
lsst.meas.deblender.reconstructTemplates(debResult, log, maxTempDotProd=0.5)

Remove “degenerate templates”

If galaxies have substructure, such as face-on spirals, the process of identifying peaks can “shred” the galaxy into many pieces. The templates of shredded galaxies are typically quite similar because they represent the same galaxy, so we try to identify these “degenerate” peaks by looking at the inner product (in pixel space) of pairs of templates. If they are nearly parallel, we only keep one of the peaks and reject the other. If only one of the peaks is a PSF template, the other template is used, otherwise the one with the maximum template value is kept.

debResult: `lsst.meas.deblender.baseline.DeblenderResult`

Container for the final deblender results.

log: `log.Log`

LSST logger for logging purposes.

maxTempDotProd: `float`, optional

All dot products between templates greater than maxTempDotProd will result in one of the templates removed.

modified: `bool`

If any degenerate templates are found, modified is True.