Using lsst.cp.pipe¶
is developed at
You can find Jira issues for this module under the cp_pipe component.
Task reference¶
Pipeline tasks¶
- BrighterFatterKernelSolveTask
- Measure appropriate Brighter-Fatter Kernel from the PTC dataset.
- CalibCombineByFilterTask
- Task to combine calib exposures.
- CalibCombineTask
- Task to combine calib exposures.
- CpDarkTask
- Combine pre-processed dark frames into a proposed master calibration.
- CpFlatMeasureTask
- Apply extra masking and measure image statistics.
- CpFlatNormalizationTask
- Rescale merged flat frames to remove unequal screen illumination.
- CpFringeTask
- Combine pre-processed fringe frames into a proposed master calibration.
- CpSkyCombineTask
- Merge per-exposure measurements into a detector level calibration.
- CpSkyImageTask
- Mask the detections on the postISRCCD.
- CpSkyScaleMeasureTask
- Measure per-exposure scale factors and merge focal plane backgrounds.
- CpSkySubtractBackgroundTask
- Subtract per-exposure background from individual detector masked images.
- CrosstalkExtractTask
- Task to measure pixel ratios to find crosstalk.
- CrosstalkSolveTask
- Task to solve crosstalk from pixel ratios.
- LinearitySolveTask
- Fit the linearity from the PTC dataset.
- MeasureDefectsTask
- Measure the defects from one exposure.
- MergeDefectsTask
- Merge the defects from multiple exposures.
- PhotonTransferCurveExtractTask
- Task to measure covariances from flat fields.
- PhotonTransferCurveSolveTask
- Task to fit the PTC from flat covariances.
Command-line tasks¶
- FindDefectsTask
- Task for finding defects in sensors.
- MeasureCrosstalkTask
- Measure intra-detector crosstalk.
- MeasureLinearityTask
- Stand alone Gen2 linearity measurement.
- MeasurePhotonTransferCurveTask
- A class to calculate, fit, and plot a PTC from a set of flat pairs.
- CalibStatsTask
- Measure statistics on the background
Script reference¶
Python API reference¶
lsst.cp.pipe Package¶
vignetteExposure (exposure[, polygon, …]) |
Apply vignetted polygon to image pixels. |
BrighterFatterKernelSolveConfig |
BrighterFatterKernelSolveTask (*[, config, …]) |
Measure appropriate Brighter-Fatter Kernel from the PTC dataset. |
CalibCombineByFilterConfig |
CalibCombineByFilterConnections (*[, config]) |
CalibCombineByFilterTask (**kwargs) |
Task to combine calib exposures. |
CalibCombineConfig |
Configuration for combining calib exposures. |
CalibCombineConnections (*[, config]) |
CalibCombineTask (**kwargs) |
Task to combine calib exposures. |
CalibStatsConfig |
Parameters controlling the measurement of background statistics. |
CalibStatsTask ([config, name, parentTask, log]) |
Measure statistics on the background |
CpSkyCombineConfig |
CpSkyCombineTask (**kwargs) |
Merge per-exposure measurements into a detector level calibration. |
CpSkyImageConfig |
CpSkyImageTask (**kwargs) |
Mask the detections on the postISRCCD. |
CpSkyScaleMeasureConfig |
CpSkyScaleMeasureTask (*[, config, log, …]) |
Measure per-exposure scale factors and merge focal plane backgrounds. |
CpSkySubtractBackgroundConfig |
CpSkySubtractBackgroundTask (**kwargs) |
Subtract per-exposure background from individual detector masked images. |
CrosstalkExtractConfig |
Configuration for the measurement of pixel ratios. |
CrosstalkExtractTask (*[, config, log, …]) |
Task to measure pixel ratios to find crosstalk. |
CrosstalkSolveConfig |
Configuration for the solving of crosstalk from pixel ratios. |
CrosstalkSolveTask (*[, config, log, initInputs]) |
Task to solve crosstalk from pixel ratios. |
FindDefectsTask (**kwargs) |
Task for finding defects in sensors. |
FindDefectsTaskConfig |
LinearitySolveConfig |
Configuration for solving the linearity from PTC dataset. |
LinearitySolveTask (*[, config, log, initInputs]) |
Fit the linearity from the PTC dataset. |
MeasureCrosstalkConfig |
MeasureCrosstalkTask (**kwargs) |
Measure intra-detector crosstalk. |
MeasureDefectsTask (*[, config, log, initInputs]) |
Measure the defects from one exposure. |
MeasureDefectsTaskConfig |
Configuration for measuring defects from a list of exposures |
MeasureLinearityTask (**kwargs) |
Stand alone Gen2 linearity measurement. |
MeasurePhotonTransferCurveTask (*args, **kwargs) |
A class to calculate, fit, and plot a PTC from a set of flat pairs. |
MeasurePhotonTransferCurveTaskConfig |
MergeDefectsTask (*[, config, log, initInputs]) |
Merge the defects from multiple exposures. |
MergeDefectsTaskConfig |
Configuration for merging single exposure defects. |
PhotonTransferCurveExtractConfig |
Configuration for the measurement of covariances from flats. |
PhotonTransferCurveExtractTask (*[, config, …]) |
Task to measure covariances from flat fields. |
PhotonTransferCurveSolveConfig |
Configuration for fitting measured covariances. |
PhotonTransferCurveSolveTask (*[, config, …]) |
Task to fit the PTC from flat covariances. |
PlotPhotonTransferCurveTask (datasetFilename) |
A class to plot the dataset from MeasurePhotonTransferCurveTask. |
lsst.cp.pipe.cpFlatNormTask Module¶
CpFlatMeasureTask (*[, config, log, initInputs]) |
Apply extra masking and measure image statistics. |
CpFlatMeasureTaskConfig |
CpFlatNormalizationTask (*[, config, log, …]) |
Rescale merged flat frames to remove unequal screen illumination. |
CpFlatNormalizationTaskConfig |
lsst.cp.pipe.cpDarkTask Module¶
CpDarkTask (**kwargs) |
Combine pre-processed dark frames into a proposed master calibration. |
CpDarkTaskConfig |
lsst.cp.pipe.cpFringeTask Module¶
CpFringeTask (**kwargs) |
Combine pre-processed fringe frames into a proposed master calibration. |
CpFringeTaskConfig |
lsst.cp.pipe.utils Module¶
parseCmdlineNumberString (inputString) |
Parse command line numerical expression sytax and return as list of int |
countMaskedPixels (maskedIm, maskPlane) |
Count the number of pixels in a given mask plane. |
checkExpLengthEqual (exp1, exp2[, v1, v2, …]) |
Check the exposure lengths of two exposures are equal. |
ddict2dict (d) |
Convert nested default dictionaries to regular dictionaries. |
PairedVisitListTaskRunner (TaskClass, parsedCmd) |
Subclass of TaskRunner for handling intrinsically paired visits. |
SingleVisitListTaskRunner (TaskClass, parsedCmd) |
Subclass of TaskRunner for tasks requiring a list of visits per dataRef. |
NonexistentDatasetTaskDataIdContainer ([level]) |
A DataIdContainer for the tasks for which the output does not yet exist. |