The lsst.meas.algorithms
module provides a variety of astronomical measurement algorithms.
LSST Reference Catalogs¶
Task reference¶
- BasePsfDeterminerTask
Base class for PSF determiners
- ConvertReferenceCatalogTask
Class for producing HTM-indexed reference catalogs from external catalog data.
- DynamicDetectionTask
Detection of sources on an image with a dynamic threshold
- FlaggedSourceSelectorTask
A trivial SourceSelector that simply uses an existing flag field to filter a SourceCatalog.
- InstallGaussianPsfTask
Install a Gaussian PSF model in an exposure.
- LoadIndexedReferenceObjectsTask
Load reference objects from an indexed catalog ingested by IngestIndexReferenceTask.
- LoadReferenceObjectsTask
Abstract gen2 base class to load objects from reference catalogs.
- MakePsfCandidatesTask
Create PSF candidates given an input catalog.
- MatcherSourceSelectorTask
Select sources that are useful for matching.
- MeasureApCorrTask
Task to measure aperture correction
- ObjectSizeStarSelectorTask
A star selector that looks for a cluster of small objects in a size-magnitude plot.
- PcaPsfDeterminerTask
A measurePsfTask psf estimator.
- ReadFitsCatalogTask
Read an object catalog from a FITS table
- ReadTextCatalogTask
Read an object catalog from a text file
- ReferenceSourceSelectorTask
Reference source selector
- ReserveSourcesTask
Reserve sources from analysis
- ScienceSourceSelectorTask
Science source selector
- SkyObjectsTask
Generate a list of Footprints of sky objects.
- SourceDetectionTask
Create the detection task. Most arguments are simply passed onto pipe.base.Task.
- SubtractBackgroundTask
Subtract the background from an exposure
Command-line tasks¶
No topics.
Script reference¶
is developed at
You can find Jira issues for this module under the meas_algorithms component.
Python API reference¶
lsst.meas.algorithms Package¶
Add a set of exposures together. |
Overloaded function. |
Generate a list of Footprints of sky objects |
Get the name of a flux field from a schema. |
Return keys for flux and flux error. |
Construct an ApCorrMap for a coadd |
Read stamps from FITS file, allowing for only a subregion of the stamps to be read. |
Write a single FITS file containing all stamps. |
Stack masked images. |
Subclass of |
Select sources that are useful for astrometry. |
Configuration that is likely to be shared by all PSF determiners |
Base class for PSF determiners |
Base class for source selectors |
Base class for star selectors |
Single stamp centered on a bright star, normalized by its annularFlux. |
Collection of bright star stamps and associated metadata. |
Select sources using a color limit |
Special-case convert manager to deal with Gaia fluxes. |
Convert a reference catalog from external files into the LSST HTM sharded format, using a multiprocessing Pool to speed up the work. |
Base class for producing and loading indexed reference catalogs, shared between gen2 and gen3. |
Class for producing HTM-indexed reference catalogs from external catalog data. |
An abstract class to represent an arbitrary curve with interpolation. |
The description of the on-disk storage format for the persisted reference catalog. |
Subclass of |
Configuration for DynamicDetectionTask |
Detection of sources on an image with a dynamic threshold |
Config for the findCosmicRays function |
A trivial SourceSelector that simply uses an existing flag field to filter a SourceCatalog. |
Factory for simple Gaussian PSF models |
For gen2 backwards compatibility. |
Class for producing and loading indexed reference catalogs (gen2 version). |
Load reference objects from an indexed catalog ingested by IngestIndexReferenceTask. |
Abstract gen2 base class to load objects from reference catalogs. |
Select sources using a magnitude error limit |
Select sources using a magnitude limit |
Create PSF candidates given an input catalog. |
Select sources that are useful for matching. |
Configuration for MeasureApCorrTask |
Task to measure aperture correction |
A star selector that looks for a cluster of small objects in a size-magnitude plot. |
A measurePsfTask psf estimator. |
Read an object catalog from a FITS table |
Read an object catalog from a text file |
This class facilitates loading reference catalogs with gen 3 middleware. |
Base class for reference object loaders, to facilitate gen2/gen3 code sharing. |
Reference source selector |
Select sources using flags |
Select sources using star/galaxy separation |
Configuration for reserving sources |
Reserve sources from analysis |
Scale the variance in a MaskedImage |
Configuration for selecting science sources |
Science source selector |
Select sources using a flux signal-to-noise limit |
Configuration for generating sky objects |
Generate a list of Footprints of sky objects. |
Configuration parameters for the SourceDetectionTask |
Create the detection task. |
Single stamp |
Collection of stamps and associated metadata. |
Config for SubtractBackgroundTask |
Subtract the background from an exposure |