
ConsolidateVisitSummaryTask combines the non-trivial metadata, including the wcs, detector id, psf size and shape, filter, and bounding box corners into one per-visit exposure catalog (dataset visitSummary).

ConsolidateVisitSummaryTask is available as a command-line task,

Processing summary

ConsolidateVisitSummaryTask reads in detector-level processed exposure metadata tables (dataset calexp) for a given visit, combines these data into an exposure catalog, and writes the result out as a visit-level summary catalog (dataset visitSummary). The metadata from each exposure/detector includes:

  • The visitInfo.

  • The wcs.

  • The photoCalib.

  • The physical_filter and band (if available).

  • The psf size, shape, and effective area at the center of the detector.

  • The corners of the bounding box in right ascension/declination.

Other quantities such as detector, PSF, aperture correction map, and transmission curve are not persisted because of storage concerns, and because of their limited utility as summary statistics. command-line interface REPOPATH [@file [@file2 ...]] [--output OUTPUTREPO | --rerun RERUN] [--id] [other options]

Key arguments:


The input Butler repository’s URI or file path.

Key options:


The data IDs to process.

See also

See Command-line task argument reference for details and additional options.

Python API summary

from lsst.pipe.tasks.postprocess import ConsolidateVisitSummaryTask
classConsolidateVisitSummaryTask(*, config=None, log=None, initInputs=None, **kwargs)

Task to consolidate per-detector visit metadata...


Access configuration fields and retargetable subtasks.


Run task algorithm on in-memory data...



See also

See the ConsolidateVisitSummaryTask API reference for complete details.

Butler datasets

When run as the command-line task, or directly through the runDataRef method, ConsolidateVisitSummaryTask obtains datasets from the input Butler data repository and persists outputs to the output Butler data repository.

Input datasets


Per-detector, processed exposures with metadata (wcs, psf, etc.)

Output datasets


Per-visit summary catalog of ccd/visit metadata.


The following command shows an example of how to run the task on an example HSC repository. /datasets/hsc/repo --rerun <rerun name> --id visit=30504