Tickets Addressed in Release 24.1.3¶
DM-36718: Multi shapelet convolution test is very sensitive [shapelet]
Tickets Addressed in Release 24.1.2¶
DM-30947: Reimplement C++ HSM moment measurement algorithms in Python [meas_extensions_shapeHSM]
DM-41489: Reimplement C++ HSM shear measurement algorithms in Python [meas_extensions_shapeHSM]
DM-41648: Write a plugin to output PSF higher order moments in meas catalogs [meas_extensions_shapeHSM]
DM-41908: Speed up HSM plugins in Python [meas_extensions_shapeHSM]
DM-41994: Speed up galsim interface with meas_extensions_shapeHSM [meas_extensions_shapeHSM]
DM-42170: Add unit test to verify shapeHSM shear measurements against GalSim’s Python layer outputs [meas_extensions_shapeHSM]
Tickets Addressed in Release 24.1.1¶
DM-30535: Create docs page for ScarletDeblendTask [afw, meas_extensions_scarlet]
DM-40186: Investigate PDR2 detection errors: 983 instances of exited early Insufficient good sky source flux measurements for dynamic threshold calculation [meas_algorithms]
DM-40451: Adapt scarlet to conditionally skip bands with partial coverage [afw, meas_extensions_scarlet, pipe_tasks, sdm_schemas]
DM-40456: sphgeom is failing a test on macOS Ventura (13) on x86 [sphgeom]
DM-40463: gaap is failing a test on macOS Ventura [meas_extensions_gaap]
DM-40781: RC2 tract 9813 psf weighted mean map has nans [pipe_tasks]
DM-40921: DM-40451 breaks ci_imsim [meas_extensions_scarlet, sdm_schemas]
DM-40957: Investigate failed blends in RC2 subset after DM-40451 [meas_extensions_scarlet]
DM-41008: Fix long runtime in forcedPhotCcd with no data footprints [meas_extensions_scarlet, pipe_tasks]
Tickets Addressed in Release 24.1.0¶
DM-16724: Dynamic detection failure due to lack of sky-object measurements is too quiet [meas_algorithms]
DM-23781: Improve Sky Object Placement [meas_algorithms]
DM-34959: Replace read_gpickle and write_gpickle in GenericWorkflow [ctrl_bps]
DM-35207: Use final PSF models to determine inputs to coaddition [analysis_drp, ap_pipe, drp_pipe, meas_base, obs_lsst, pipe_tasks, pipelines_check]
DM-36998: Remove large objects from Piff results by default [meas_extensions_piff]
DM-37249: Make butler registry compatible with transaction-level connection pooling [daf_butler]
DM-37257: If brightObjectMask is unavailable proceed making Coadd without [pipe_tasks]
DM-37411: Add visit-level PSF model robustness metrics [afw, meas_deblender, pipe_tasks, sdm_schemas]
DM-37412: Refactor ComputeExposureSummaryStats to allow fine-grained updates [afw, pipe_tasks]
DM-37559: DM-35207 broke ap_verify [ap_pipe]
DM-37786: updateVisitSummary failure in some HSC-RC2 visits with w_2023_03 [drp_pipe, pipe_base, pipe_tasks]
DM-37954: Backport bps_usdf.yaml to v24.0.0 [ctrl_bps_panda]
DM-38065: Make release notes for middleware v25 [ctrl_bps, ctrl_bps_panda]
DM-38307: Allow output collection to not be specified [ctrl_bps, ctrl_bps_panda]
DM-38808: Proper motion correction is wrong for negative epoch shift in ReferenceObjectLoader [jointcal, meas_algorithms]
DM-39101: Implement a maximum aperture radius for Kron aperture calculations [meas_extensions_photometryKron]
DM-39342: v24 DRP-Prod.yaml: Ensure FGCM configs handle HSC-I2/R2 and add version w/ DIA pipeline [drp_pipe]
DM-39482: Correct HSC NB1010 colorterm filtername [ap_pipe, fgcmcal, obs_subaru]