tasks.calibrate.CalibrateTask`) adds the following metadata: ``MAGZERO_RMS`` The RMS (standard deviation) of ``MAGZERO``, measured by the :lsst-config-field:`~lsst.pipe.tasks.calibrate.CalibrateTask.photoCal` subtask. ``MAGZERO_NOBJ``: ``Number of stars used to estimate ``MAGZERO``. This is ``ngood`` reported by the :lsst-config-field:`~lsst.pipe.tasks.calibrate.CalibrateTask.photoCal` subtask. ``COLORTERM1`` Always ``0.0``. ``COLORTERM2`` Always ``0.0``. ``COLORTERM3`` Always ``0.0``. ``calexpBackground`` Background model for the ``calexp`` calibrated exposure. Persisted by the :lsst-config-field:`~lsst.pipe.tasks.processCcd.ProcessCcdConfig.calibrate` subtask. ``icExp`` The characterized exposure. Persisted by the :lsst-config-field:`~lsst.pipe.tasks.ProcessCcdConfig.charImage` subtask. ``icExpBackground`` Background model of the ``icExp`` exposure. ``icSrc`` The source catalog of the characterized exposure, ``icExp``. Persisted by the :lsst-config-field:`~lsst.pipe.tasks.ProcessCcdConfig.charImage` subtask. ``postISRCCD`` Post-ISR exposure. Persisted by the :lsst-config-field:`~lsst.pipe.tasks.ProcessCcdConfig.charImage` subtask. ``src`` Table of sources measured in the calibrated exposure. Persisted by the :lsst-config-field:`~lsst.pipe.tasks.processCcd.ProcessCcdConfig.calibrate` subtask. ``srcMatch`` Table of matches between the sources and reference objects, created by the astrometry solver. Persisted by the :lsst-config-field:`~lsst.pipe.tasks.processCcd.ProcessCcdConfig.calibrate` subtask. ``srcMatchFull`` Denormalized version of ``srcMatch``. Persisted by the :lsst-config-field:`~lsst.pipe.tasks.processCcd.ProcessCcdConfig.calibrate` subtask. .. _lsst.pipe.tasks.processCcd.ProcessCcdTask-subtasks: Retargetable subtasks ===================== .. lsst-task-config-subtasks:: lsst.pipe.tasks.processCcd.ProcessCcdTask .. _lsst.pipe.tasks.processCcd.ProcessCcdTask-configs: Configuration fields ==================== .. lsst-task-config-fields:: lsst.pipe.tasks.processCcd.ProcessCcdTask .. _lsst.pipe.tasks.processCcd.ProcessCcdTask-examples: Examples ======== .. _ProcessCcdTask-simple-example: Simple command-line usage ------------------------- ``ProcessCcdTask`` is used as a command-line task that processes ``raw`` datasets into a Butler repository. As an example, you can use ``raw`` datasets in the ``obs_test`` package. First, set up the relevant packages on the command line: .. code-block:: bash setup lsst_distrib setup -k obs_test Then run the ``processCcd.py`` task: .. code-block:: bash processCcd.py $OBS_TEST_DIR/data/input --output processCcdOut --id Using the ``--id`` option without any data ID keys finds all available ``raw`` data in the Butler dataset for processing. The output ``calexp`` and ``src`` datasets are written to the :file:`processCcdOut` directory. .. important:: If :file:`processCcdOut` already exists, you'll need to either delete the existing directory or give the :option:`--output` option a different directory name. .. _lsst.pipe.tasks.processCcd.ProcessCcdTask-debug: Debugging ========= ``ProcessCcdTask`` does not have debug output, though its subtasks may.