
lsst.meas.deblender.buildSymmetricTemplates(debResult, log, patchEdges=False, setOrigTemplate=True)

Build a symmetric template for each peak in each filter

Given maskedImageF, footprint, and a DebldendedPeak, creates a symmetric template (templateImage and templateFootprint) around the peak for all peaks not flagged as skip or deblendedAsPsf.

debResult: `lsst.meas.deblender.baseline.DeblenderResult`

Container for the final deblender results.

log: `log.Log`

LSST logger for logging purposes.

patchEdges: `bool`, optional

If True and if the parent Footprint touches pixels with the EDGE bit set, then grow the parent Footprint to include all symmetric templates.

modified: `bool`

If any peaks are not skipped or marked as point sources, modified is True. Otherwise ``modified is False.