averageDecFromCat (cat) |
Compute the average declination from a catalog of measurements. |
averageRaDec (ra, dec) |
Calculate average RA, Dec from input lists using spherical geometry. |
averageRaDecFromCat (cat) |
Calculate the average right ascension and declination from a catalog. |
averageRaFromCat (cat) |
Compute the average right ascension from a catalog of measurements. |
constructDataIds (filters, visits, ccds[, …]) |
Returns a list of dataIds consisting of every combination of visit & ccd for each filter. |
constructRunList (visits, ccds[, ccdKeyName]) |
Construct a comprehensive runList for processCcd.py. |
discoverDataIds (repo, **kwargs) |
Retrieve a list of all dataIds in a repo. |
ellipticity (i_xx, i_xy, i_yy) |
Calculate ellipticity from second moments. |
ellipticity_from_cat (cat[, slot_shape]) |
Calculate the ellipticity of the Shapes in a catalog from the 2nd moments. |
ellipticity_from_shape (shape) |
Calculate the ellipticty of shape from its moments. |
getCcdKeyName (dataId) |
Return the key in a dataId that’s referring to the CCD or moral equivalent. |
loadDataIdsAndParameters (configFile) |
Load data IDs, magnitude range, and expected metrics from a yaml file. |
loadParameters (configFile) |
Load configuration parameters from a yaml file. |
loadRunList (configFile) |
Load run list from a YAML file. |
medianEllipticity1ResidualsFromCat (cat) |
Compute the median real ellipticty residuals from a catalog of measurements. |
medianEllipticity2ResidualsFromCat (cat) |
Compute the median imaginary ellipticty residuals from a catalog of measurements. |
medianEllipticityResidualsFromCat (cat) |
Compute the median ellipticty residuals from a catalog of measurements. |
positionRms (ra_mean, dec_mean, ra, dec) |
Calculate the RMS between an array of coordinates and a reference (mean) position. |
positionRmsFromCat (cat) |
Calculate the RMS for RA, Dec for a set of observations an object. |
raftSensorToInt (visitId) |
Construct an int that encodes raft, sensor coordinates. |
repoNameToPrefix (repo) |
Generate a base prefix for plots based on the repo name. |
sphDist (ra_mean, dec_mean, ra, dec) |
Calculate distance on the surface of a unit sphere. |