
class lsst.meas.algorithms.BrightStarStamps(starStamps, innerRadius=None, outerRadius=None, nb90Rots=None, metadata=None, use_mask=True, use_variance=False, use_archive=False)

Bases: lsst.meas.algorithms.Stamps

Collection of bright star stamps and associated metadata.

starStamps : [BrightStarStamp]

Sequence of star stamps. Cannot contain both normalized and unnormalized stamps.

innerRadius : int, optional

Inner radius value, in pixels. This and outerRadius define the annulus used to compute the "annularFlux" values within each starStamp. Must be provided if normalize is True.

outerRadius : int, optional

Outer radius value, in pixels. This and innerRadius define the annulus used to compute the "annularFlux" values within each starStamp. Must be provided if normalize is True.

nb90Rots : int, optional

Number of 90 degree rotations required to compensate for detector orientation.

metadata : lsst.daf.base.PropertyList, optional

Metadata associated with the bright stars.

use_mask : bool

If True read and write mask data. Default True.

use_variance : bool

If True read and write variance data. Default False.

use_archive : bool

If True read and write an Archive that contains a Persistable associated with each stamp. In the case of bright stars, this is usually a TransformPoint2ToPoint2, used to warp each stamp to the same pixel grid before stacking.


Raised if one of the star stamps provided does not contain the required keys.


Raised if there is a mix-and-match of normalized and unnormalized stamps, stamps normalized with different annulus definitions, or if stamps are to be normalized but annular radii were not provided.


A butler can be used to read only a part of the stamps, specified by a bbox:

>>> starSubregions = butler.get("brightStarStamps", dataId, parameters={'bbox': bbox})

Attributes Summary


Methods Summary

append(item[, innerRadius, outerRadius]) Add an additional bright star stamp.
extend(bss) Extend BrightStarStamps instance by appending elements from another instance.
getAnnularFluxes() Retrieve normalization factors for each star.
getArchiveElements() Retrieve archive elements associated with each stamp.
getGaiaIds() Retrieve Gaia IDs for each star.
getMagnitudes() Retrieve Gaia G magnitudes for each star.
getMaskedImages() Retrieve star images.
index(value, [start, [stop]]) Raises ValueError if the value is not present.
initAndNormalize(starStamps, innerRadius, …) Normalize a set of bright star stamps and initialize a BrightStarStamps instance.
readFits(filename) Build an instance of this class from a file.
readFitsWithOptions(filename, options) Build an instance of this class with options.
selectByMag([magMin, magMax]) Return the subset of bright star stamps for objects with specified magnitude cuts (in Gaia G).
writeFits(filename) Write this object to a file.

Attributes Documentation


Methods Documentation

append(item, innerRadius=None, outerRadius=None)

Add an additional bright star stamp.

item : BrightStarStamp

Bright star stamp to append.

innerRadius : int, optional

Inner radius value, in pixels. This and outerRadius define the annulus used to compute the "annularFlux" values within each BrightStarStamp.

outerRadius : int, optional

Outer radius value, in pixels. This and innerRadius define the annulus used to compute the "annularFlux" values within each BrightStarStamp.

count(value) → integer -- return number of occurrences of value

Extend BrightStarStamps instance by appending elements from another instance.

bss : BrightStarStamps

Other instance to concatenate.


Retrieve normalization factors for each star.

These are computed by integrating the flux in annulus centered on the bright star, far enough from center to be beyond most severe ghosts and saturation. The inner and outer radii that define the annulus can be recovered from the metadata.

annularFluxes : list [float]

Retrieve archive elements associated with each stamp.

archiveElements :

list []


Retrieve Gaia IDs for each star.

gaiaIds : list [int]

Retrieve Gaia G magnitudes for each star.

gaiaGMags : list [float]

Retrieve star images.

maskedImages :

list [lsst.afw.image.maskedImage.maskedImage.MaskedImageF]

index(value[, start[, stop]]) → integer -- return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.

Supporting start and stop arguments is optional, but recommended.

classmethod initAndNormalize(starStamps, innerRadius, outerRadius, nb90Rots=None, metadata=None, use_mask=True, use_variance=False, use_archive=False, imCenter=None, discardNanFluxObjects=True, statsControl=<lsst.afw.math.StatisticsControl object>, statsFlag=<Property.MEAN: 4>, badMaskPlanes=('BAD', 'SAT', 'NO_DATA'))

Normalize a set of bright star stamps and initialize a BrightStarStamps instance.

Since the center of bright stars are saturated and/or heavily affected by ghosts, we measure their flux in an annulus with a large enough inner radius to avoid the most severe ghosts and contain enough non-saturated pixels.

starStamps : [BrightStarStamp]

Sequence of star stamps. Cannot contain both normalized and unnormalized stamps.

innerRadius : int

Inner radius value, in pixels. This and outerRadius define the annulus used to compute the "annularFlux" values within each starStamp.

outerRadius : int

Outer radius value, in pixels. This and innerRadius define the annulus used to compute the "annularFlux" values within each starStamp.

nb90Rots : int, optional

Number of 90 degree rotations required to compensate for detector orientation.

metadata : lsst.daf.base.PropertyList, optional

Metadata associated with the bright stars.

use_mask : bool

If True read and write mask data. Default True.

use_variance : bool

If True read and write variance data. Default False.

use_archive : bool

If True read and write an Archive that contains a Persistable associated with each stamp. In the case of bright stars, this is usually a TransformPoint2ToPoint2, used to warp each stamp to the same pixel grid before stacking.

imCenter :, optional

Center of the object, in pixels. If not provided, the center of the first stamp’s pixel grid will be used.

discardNanFluxObjects : bool

Whether objects with NaN annular flux should be discarded. If False, these objects will not be normalized.

statsControl : lsst.afw.math.statistics.StatisticsControl, optional

StatisticsControl to be used when computing flux over all pixels within the annulus.

statsFlag : lsst.afw.math.statistics.Property, optional

statsFlag to be passed on to afwMath.makeStatistics to compute annularFlux. Defaults to a simple MEAN.

badMaskPlanes : [str]

Collection of mask planes to ignore when computing annularFlux.


Raised if one of the star stamps provided does not contain the required keys.


Raised if there is a mix-and-match of normalized and unnormalized stamps, stamps normalized with different annulus definitions, or if stamps are to be normalized but annular radii were not provided.

classmethod readFits(filename)

Build an instance of this class from a file.

filename : str

Name of the file to read

classmethod readFitsWithOptions(filename, options)

Build an instance of this class with options.

filename : str

Name of the file to read

options : PropertyList

Collection of metadata parameters

selectByMag(magMin=None, magMax=None)

Return the subset of bright star stamps for objects with specified magnitude cuts (in Gaia G).

magMin : float, optional

Keep only stars fainter than this value.

magMax : float, optional

Keep only stars brighter than this value.


Write this object to a file.

filename : str

Name of file to write