
The DataFrame storage class corresponds to the pandas.DataFrame class in Python. It includes special support for dealing with multi-level indexes (i.e. pandas.MultiIndex) in columns.


The DataFrame storage class has a single component, columns, which contains a description of the columns as a pandas.Index (often pandas.MultiIndex) instance.


The DataFrame storage clss supports a single parameter for partial reads, with the key columns. For single-level columns, this should be a single column name (str) or a list of column names. For multi-level index (pandas.MultiIndex) columns, this should be a dictionary whose keys are the names of the levels, and whose values are column names (str) or lists thereof. The loaded columns are the product of the values for all levels. Levels not included in the dict are included in their entirety.

For example, the deepCoadd_obj dataset is typically defined as a hierarchical table with levels dataset, filter, and column, which take values such as ("meas", "HSC-R", "base_SdssShape_xx"). Retrieving this dataset via:

    "deepCoadd_obj", ...,
        "columns": {"dataset": "meas",
                    "filter": ["HSC-R", "HSC-I"],
                    "column": ["base_SdssShape_xx", "base_SdssShape_yy"]}

is equivalent to (but potentially much more efficient than):

full = butler.get("deepCoadd_obj", ...)
full.loc[:, ["meas", ["HSC-R", "HSC-I"],
             ["base_SdssShape_xx", "base_SdssShape_yy"]]]