

lsst.afw.display is developed at You can find Jira issues for this module under the afw component.

Python API reference

lsst.afw.display Package

Application Framework code to display images.


computeIntensity(imageR[, imageG, imageB]) Return a naive total intensity from the red, blue, and green intensities
delAllDisplays() Delete and close all known displays
displayRGB(rgb[, show]) Display an rgb image using matplotlib
getDefaultFrame() Get the default frame for display
getDisplay([frame, backend, create, verbose]) Return a specific Display, creating it if need be
getZScale(*args, **kwargs) Overloaded function.
h_callback(k, x, y)
incrDefaultFrame() Increment the default frame for display
makeRGB(imageR[, imageG, imageB, minimum, …]) Make a set of three images into an RGB image using an asinh stretch and optionally write it to disk
noop_callback(k, x, y) Callback function
replaceSaturatedPixels(rim, gim, bim, …)
setDefaultMaskPlaneColor([name, color]) Set the default mapping from mask plane names to colors
writeFitsImage(*args, **kwargs) Overloaded function.
writeRGB(fileName, rgbImage) Write an RGB image to disk


AsinhMapping(minimum, dataRange[, Q]) A mapping for an asinh stretch (preserving colours independent of brightness)
AsinhZScaleMapping(image[, Q, pedestal]) A mapping for an asinh stretch, estimating the linear stretch by zscale
Display([frame, backend]) Create an object able to display images and overplot glyphs
Event(k[, x, y]) A class to handle events such as key presses in image display windows
LinearMapping([minimum, maximum, image]) A linear map of red, blue, green intensities into uint8 values
Mapping([minimum, image]) Base class to map red, blue, green intensities into uint8 values
Mosaic([gutter, background, mode]) A class to handle mosaics of one or more identically-sized images (or Mask or MaskedImage)
ZScaleMapping(image[, nSamples, contrast]) A mapping for a linear stretch chosen by the zscale algorithm (preserving colours independent of brightness)